-Barley Genetic Resources Database-
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Clone Information

BLAST Search Result

Clone Name rbasd24g12
Clone Library Name barley_pub

No. Definition Score
1ref|XM_479006.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 238 1e-59
2ref|XM_506443.1| PREDICTED Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group... 238 1e-59
3dbj|AK062134.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 238 1e-59
4gb|AF094773.1|AF094773 Oryza sativa translation initiation facto... 238 1e-59
5dbj|AK103429.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 230 3e-57
6gb|BT016590.1| Zea mays clone Contig423 mRNA sequence 147 4e-32
7gb|BT018311.1| Zea mays clone EL01T0207A06.c mRNA sequence 147 4e-32
8gb|BT017712.1| Zea mays clone EL01N0446G03.c mRNA sequence 147 4e-32
9emb|Y07920.1|ZMTRINF5A Z.mays mRNA for translation initiation fa... 147 4e-32
10gb|AY103556.1| Zea mays PCO150862 mRNA sequence 147 4e-32
11gb|AF034943.1|AF034943 Zea mays translation initiation factor 5A... 139 9e-30
12gb|DQ345329.1| Rosa chinensis eukaryotic translation initiation ... 135 1e-28
13emb|AJ843977.1| Plantago major mRNA for eukaryotic translation i... 129 8e-27
14dbj|AP008213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 115 1e-22
15dbj|AP004303.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 115 1e-22
16gb|AF296086.1|AF296086 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic transl... 113 5e-22
17ref|NM_186716.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 109 8e-21
18emb|AJ238624.1|SVE238624 Senecio vernalis mRNA for translation i... 107 3e-20
19gb|DQ234392.1| Thinopyrum intermedium translation initiation fac... 105 1e-19
20gb|AF516357.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 105 1e-19
21gb|AF266464.1|AF266464 Manihot esculenta translation initiation ... 105 1e-19
22gb|AF323604.1|AF323604 Manihot esculenta initiation factor eIF5-... 105 1e-19
23gb|DQ234391.1| Secale cereale translation initiation factor 5A m... 101 2e-18
24gb|AY484392.1| Capsicum annuum eukaryotic initiation factor 5A2 ... 101 2e-18
25gb|AY488173.1| Capsicum annuum M1C3b mRNA, partial sequence 101 2e-18
26gb|AY484391.1| Capsicum annuum mary storys protein mRNA, complet... 101 2e-18
27gb|DQ407749.1| Gymnadenia conopsea eukaryotic translation initia... 101 2e-18
28gb|DQ167203.2| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiati... 101 2e-18
29ref|NM_105608.2| Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation fac... 98 3e-17
30gb|AY060530.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g69410/F10D13.8 mRNA, com... 98 3e-17
31gb|AF372933.1|AF372933 Arabidopsis thaliana At1g69410/F10D13.8 m... 98 3e-17
32emb|BX818518.1|CNS0AE6E Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 98 3e-17
33gb|AY087040.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 30884 mRNA, complete s... 98 3e-17
34dbj|AB004827.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation... 98 3e-17
35dbj|AB004823.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation... 98 3e-17
36gb|DQ234394.1| Secale sylvestre translation initiation factor 5A... 94 5e-16
37gb|DQ234393.1| Aegilops tauschii translation initiation factor 5... 94 5e-16
38gb|DQ234390.1| Dasypyrum breviaristatum translation initiation f... 94 5e-16
39gb|AF516352.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 94 5e-16
40gb|AF516351.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 94 5e-16
41gb|AF516350.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 94 5e-16
42ref|XM_469841.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 90 7e-15
43ref|NM_194115.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 90 7e-15
44emb|AJ312906.1|OSA312906 Oryza sativa mRNA for translation initi... 90 7e-15
45emb|AJ252135.1|OSA252135 Oryza sativa mRNA for translation initi... 90 7e-15
46dbj|AK121592.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 90 7e-15
47dbj|AK060387.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 90 7e-15
48dbj|AK058206.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 90 7e-15
49gb|AF516358.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 88 3e-14
50dbj|AP004275.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 86 1e-13
51emb|X63542.1|NPNEIF5A2 N.plumbaginifolia mRNA NeIF-5A2 for initi... 84 4e-13
52emb|X63541.1|NPNEIF5A1 N.plumbaginifolia mRNA NeIF-5A1 for initi... 82 2e-12
53gb|AF416338.1|AF416338 Medicago sativa eukaryotic translation in... 82 2e-12
54dbj|AK061867.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 78 3e-11
55dbj|AK099039.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 78 3e-11
56gb|DQ083198.1| Oryza sativa (indica cultivar-group) clone 5S10E1... 76 1e-10
57gb|AF516354.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 74 4e-10
58gb|AF516353.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 74 4e-10
59emb|AJ608752.1| Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cDNA-AFLP fragment, cl... 74 4e-10
60emb|BX816465.1|CNS0ABU4 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 74 4e-10
61emb|BX817162.1|CNS0ABMR Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 74 4e-10
62gb|AC073178.9|AC073178 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 BAC F10... 74 4e-10
63gb|AC018364.5|AC018364 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 BAC F23... 74 4e-10
64gb|AF225297.1|AF225297 Euphorbia esula translation initiation fa... 74 4e-10
65emb|X59441.1|MSEIF4DMR M.sativa mRNA for eIF-4D 72 2e-09
66gb|AY389707.1| Hyacinthus orientalis eukaryotic translation init... 70 7e-09
67gb|AF296085.1|AF296085 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic transl... 70 7e-09
68ref|NM_101261.1| Arabidopsis thaliana EIF-5A; translation initia... 64 4e-07
69gb|AY117272.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5... 64 4e-07
70gb|AY063780.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5... 64 4e-07
71gb|AF296082.1|AF296082 Arabidopsis thaliana eukaryotic translati... 64 4e-07
72emb|BX817272.1|CNS0AAJ3 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 64 4e-07
73gb|AY961930.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 62 2e-06
74gb|AY961928.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 62 2e-06
75dbj|AP008218.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 62 2e-06
76emb|BX814148.1|CNS0AEAE Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 62 2e-06
77gb|DP000011.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 62 2e-06
78emb|AL731759.2|CNS07YPA Oryza sativa chromosome 12, . BAC OSJNBa... 62 2e-06
79gb|DQ207846.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 073A09 eukaryotic initiat... 60 6e-06
80gb|AY587771.1| Tamarix androssowii translation initiation factor... 60 6e-06
81gb|DP000009.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3 60 6e-06
82gb|AF516356.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiat... 60 6e-06
83gb|AC079887.17| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosom... 60 6e-06
84gb|AC084282.6| Oryza sativa chromosome 3 BAC OSJNBb0048A17 genom... 60 6e-06
85gb|AF296083.1|AF296083 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic transl... 60 6e-06
86dbj|AP008209.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 60 6e-06
87dbj|AB004824.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation... 60 6e-06
88gb|DQ228346.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 148H01 eukaryotic initiat... 58 3e-05
89gb|DQ222495.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 103C10 eukaryotic initiat... 58 3e-05
90gb|AY961927.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 58 3e-05
91gb|DQ279897.1| Secale cereale translation initiation factor gene... 58 3e-05
92dbj|AB004825.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation... 58 3e-05
93gb|AY961929.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 56 1e-04
94gb|DQ279898.1| Psathyrostachys juncea translation initiation fac... 56 1e-04
95ref|NM_102425.2| Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation fac... 54 4e-04
96gb|AF492850.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5... 54 4e-04
97gb|AY055789.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g26630/T24P13_1 mRNA, com... 54 4e-04
98gb|AY039588.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g26630/T24P13_1 mRNA, com... 54 4e-04
99gb|AF296084.1|AF296084 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic transl... 54 4e-04
100gb|AY084827.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 118823 mRNA, complete ... 54 4e-04
101gb|DQ200358.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 053D09 eukaryotic initiat... 52 0.002
102gb|AC007576.3| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome I BAC F7A19 genom... 52 0.002
103gb|AC068197.4|AC068197 Genomic sequence for Arabidopsis thaliana... 52 0.002
104gb|DQ167202.1| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiati... 50 0.006
105gb|DQ167201.1| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiati... 50 0.006
106gb|DQ414518.1| Dasypyrum breviaristatum eukaryotic translation i... 50 0.006
107dbj|AP003874.5| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 50 0.006
108dbj|AP005244.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 50 0.006
109gb|DQ279900.1| Haynaldia villosa translation initiation factor g... 50 0.006
110gb|DQ279896.1| Aegilops tauschii translation initiation factor g... 50 0.006
111gb|DQ279895.1| Eremopyrum bonaepartis translation initiation fac... 50 0.006
112gb|DQ279894.1| Lophopyrum elongatum translation initiation facto... 50 0.006
113gb|DQ279893.1| Pseudoroegneria spicata translation initiation fa... 50 0.006
114dbj|AB004826.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation... 50 0.006
115dbj|AP004534.1| Lotus japonicus genomic DNA, chromosome 4, clone... 46 0.097
116gb|AY961931.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 44 0.38
117ref|XM_848899.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to Tumor ne... 44 0.38
118gb|AY961932.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation fac... 42 1.5
119gb|AC163350.4| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-186B12 from chromosom... 42 1.5
120emb|X63543.1|NTNEIF5A3 N.tabacum NeIF-5A3 gene for initiation fa... 42 1.5
121gb|AC104361.3| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP11-950A3, com... 42 1.5
122gb|AC073172.5| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP11-531H8, com... 42 1.5
123gb|AC068135.5| Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-764E7 from 2, complet... 42 1.5
124emb|AJ422210.2|PVI422210 Plasmodium vivax eIF-5A gene for eukary... 42 1.5
125gb|AC103551.7| Oryza sativa chromosome 3 BAC OSJNBb0058G04 genom... 40 6.0
126gb|AC122160.21| Medicago truncatula clone mth2-23d6, complete se... 40 6.0
127gb|AC152068.17| Medicago truncatula clone mth2-29p8, complete se... 40 6.0
128emb|BX814371.1|CNS0ABYU Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 6.0
129gb|AC005904.19| Homo sapiens 12 PAC RP4-751H1 (Roswell Park Canc... 40 6.0
130gb|AC006560.8| Homo sapiens 12 BAC RPCI11-792F18 (Roswell Park C... 40 6.0
131gb|AC078962.30| Homo sapiens 12 BAC RP11-338E21 (Roswell Park Ca... 40 6.0
132gb|AC155286.8| Mus musculus 10 BAC RP23-213N17 (Roswell Park Can... 40 6.0
133dbj|AK105057.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 6.0
134dbj|AK100539.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 6.0
135dbj|AK099666.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 6.0
136emb|AL929563.15| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP23-68O14 on chr... 40 6.0

>ref|XM_479006.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 934

 Score =  238 bits (120), Expect = 1e-59
 Identities = 253/299 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 146 gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
           |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 588 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 529

Query: 206 acatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcagga 265
           ||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 528 acatgacagtcacaacaagatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgatctgacccagga 469

Query: 266 tagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggc 325
            |   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 468 gactgtcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggc 409

Query: 326 tcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggca 385
           |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |
Sbjct: 408 tcacgaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtggaa 349

Query: 386 catngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
           |||  ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 348 catcacagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 290

to top

>ref|XM_506443.1| PREDICTED Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), P0453E05.118 mRNA
          Length = 996

 Score =  238 bits (120), Expect = 1e-59
 Identities = 253/299 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 146 gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
           |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 591 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 532

Query: 206 acatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcagga 265
           ||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 531 acatgacagtcacaacaagatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgatctgacccagga 472

Query: 266 tagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggc 325
            |   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 471 gactgtcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggc 412

Query: 326 tcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggca 385
           |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |
Sbjct: 411 tcacgaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtggaa 352

Query: 386 catngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
           |||  ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 351 catcacagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 293

to top

>dbj|AK062134.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-045-E11, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 934

 Score =  238 bits (120), Expect = 1e-59
 Identities = 253/299 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 146 gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
           |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 588 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 529

Query: 206 acatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcagga 265
           ||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 528 acatgacagtcacaacaagatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgatctgacccagga 469

Query: 266 tagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggc 325
            |   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 468 gactgtcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggc 409

Query: 326 tcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggca 385
           |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |
Sbjct: 408 tcacgaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtggaa 349

Query: 386 catngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
           |||  ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 348 catcacagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 290

to top

>gb|AF094773.1|AF094773 Oryza sativa translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 822

 Score =  238 bits (120), Expect = 1e-59
 Identities = 253/299 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 146 gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
           |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 584 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 525

Query: 206 acatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcagga 265
           ||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 524 acatgacagtcacaacaagatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgatctgacccagga 465

Query: 266 tagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggc 325
            |   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 464 gactgtcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggc 405

Query: 326 tcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggca 385
           |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |
Sbjct: 404 tcacgaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtggaa 345

Query: 386 catngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
           |||  ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 344 catcacagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 286

to top

>dbj|AK103429.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J033128M07, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 996

 Score =  230 bits (116), Expect = 3e-57
 Identities = 252/299 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 146 gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
           |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 591 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 532

Query: 206 acatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcagga 265
           ||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  || || |||   |||||
Sbjct: 531 acatgacagtcacaacaagatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtctcgatctgacccagga 472

Query: 266 tagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggc 325
            |   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 471 gactgtcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggc 412

Query: 326 tcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggca 385
           |||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |
Sbjct: 411 tcacgaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtggaa 352

Query: 386 catngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
           |||  ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 351 catcacagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 293

to top

>gb|BT016590.1| Zea mays clone Contig423 mRNA sequence
          Length = 945

 Score =  147 bits (74), Expect = 4e-32
 Identities = 145/170 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 537 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 478

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||  |||||||| | ||  
Sbjct: 477 aatccatcctctgatatatcaatcagctggtactcagtacggttcacatgtggaatatca 418

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| || ||| ||||||| || || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 417 cagttgtgtgacgaaggaacaatatcttcgagctttttcccgttgaatat 368

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.097
 Identities = 58/70 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 148 ggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgac 207
           ||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 660 ggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatagcagac 601

Query: 208 atgacagtca 217
Sbjct: 600 tggacagtca 591

to top

>gb|BT018311.1| Zea mays clone EL01T0207A06.c mRNA sequence
          Length = 775

 Score =  147 bits (74), Expect = 4e-32
 Identities = 145/170 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 411 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagggttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 352

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||||| || |  |  
Sbjct: 351 aatccatcctcagaaatatcaatcagctgatactcagtacggttcacatgcggaatgtca 292

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| |||||| ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 291 cagttgtgtgatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagctttttcccattgaatat 242

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.025
 Identities = 59/71 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 147 aggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccga 206
           |||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 535 aggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatcgcaga 476

Query: 207 catgacagtca 217
           |  ||||||||
Sbjct: 475 ctggacagtca 465

to top

>gb|BT017712.1| Zea mays clone EL01N0446G03.c mRNA sequence
          Length = 800

 Score =  147 bits (74), Expect = 4e-32
 Identities = 145/170 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 425 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 366

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||  |||||||| | ||  
Sbjct: 365 aatccatcctctgatatatcaatcagctggtactcagtacggttcacatgtggaatatca 306

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| || ||| ||||||| || || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 305 cagttgtgtgacgaaggaacaatatcttcgagctttttcccgttgaatat 256

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.097
 Identities = 58/70 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 148 ggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgac 207
           ||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 548 ggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatagcagac 489

Query: 208 atgacagtca 217
Sbjct: 488 tggacagtca 479

to top

>emb|Y07920.1|ZMTRINF5A Z.mays mRNA for translation initiation factor 5A
          Length = 807

 Score =  147 bits (74), Expect = 4e-32
 Identities = 145/170 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 439 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 380

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||||| || |  |  
Sbjct: 379 aatccatcctcagaaatatcaatcagctgatactcagtacggttcacatgcggaatgtca 320

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| |||||| ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 319 cagttgtgtgatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagctttttcccattgaatat 270

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.025
 Identities = 59/71 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 147 aggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccga 206
           |||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 563 aggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcaacgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatcgcaga 504

Query: 207 catgacagtca 217
           |  ||||||||
Sbjct: 503 ctggacagtca 493

to top

>gb|AY103556.1| Zea mays PCO150862 mRNA sequence
          Length = 966

 Score =  147 bits (74), Expect = 4e-32
 Identities = 145/170 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 552 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 493

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||||| || |  |  
Sbjct: 492 aatccatcctcagaaatatcaatcagctgatactcagtacggttcacatgcggaatgtca 433

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| |||||| ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 432 cagttgtgtgatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagctttttcccattgaatat 383

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.025
 Identities = 59/71 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 147 aggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccga 206
           |||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 676 aggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatcgcaga 617

Query: 207 catgacagtca 217
           |  ||||||||
Sbjct: 616 ctggacagtca 606

to top

>gb|AF034943.1|AF034943 Zea mays translation initiation factor 5A (TIF5A) mRNA, complete
          Length = 831

 Score =  139 bits (70), Expect = 9e-30
 Identities = 144/170 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcaca 330
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | | ||||    ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 430 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttgccatctgaagtaagaaggctcaca 371

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||  ||||| || | ||  
Sbjct: 370 aatccatcctctgatatatcaatcagctggtactcagtacggttcacatgcggaatatca 311

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatat 440
           |||||||| || ||| ||||||| || || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 310 cagttgtgtgacgaaggaacaatatcttcgagctttttcccgttgaatat 261

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.097
 Identities = 58/70 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 148 ggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgac 207
           ||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 553 ggaagttacttggggccaacatccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctcccccatagcagac 494

Query: 208 atgacagtca 217
Sbjct: 493 tggacagtca 484

to top

>gb|DQ345329.1| Rosa chinensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5A mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 474

 Score =  135 bits (68), Expect = 1e-28
 Identities = 202/248 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 196 cccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagc 255
           |||||||| ||||||||||||| | | | |||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 437 cccatggcagacatgacagtcaccacaagatccttgccctcagcaaatccatccttaagc 378

Query: 256 tgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctca 315
           || || || | |||||||||||| || ||  | |||||||||||   | | ||||| |||
Sbjct: 377 tgagtgagcagagcatcatcagtgggaagcctcagatcatccttggtgtttccattttca 318

Query: 316 gtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtct 375
           || |  || |||||||| ||||| || || || ||||||||||| || ||||||||||  
Sbjct: 317 gtcaagagactcacaaagccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctggtagtcagtacggttc 258

Query: 376 acatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattg 435
           ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || ||||||
Sbjct: 257 acatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaagggacaatatcctcaagcttcttgccattg 198

Query: 436 aatatatc 443
           || |||||
Sbjct: 197 aagatatc 190

to top

>emb|AJ843977.1| Plantago major mRNA for eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           5A-1 (eif5a1 gene)
          Length = 890

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 8e-27
 Identities = 172/209 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||| ||||| ||||| || ||||||| ||||||    | |||||||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 553 tcctttccctctgcaaacccctccttgatctgggttgctagagcatcatcagttgggagc 494

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
            |||| |||||||||  ||| ||||| ||||| || | |||||||||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 493 ctaaggtcatccttagtgcttccattgtcagttagcaagctcacaaatccatcctcagaa 434

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaa 405
           ||||||||||||||||| |||  |||||  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||| |||
Sbjct: 433 atgtcaatcagctgataatcaacacggttaacatgagggacatcacaattgtgggaagaa 374

Query: 406 ngaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
            ||||||| ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 373 ggaacaatatcctcaagcttcttgccatt 345

to top

>dbj|AP008213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, complete
          Length = 29644043

 Score =  115 bits (58), Expect = 1e-22
 Identities = 185/227 (81%), Gaps = 5/227 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195     ccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgag 254
               ||||||||| |||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| 
Sbjct: 7610186 ccccatggcggacatgacagtcacaacaacatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgat 7610127

Query: 255     ctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctc 314
               ||||  ||||| |   |||| ||||||||||  |||||||||||||  | ||||  ||||
Sbjct: 7610126 ctggcccaggagattgtcataagttgggagtccaagatcatccttagtgttaccgctctc 7610067

Query: 315     agtaagaaggctcac---aaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
               |||||||||||||||    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |  |||||
Sbjct: 7610066 agtaagaaggctcacgaataatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtaatttgtacg 7610007

Query: 372     gtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcct 418
               |  | ||||||| ||||  ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 7610006 g--ttcatgtggaacatcacagttgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcct 7609962

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 8e-21
 Identities = 125/148 (84%), Gaps = 5/148 (3%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 274     tcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcac---a 330
               ||||||||||||  |||||||||||||  | ||||  |||||||||||||||||||    
Sbjct: 7605354 tcagttgggagtccaagatcatccttagtgttaccgctctcagtaagaaggctcacgaat 7605295

Query: 331     aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
               ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |  ||||||  | ||||||| ||||  
Sbjct: 7605294 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtaatttgtacgg--ttcatgtggaacatca 7605237

Query: 391     cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcct 418
               ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 7605236 cagttgtgggatgaatgaacaatatcct 7605209

 Score = 85.7 bits (43), Expect = 1e-13
 Identities = 51/54 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 391      cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
                ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 24265907 cagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 24265960

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 2e-12
 Identities = 54/59 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 271      tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcac 329
                ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 24265558 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggctcac 24265616

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 1e-07
 Identities = 48/53 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 331      aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtgg 383
                ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  ||||||||
Sbjct: 24265710 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtgg 24265762

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 61/72 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 146      gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
                |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 24264527 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 24264586

Query: 206      acatgacagtca 217
Sbjct: 24264587 acatgacagtca 24264598

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 46/53 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328    acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatg 380
              ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 703704 acaaatccatcttccgaaatgtcaatcagctggtaatcagtacgatcaacatg 703652

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 40/47 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391    cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
              ||||||||||||||  | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 703552 cagttgtgggatgaggggacaatatcttcaagcttctttccattgaa 703506

to top

>dbj|AP004303.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, PAC
          Length = 167754

 Score =  115 bits (58), Expect = 1e-22
 Identities = 185/227 (81%), Gaps = 5/227 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195    ccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgag 254
              ||||||||| |||||||||||||   | | |||||| || ||| ||||||||  ||||| 
Sbjct: 115596 ccccatggcggacatgacagtcacaacaacatccttgccttcaccaaatccagtcttgat 115537

Query: 255    ctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctc 314
              ||||  ||||| |   |||| ||||||||||  |||||||||||||  | ||||  ||||
Sbjct: 115536 ctggcccaggagattgtcataagttgggagtccaagatcatccttagtgttaccgctctc 115477

Query: 315    agtaagaaggctcac---aaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
              |||||||||||||||    ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |  |||||
Sbjct: 115476 agtaagaaggctcacgaataatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtaatttgtacg 115417

Query: 372    gtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcct 418
              |  | ||||||| ||||  ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 115416 g--ttcatgtggaacatcacagttgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcct 115372

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 8e-21
 Identities = 125/148 (84%), Gaps = 5/148 (3%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 274    tcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcac---a 330
              ||||||||||||  |||||||||||||  | ||||  |||||||||||||||||||    
Sbjct: 110764 tcagttgggagtccaagatcatccttagtgttaccgctctcagtaagaaggctcacgaat 110705

Query: 331    aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
              ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |  ||||||  | ||||||| ||||  
Sbjct: 110704 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtaatttgtacgg--ttcatgtggaacatca 110647

Query: 391    cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcct 418
              ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 110646 cagttgtgggatgaatgaacaatatcct 110619

to top

>gb|AF296086.1|AF296086 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           5A-4 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 760

 Score =  113 bits (57), Expect = 5e-22
 Identities = 112/131 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 380 ccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagatatgtcaatcagctgatagtca 321

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  |||||||||||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || |||||||||
Sbjct: 320 gtacgattgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagcttt 261

Query: 427 ttaccattgaa 437
           ||  |||||||
Sbjct: 260 tttgcattgaa 250

to top

>ref|NM_186716.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 771

 Score =  109 bits (55), Expect = 8e-21
 Identities = 125/148 (84%), Gaps = 5/148 (3%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 274 tcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcac---a 330
           ||||||||||||  |||||||||||||  | ||||  |||||||||||||||||||    
Sbjct: 680 tcagttgggagtccaagatcatccttagtgttaccgctctcagtaagaaggctcacgaat 621

Query: 331 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatng 390
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |  ||||||  | ||||||| ||||  
Sbjct: 620 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtaatttgtacgg--ttcatgtggaacatca 563

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcct 418
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 562 cagttgtgggatgaatgaacaatatcct 535

to top

>emb|AJ238624.1|SVE238624 Senecio vernalis mRNA for translation initiation factor 5A
           precursor protein eIF-5A (eifsv1 gene)
          Length = 480

 Score =  107 bits (54), Expect = 3e-20
 Identities = 170/210 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||||||||| |||||| || | ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 408 atccttaccctctccaaatccatccttgatctgggtaagaagagcatcatcagttggcag 349

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || || ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| || |  ||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 348 cttcaggtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcagcaaactcacaaatccatcctcaga 289

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||| ||||| || ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 288 aatatcaattagctggtaatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 229

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
             ||||||| || |||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 228 tggaacaatatcttcaagcttctttccatt 199

to top

>gb|DQ234392.1| Thinopyrum intermedium translation initiation factor 5A mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 636

 Score =  105 bits (53), Expect = 1e-19
 Identities = 216/272 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 163 ccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgcc 222
           ||||| ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   |
Sbjct: 528 ccgacttccttcacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcggacatcacagacaggatc 469

Query: 223 aaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttggg 282
           |  ||||| || |||||||||||| |||||| |||||  || | |||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 468 aggtccttgccatcagcaaatccagccttgatctgggcaagcagagcatcatcagtggga 409

Query: 283 agtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctct 342
           || || || |||||||||  ||| ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || 
Sbjct: 408 agcttcaggtcatccttagtgctgccactctcagttagaaggctgacatatccatcatca 349

Query: 343 gatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggat 402
           |  ||||||||||||||| | ||   ||||   ||||| || ||||  ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 348 gtgatgtcaatcagctgaaaatccagacgggtaacatgggggacatcacagttgtgggat 289

Query: 403 gaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||| | || || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 288 gaagggacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 257

to top

>gb|AF516357.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform VIII (eIF-5A) mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 597

 Score =  105 bits (53), Expect = 1e-19
 Identities = 207/260 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 184 atctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaat 243
           ||||| | ||| |||||||  ||||| |||||||   ||||||| |||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 446 atctgctcctctcccatggaagacatcacagtcacaaccaaatctttcccctcggcaaat 387

Query: 244 ccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanng 303
           |||||||||| ||| ||||| | |   ||||||||||| ||  | || ||||||||   |
Sbjct: 386 ccatccttgatctgagtcagcagattttcatcagttggaagccttaggtcatccttggtg 327

Query: 304 ctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatac 363
            | ||||||||||| || || || |||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 326 tttccattctcagtcagcagactgacaaatccatcctcagagatatcaatcagctgataa 267

Query: 364 tcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagc 423
           |||||||||   ||||| || ||||  |||||||| || ||| | || || || ||||||
Sbjct: 266 tcagtacgggtaacatggggaacatcacagttgtgagaagaagggacgatatcttcaagc 207

Query: 424 tttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           || || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 206 ttcttgccattgaagatatc 187

to top

>gb|AF266464.1|AF266464 Manihot esculenta translation initiation factor 5A mRNA, complete
          Length = 1288

 Score =  105 bits (53), Expect = 1e-19
 Identities = 111/131 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 390 tcagtcagaagactcacaaaaccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatcagtacgg 331

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
           |  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| ||||| |||
Sbjct: 330 ttaacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttttttcca 271

Query: 433 ttgaatatatc 443
Sbjct: 270 ttgaatatatc 260

to top

>gb|AF323604.1|AF323604 Manihot esculenta initiation factor eIF5-A mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 925

 Score =  105 bits (53), Expect = 1e-19
 Identities = 111/131 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 370 tcagtcagaagactcacaaaaccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatcagtacgg 311

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
           |  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| ||||| |||
Sbjct: 310 ttaacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttttttcca 251

Query: 433 ttgaatatatc 443
Sbjct: 250 ttgaatatatc 240

to top

>gb|DQ234391.1| Secale cereale translation initiation factor 5A mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 636

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 211/266 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 169 tccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatcc 228
           ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   ||  |||
Sbjct: 522 tccttcacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcggacatcacagacaggatcaggtcc 463

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           || || ||||||||||||  ||||| ||||   || | | |||||||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 462 ttgccatcagcaaatccagtcttgatctggccaagcagaacatcatcagtgggaagcttc 403

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           || |||||||||  | | ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || | ||||
Sbjct: 402 aggtcatccttagtgttgccactctcagttagaaggctgacatatccatcatcagttatg 343

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           |||||||||||||| ||    ||||| ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 342 tcaatcagctgataatcttggcggtcaacatgggggacgtcacagttgtgggatgaagga 283

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 282 acaatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 257

to top

>gb|AY484392.1| Capsicum annuum eukaryotic initiation factor 5A2 (eIF5A2) mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 718

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 112/133 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 357 taccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagctgatagt 298

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           | |||||||  |||||||||||||  || ||||| |||||| ||||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 297 ctgtacggttgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgagatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagct 238

Query: 425 ttttaccattgaa 437
           | || ||||||||
Sbjct: 237 tctttccattgaa 225

to top

>gb|AY488173.1| Capsicum annuum M1C3b mRNA, partial sequence
          Length = 457

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 112/133 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 366 taccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagctgatagt 307

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           | |||||||  |||||||||||||  || ||||| |||||| ||||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 306 ctgtacggttgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgagatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagct 247

Query: 425 ttttaccattgaa 437
           | || ||||||||
Sbjct: 246 tctttccattgaa 234

to top

>gb|AY484391.1| Capsicum annuum mary storys protein mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 718

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 112/133 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 357 taccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagctgatagt 298

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           | |||||||  |||||||||||||  || ||||| |||||| ||||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 297 ctgtacggttgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgagatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagct 238

Query: 425 ttttaccattgaa 437
           | || ||||||||
Sbjct: 237 tctttccattgaa 225

to top

>gb|DQ407749.1| Gymnadenia conopsea eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 889

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 165/204 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 168 gtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatc 227
           |||||||||  |||||||||| | ||| ||||| |||||||| || | |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 593 gtccttgacgccgcagatctgctcctcacccatcgccgacatcaccgacagcaccaaatc 534

Query: 228 cttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttt 287
           |||||| ||  ||||||| ||||| | |||| | || | |||||| || || |||||  |
Sbjct: 533 cttcccttctccaaatccttcctttatctggctgagcagagcatcctcggtggggagcct 474

Query: 288 aagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatat 347
            |||||||||||   | ||||||||||||| |||||||| | ||| |||||   ||||||
Sbjct: 473 gagatcatccttggtgttaccattctcagtcagaaggctaagaaagccatctgatgatat 414

Query: 348 gtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
            |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 413 atcaatcagctgatagtcagtacg 390

to top

>gb|DQ167203.2| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A3
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 768

 Score =  101 bits (51), Expect = 2e-18
 Identities = 211/266 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 169 tccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatcc 228
           ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   ||  |||
Sbjct: 563 tccttcacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcggacatcacagacaggatcaggtcc 504

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           || || ||||||||||||  ||||| ||||   || | | |||||||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 503 ttgccatcagcaaatccagtcttgatctggccaagcagaacatcatcagtgggaagcttc 444

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           || |||||||||  | ||||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || | ||||
Sbjct: 443 aggtcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtgagaaggctgacatatccatcatcagttatg 384

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           |||||||||||||| ||    ||||| ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 383 tcaatcagctgataatcttggcggtcaacatgggggacgtcacagttgtgggatgaagga 324

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           || || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 323 acgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 298

to top

>ref|NM_105608.2| Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation factor AT1G69410 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 763

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 162/201 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 501 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 442

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 441 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaagactaacaaagccatcttcaga 382

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||||| |||||| |||  ||| |  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 381 gatatcaatcaactgataatcaacacgattcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 322

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | |||| || || ||||||||
Sbjct: 321 aggaacgatatcttcaagctt 301

to top

>gb|AY060530.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g69410/F10D13.8 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 477

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 162/201 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 405 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 346

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 345 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaagactaacaaagccatcttcaga 286

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||||| |||||| |||  ||| |  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 285 gatatcaatcaactgataatcaacacgattcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 226

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | |||| || || ||||||||
Sbjct: 225 aggaacgatatcttcaagctt 205

to top

>gb|AF372933.1|AF372933 Arabidopsis thaliana At1g69410/F10D13.8 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 676

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 162/201 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 469 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 410

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 409 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaagactaacaaagccatcttcaga 350

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||||| |||||| |||  ||| |  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 349 gatatcaatcaactgataatcaacacgattcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 290

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | |||| || || ||||||||
Sbjct: 289 aggaacgatatcttcaagctt 269

to top

>emb|BX818518.1|CNS0AE6E Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTSIL83ZE12 of Silique of strain col-0 of Arabidopsis
           thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 723

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 162/201 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 459 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 400

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 399 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaagactaacaaagccatcttcaga 340

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||||| |||||| |||  ||| |  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 339 gatatcaatcaactgataatcaacacgattcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 280

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | |||| || || ||||||||
Sbjct: 279 aggaacgatatcttcaagctt 259

to top

>gb|AY087040.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 30884 mRNA, complete sequence
          Length = 752

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 162/201 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 501 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 442

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 441 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaagactaacaaagccatcttcaga 382

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            || ||||||| |||||| |||  ||| |  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 381 gatatcaatcaactgataatcaacacgattcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaaga 322

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | |||| || || ||||||||
Sbjct: 321 aggaacgatatcttcaagctt 301

to top

>dbj|AB004827.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation factor 5A1,
           complete cds
          Length = 632

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 110/131 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||| ||||| |||
Sbjct: 368 ccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagttgatagtca 309

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  |||||||||||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || |||||||| 
Sbjct: 308 gtacgattgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagcttc 249

Query: 427 ttaccattgaa 437
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 248 tttccattgaa 238

to top

>dbj|AB004823.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation factor 5A2,
           complete cds
          Length = 716

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 3e-17
 Identities = 110/131 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| |||||||||||   |||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||| ||||| |||
Sbjct: 382 ccattttcagtaagaagagacacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagttgatagtca 323

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  |||||||||||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || |||||||| 
Sbjct: 322 gtacgattgacatgtggcacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagcttc 263

Query: 427 ttaccattgaa 437
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 262 tttccattgaa 252

to top

>gb|DQ234394.1| Secale sylvestre translation initiation factor 5A mRNA, complete
          Length = 636

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 210/266 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 169 tccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatcc 228
           ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   ||  |||
Sbjct: 522 tccttaacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcggacatcacagacaggatcaggtcc 463

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           || || ||||||||||||  ||||| ||||   || | | |||||||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 462 ttgccatcagcaaatccagtcttgatctggccaagcagaacatcatcagtgggaagcttc 403

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           || |||||||||  | | ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || | ||||
Sbjct: 402 aggtcatccttagtgttgccactctcagtgagaaggctgacatatccatcatcagttatg 343

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           |||||||||||||| ||    ||||| ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 342 tcaatcagctgataatcttggcggtcaacatgggggacgtcacagttgtgggatgaagga 283

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           || || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 282 acgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 257

to top

>gb|DQ234393.1| Aegilops tauschii translation initiation factor 5A gene, complete
          Length = 636

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 210/266 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 169 tccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatcc 228
           ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   ||  |||
Sbjct: 522 tccttcacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcggacatcacagacaggatcaggtcc 463

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           || || ||||||||||||  ||||| ||||   || | | |||||||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 462 ttgccatcagcaaatccagtcttgatctggccaagcagaacatcatcagtgggaagcttc 403

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           || |||||||||  | | ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || | ||||
Sbjct: 402 aggtcatccttagtgttgccactctcagtgagaaggctgacatatccatcatcagttatg 343

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           |||||||||||||| ||    ||||| ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 342 tcaatcagctgataatcttggcggtcaacatgggggacgtcacagttgtgggatgaagga 283

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           || || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 282 acgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 257

to top

>gb|DQ234390.1| Dasypyrum breviaristatum translation initiation factor 5A mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 637

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 210/266 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 169 tccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatcc 228
           ||||| || |||||||||||||  || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||   ||  |||
Sbjct: 522 tccttcacagcgcagatctgttcttcacccatggcagacatcacagacaggatcaggtcc 463

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           || || ||||||||||||  ||||| ||||   || | | |||||||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 462 ttgccatcagcaaatccagtcttgatctggccaagcagaacatcatcagtgggaagcttc 403

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           || |||||||||  | | ||| ||||||| |||||||| ||| ||||||| || | ||||
Sbjct: 402 aggtcatccttagtgttgccactctcagtcagaaggctgacatatccatcatcagttatg 343

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           |||||||||||||| ||    ||||| ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 342 tcaatcagctgataatcttggcggtcaacatgggggacgtcacagttgtgggatgaagga 283

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           || || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 282 acgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 257

to top

>gb|AF516352.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform III (eIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 781

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 114/137 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 351 ccattttcagtcagaagactcacaaagccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatca 292

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |||
Sbjct: 291 gtacgattaacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttt 232

Query: 427 ttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||  |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 231 tttgcattgaatatatc 215

to top

>gb|AF516351.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform II (eIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 828

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 114/137 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 356 ccattttcagtcagaagactcacaaagccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatca 297

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |||
Sbjct: 296 gtacgattaacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttt 237

Query: 427 ttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||  |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 236 tttgcattgaatatatc 220

to top

>gb|AF516350.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform I (eIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 775

 Score = 93.7 bits (47), Expect = 5e-16
 Identities = 114/137 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 307 ccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
           ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 351 ccattttcagtcagaagactcacaaagccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatca 292

Query: 367 gtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagcttt 426
           ||||| |  ||||| || ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |||
Sbjct: 291 gtacgattaacatgaggaacatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttt 232

Query: 427 ttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||  |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 231 tttgcattgaatatatc 215

to top

>ref|XM_469841.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 859

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 170/213 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 486 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 427

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 426 cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 367

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  || || || || |  ||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 366 aatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttcacgtgggggacgtcacagttgtgggagga 307

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 306 gggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttcccattgaa 274

to top

>ref|NM_194115.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 863

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 106/127 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 311 tctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtac 370
           ||||||| | |||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 409 tctcagtcaaaaggctcacaaatccatcttccgaaatgtcaatcagctggtaatcagtac 350

Query: 371 ggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttac 430
           | || ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||  | ||||| || |||||||| || |
Sbjct: 349 gatcaacatgaggaacgtcacagttgtgggatgaggggacaatatcttcaagcttctttc 290

Query: 431 cattgaa 437
Sbjct: 289 cattgaa 283

to top

>emb|AJ312906.1|OSA312906 Oryza sativa mRNA for translation initiation factor, eIF-5A (eIF-5A
          Length = 831

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 170/213 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 481 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 422

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 421 cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 362

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  || || || || |  ||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 361 aatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttcacgtgggggacgtcacagttgtgggagga 302

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 301 gggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttcccattgaa 269

to top

>emb|AJ252135.1|OSA252135 Oryza sativa mRNA for translation initiation factor eIF-5A
          Length = 722

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 170/213 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 481 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 422

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 421 cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 362

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  || || || || |  ||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 361 aatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttcacgtgggggacgtcacagttgtgggagga 302

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 301 gggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttcccattgaa 269

to top

>dbj|AK121592.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J033038B14, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 838

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 170/213 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 491 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 432

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 431 cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 372

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  || || || || |  ||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 371 aatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttcacgtgggggacgtcacagttgtgggagga 312

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 311 gggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttcccattgaa 279

to top

>dbj|AK060387.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-009-G06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 947

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 170/213 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 497 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 438

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 437 cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 378

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatga 404
            ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  || || || || |  ||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 377 aatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttcacgtgggggacgtcacagttgtgggagga 318

Query: 405 angaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 317 gggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttcccattgaa 285

to top

>dbj|AK058206.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-010-A08, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 863

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 7e-15
 Identities = 106/127 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 311 tctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtac 370
           ||||||| | |||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 409 tctcagtcaaaaggctcacaaatccatcttccgaaatgtcaatcagctggtaatcagtac 350

Query: 371 ggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttac 430
           | || ||||| || || |  ||||||||||||||  | ||||| || |||||||| || |
Sbjct: 349 gatcaacatgaggaacgtcacagttgtgggatgaggggacaatatcttcaagcttctttc 290

Query: 431 cattgaa 437
Sbjct: 289 cattgaa 283

to top

>gb|AF516358.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform IX (eIF-5A) mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 285

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 3e-14
 Identities = 149/185 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 184 atctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaat 243
           ||||| | ||| |||||||  ||||| |||||||   ||||||| |||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 238 atctgctcctctcccatggaagacatcacagtcacaaccaaatctttcccctcggcgaat 179

Query: 244 ccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanng 303
           |||||||||| ||| ||||| | |   ||||||||||| ||  | || ||||||||   |
Sbjct: 178 ccatccttgatctgagtcagcagattttcatcagttggaagcctcaggtcatccttggtg 119

Query: 304 ctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatac 363
            | ||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 118 tttccattctcagtcagcagactcacaaatccatcctcagagatatcaatcagctgataa 59

Query: 364 tcagt 368
Sbjct: 58  tcagt 54

to top

>dbj|AP004275.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, PAC
          Length = 137364

 Score = 85.7 bits (43), Expect = 1e-13
 Identities = 51/54 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 391   cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
             ||||||||||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 77458 cagttgtgggacgaaggaacaatatcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 77511

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 2e-12
 Identities = 54/59 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 271   tcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcac 329
             ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||  | ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 77109 tcatcagttgggagtctaagatcatccttagtgttaccactctcagtaagaaggctcac 77167

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 1e-07
 Identities = 48/53 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 331   aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtgg 383
             ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||  ||||||||
Sbjct: 77261 aatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctggtactctgtgcggttcacatgtgg 77313

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 61/72 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 146   gaggaagttacctggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccg 205
             |||| |||||| ||||||| | |||||| |  || |||||||| | |||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 76078 gagggagttacttggggccaatgtccttcagcgcacagatctgctcctcccccatggcgg 76137

Query: 206   acatgacagtca 217
Sbjct: 76138 acatgacagtca 76149

to top

>emb|X63542.1|NPNEIF5A2 N.plumbaginifolia mRNA NeIF-5A2 for initiation factor 5A(2)
          Length = 1224

 Score = 83.8 bits (42), Expect = 4e-13
 Identities = 155/194 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 232 ccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaaga 291
           ||||||||||| |||||||||| ||| || ||||    ||||||||| || ||  |||| 
Sbjct: 439 ccctcagcaaacccatccttgatctgtgtaaggaggttatcatcagtaggaagcctaagg 380

Query: 292 tcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtca 351
           ||||||||   | ||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || || ||||||
Sbjct: 379 tcatccttggtgttaccattctcagtgagcagactcacaaatccatcttcagaaatgtca 320

Query: 352 atcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaaca 411
           || |||||||| || ||||| |  || || |||||||  || ||||| || ||  |||||
Sbjct: 319 ataagctgataatctgtacgattaacgtggggcacatcacaattgtgtgaagagggaaca 260

Query: 412 atgtcctcaagctt 425
           || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 259 atatcctcaagctt 246

to top

>emb|X63541.1|NPNEIF5A1 N.plumbaginifolia mRNA NeIF-5A1 for initiation factor 5A(1)
          Length = 702

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 2e-12
 Identities = 210/268 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 158 tggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtca 217
           ||||||| ||||||||||   | || ||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| || | ||
Sbjct: 435 tggggccaacgtccttgataccacaaatctgctcctctcccatggcagacatcactgaca 376

Query: 218 gcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcag 277
           |  |||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| |||| | ||| ||| | |  ||| ||||
Sbjct: 375 gaaccaagtccttcccctcagcaaaaccatctttgatcagggccagaagattatcgtcag 316

Query: 278 ttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccat 337
           |||||||  | |  ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| |  || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 315 ttgggagcctcaagtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcaacagactcacaaatccat 256

Query: 338 cctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgt 397
           |||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| |  |  ||||| || ||||  |||||||
Sbjct: 255 cctcagagatatcaatcagctgatagtcagtcctattcacatgaggaacatcacagttgt 196

Query: 398 gggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
           | || ||  |||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 195 gagaagagggaacaatgtcttcaagctt 168

to top

>gb|AF416338.1|AF416338 Medicago sativa eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 649

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 2e-12
 Identities = 99/119 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 325 ctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggc 384
           |||||||||||||| || || || ||||||| |||||| |||||||| |  ||||| || 
Sbjct: 359 ctcacaaatccatcttcagaaatatcaatcaactgataatcagtacgattcacatgagga 300

Query: 385 acatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| ||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 299 acatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagttttttcccattgaaaatatc 241

to top

>dbj|AK061867.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-040-H10, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 961

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 188/239 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 160 gggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagc 219
           ||||||| |||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |
Sbjct: 576 gggccgatgtccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctctcccatggcagacataacagtcacc 517

Query: 220 gccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagtt 279
            |||  |||||||| ||  ||||||||||||||| |||  | || |    ||||||||| 
Sbjct: 516 accaggtccttcccttctccaaatccatccttgatctgactaagcaggttatcatcagta 457

Query: 280 gggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcc 339
           |||||  | || ||||||||   | | ||||| ||||| |  || |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 456 gggagcctgaggtcatccttggtgttgccattttcagttaacagactcacaaatccatcc 397

Query: 340 tctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtg 398
           || ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||  ||||| || ||||  ||||||||
Sbjct: 396 tcagatatatcaatgagctggtactccgtacggttcacatgcgggacatcacagttgtg 338

to top

>dbj|AK099039.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J013131C14, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 981

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 3e-11
 Identities = 188/239 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 160 gggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagc 219
           ||||||| |||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |
Sbjct: 575 gggccgatgtccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctctcccatggcagacataacagtcacc 516

Query: 220 gccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagtt 279
            |||  |||||||| ||  ||||||||||||||| |||  | || |    ||||||||| 
Sbjct: 515 accaggtccttcccttctccaaatccatccttgatctgactaagcaggttatcatcagta 456

Query: 280 gggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcc 339
           |||||  | || ||||||||   | | ||||| ||||| |  || |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 455 gggagcctgaggtcatccttggtgttgccattttcagttaacagactcacaaatccatcc 396

Query: 340 tctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtg 398
           || ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||  ||||| || ||||  ||||||||
Sbjct: 395 tcagatatatcaatgagctggtactccgtacggttcacatgcgggacatcacagttgtg 337

to top

>gb|DQ083198.1| Oryza sativa (indica cultivar-group) clone 5S10E11 mRNA sequence
          Length = 371

 Score = 75.8 bits (38), Expect = 1e-10
 Identities = 117/144 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||||||||| || ||||||||||||| ||| || || | ||| |||||| | |||||
Sbjct: 144 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttgatctgagtaagcagagcctcatcactagggag 85

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctga 344
             | || |||||||||  ||  ||| | ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || ||
Sbjct: 84  cctcaggtcatccttagtgcctccactttcagtcaggaggctgacaaatccatcttcaga 25

Query: 345 tatgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
            ||||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 24  aatgtcaatcagctgatagtcagt 1

to top

>gb|AF516354.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform V (eIF-5A) mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 427

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 107/131 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||||||| 
Sbjct: 352 tcagtcagaagactcacaaaaccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatcagtacga 293

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
           |  ||||| ||  |||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |||||  ||
Sbjct: 292 ttaacatggggagcatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttttttgca 233

Query: 433 ttgaatatatc 443
Sbjct: 232 gtgaatatatc 222

to top

>gb|AF516353.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform IV (eIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 772

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 107/131 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| |||||||| 
Sbjct: 349 tcagtcagaagactcacaaaaccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgataatcagtacga 290

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
           |  ||||| ||  |||  || |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||| |||||  ||
Sbjct: 289 ttaacatggggagcatcacaattgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcttcaagtttttttgca 230

Query: 433 ttgaatatatc 443
Sbjct: 229 gtgaatatatc 219

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.38
 Identities = 66/81 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 168 gtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagcgccaaatc 227
           ||||||||  || |||||||| | ||| ||||| || |||||||| |||| | | |  ||
Sbjct: 494 gtccttgagggcacagatctgctcctctcccattgcagacatgacggtcaccacaaggtc 435

Query: 228 cttcccctcagcaaatccatc 248
           ||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 434 cttcccctcagcaaacccatc 414

to top

>emb|AJ608752.1| Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cDNA-AFLP fragment, clone Np048
          Length = 239

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 107/131 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 232 ccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaaga 291
           ||||||||||| |||||||||| ||| || ||||    ||||||||| || ||  |||| 
Sbjct: 139 ccctcagcaaacccatccttgatctgtgtaaggaggttatcatcagtaggaagcctaagg 80

Query: 292 tcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtca 351
           ||||||||   | ||||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || || ||||||
Sbjct: 79  tcatccttggtgttaccattctcagtgagcagactcacaaatccatcttcagaaatgtca 20

Query: 352 atcagctgata 362
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 19  ataagctgata 9

to top

>emb|BX816465.1|CNS0ABU4 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH4ZG03 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1411

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 83/99 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 845 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 786

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaag 323
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 785 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaag 747

to top

>emb|BX817162.1|CNS0ABMR Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH8ZF05 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1461

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 83/99 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225 atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
           |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 845 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 786

Query: 285 tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaag 323
            || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 785 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaag 747

to top

>gb|AC073178.9|AC073178 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 BAC F10D13 genomic sequence, complete
          Length = 107214

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 83/99 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225   atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
             |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 33443 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 33384

Query: 285   tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaag 323
              || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 33383 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaag 33345

to top

>gb|AC018364.5|AC018364 Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 1 BAC F23O10 genomic sequence,
            complete sequence
          Length = 93802

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 83/99 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 225  atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggag 284
            |||||| |||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| || || | ||| ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 6786 atccttaccctcctcaaatccattcttgagctgtgtgagtaaagcttcatctgttggcag 6845

Query: 285  tttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaag 323
             || ||||||||||||  ||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 6846 cttcagatcatccttagtgctaccattatcagtaagaag 6884

to top

>gb|AF225297.1|AF225297 Euphorbia esula translation initiation factor 5A mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 725

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 4e-10
 Identities = 113/139 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||| || |
Sbjct: 319 taccattttcagttagcagactcacaaatccatcctcggagatatcaatcagctggtagt 260

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           ||||||||   || || || ||||  || |||||||| ||| |||| || || |||||||
Sbjct: 259 cagtacgggtgacgtggggaacatcacaattgtgggaagaaggaacgatatcttcaagct 200

Query: 425 ttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           | || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 199 tctttccattgaagatatc 181

to top

>emb|X59441.1|MSEIF4DMR M.sativa mRNA for eIF-4D
          Length = 741

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 2e-09
 Identities = 118/146 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||| |||||||||||||||||||||| ||| || || | |   ||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 527 tcctttccctcagcaaatccatccttgatctgagtgagcagactgtcatcggtgggaagt 468

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
           || || |||||||||  | | ||||| ||||| || | ||||||||||||||| || || 
Sbjct: 467 ttgaggtcatccttagtgtttccattttcagtgagcaagctcacaaatccatcttcagaa 408

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
           |||||||| |||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 407 atgtcaatgagctgataatcggtacg 382

to top

>gb|AY389707.1| Hyacinthus orientalis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A-4
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 794

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 7e-09
 Identities = 172/219 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||| || |||||||| ||||| |||| |||||| || |  |  ||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 436 tccttgccttcagcaaaaccatctttgatctgggtaagcagggagtcatcagttggaagc 377

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
            | ||||||||||||  || |||||||||||| |  || |||||||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 376 ctcagatcatccttagtgccaccattctcagttaagagactcacaaatccatcttcagat 317

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaa 405
           ||||| || || ||||| ||||| |||   ||||| || ||||  ||||| ||||| || 
Sbjct: 316 atgtcgatgagttgatagtcagtgcgggtaacatgaggaacatcacagttatgggaagat 257

Query: 406 ngaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatct 444
            | ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| ||||||
Sbjct: 256 ggcacaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatct 218

to top

>gb|AF296085.1|AF296085 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           5A-3 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 713

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 7e-09
 Identities = 99/121 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||||| |
Sbjct: 379 taccattgtcagtaagcagactcacaaatccatcttcagagatgtcaataagctgataat 320

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           | ||||| |  ||||| |||||||  || ||||| || ||  | ||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 319 ctgtacgattaacatggggcacatcacaattgtgtgaagaggggacaatatcctcaagct 260

Query: 425 t 425
Sbjct: 259 t 259

to top

>ref|NM_101261.1| Arabidopsis thaliana EIF-5A; translation initiation factor
           AT1G13950 (EIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 705

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 69/82 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332 atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngc 391
           ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  |
Sbjct: 353 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcac 294

Query: 392 agttgtgggatgaangaacaat 413
           | |||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 293 aattgtgggaagaaggaacaat 272

to top

>gb|AY117272.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5A-4 (At1g13950)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 508

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 69/82 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332 atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngc 391
           ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  |
Sbjct: 298 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcac 239

Query: 392 agttgtgggatgaangaacaat 413
           | |||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 238 aattgtgggaagaaggaacaat 217

to top

>gb|AY063780.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5A-4 (At1g13950)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 676

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 69/82 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332 atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngc 391
           ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  |
Sbjct: 338 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcac 279

Query: 392 agttgtgggatgaangaacaat 413
           | |||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 278 aattgtgggaagaaggaacaat 257

to top

>gb|AF296082.1|AF296082 Arabidopsis thaliana eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 702

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 69/82 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332 atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngc 391
           ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  |
Sbjct: 353 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcac 294

Query: 392 agttgtgggatgaangaacaat 413
           | |||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 293 aattgtgggaagaaggaacaat 272

to top

>emb|BX817272.1|CNS0AAJ3 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTSIL10ZA11 of Silique of strain col-0 of Arabidopsis
           thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 649

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 4e-07
 Identities = 69/82 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332 atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngc 391
           ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| || ||||  |
Sbjct: 331 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggttgacatgaggaacatcac 272

Query: 392 agttgtgggatgaangaacaat 413
           | |||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 271 aattgtgggaagaaggaacaat 250

to top

>gb|AY961930.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 848

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 101/125 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| || ||||| ||||| |||||||| || || ||||| |||||||| |||||||| 
Sbjct: 406 tcagtcagcaggctaacaaaaccatcctcagaaatatcaattagctgataatcagtacga 347

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
              ||||| || |||| ||||||||| || ||  | ||||| || |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 346 gtaacatgagggacatcgcagttgtgtgaagatggcacaatatcttcaagctttttacca 287

Query: 433 ttgaa 437
Sbjct: 286 ctgaa 282

to top

>gb|AY961928.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A 2 (eIF5A)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 622

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 101/125 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||| || ||||| ||||| |||||||| || || ||||| |||||||| |||||||| 
Sbjct: 407 tcagtcagcaggctaacaaaaccatcctcagaaatatcaattagctgataatcagtacga 348

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttacca 432
              ||||| || |||| ||||||||| || ||  | ||||| || |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 347 gtaacatgagggacatcgcagttgtgtgaagatggcacaatatcttcaagctttttacca 288

Query: 433 ttgaa 437
Sbjct: 287 ctgaa 283

to top

>dbj|AP008218.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 12, complete
          Length = 27566993

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 78/94 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 160      gggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagc 219
                ||||||| |||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |
Sbjct: 19506019 gggccgatgtccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctctcccatggcagacataacagtcacc 19505960

Query: 220      gccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
                 |||  |||||||| ||  |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 19505959 accaggtccttcccttctccaaatccatccttga 19505926

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 41/46 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328      acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
                |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 19505212 acaaatccatcctcagatatatcaatgagctggtactccgtacggt 19505167

to top

>emb|BX814148.1|CNS0AEAE Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB59ZC08 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 737

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 123/155 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||||||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 398 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtaagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 339

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 338 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 279

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 278 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 244

to top

>gb|DP000011.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 12, complete sequence
          Length = 27492551

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 78/94 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 160      gggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagc 219
                ||||||| |||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |
Sbjct: 19432232 gggccgatgtccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctctcccatggcagacataacagtcacc 19432173

Query: 220      gccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
                 |||  |||||||| ||  |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 19432172 accaggtccttcccttctccaaatccatccttga 19432139

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 41/46 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328      acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
                |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 19431425 acaaatccatcctcagatatatcaatgagctggtactccgtacggt 19431380

to top

>emb|AL731759.2|CNS07YPA Oryza sativa chromosome 12, . BAC OSJNBa0009K11 of library OSJNBa from
             chromosome 12 of cultivar Nipponbare of ssp. japonica of
             Oryza sativa (rice), complete sequence
          Length = 144596

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 78/94 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 160   gggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtcagc 219
             ||||||| |||||| |  ||||||||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| ||||||| |
Sbjct: 38200 gggccgatgtccttcagcgcgcagatctgctcctctcccatggcagacataacagtcacc 38141

Query: 220   gccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
              |||  |||||||| ||  |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 38140 accaggtccttcccttctccaaatccatccttga 38107

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 41/46 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
             |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 37393 acaaatccatcctcagatatatcaatgagctggtactccgtacggt 37348

to top

>gb|DQ207846.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 073A09 eukaryotic initiation factor
           5A3-like mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 696

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 63/74 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||||||||||   ||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||
Sbjct: 409 tcagtaagaagggagacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagctgatagtcggtacgg 350

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcac 386
           |  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 349 ttgacatgtggcac 336

to top

>gb|AY587771.1| Tamarix androssowii translation initiation factor 5A mRNA, complete
          Length = 801

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 97/120 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 306 accattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactc 365
           |||| ||||||| ||||| |||||||| ||||| || || || || || |||||||| ||
Sbjct: 391 accagtctcagtcagaagactcacaaaaccatcttcagagatatcgatgagctgatagtc 332

Query: 366 agtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctt 425
            ||||||   ||||| || ||||  |||||||| |||||  ||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 331 ggtacgggtaacatgagggacatcacagttgtgagatgatggaacaatatcctcaagctt 272

to top

>gb|DP000009.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3
          Length = 36102668

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 42/46 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328      acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
                ||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 31086031 acaaatccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 31085986

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225      atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
                |||||||||||| || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 31086509 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttga 31086481

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 237      agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 15308284 agcaaatccatccttgagct 15308265

to top

>gb|AF516356.1| Hevea brasiliensis eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
           isoform VII (eIF-5A) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 895

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 161/206 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 232 ccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagtttaaga 291
           ||||||||||| |||||||||| ||| | ||| | |   ||||||||||||||  | || 
Sbjct: 421 ccctcagcaaaaccatccttgatctgagacagaagattctcatcagttgggagcctcagg 362

Query: 292 tcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtca 351
           ||||| ||   | | ||||| |||||||| |  ||||||||||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 361 tcatcttttgtgttcccattttcagtaagcaaactcacaaatccatcctcagaaatatca 302

Query: 352 atcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaaca 411
           || ||||| || ||||||||    ||||| || ||||  ||||| ||||| ||  |||||
Sbjct: 301 attagctggtagtcagtacgagtgacatgaggaacatcacagttatgggaggagggaaca 242

Query: 412 atgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
           || || |||||||||||  |||||||
Sbjct: 241 atatcttcaagctttttggcattgaa 216

to top

>gb|AC079887.17| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3 BAC OSJNBa0040E01
             genomic sequence, complete sequence
          Length = 168759

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 42/46 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
             ||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 10033 acaaatccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 10078

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 225  atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
            |||||||||||| || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 9555 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttga 9583

to top

>gb|AC084282.6| Oryza sativa chromosome 3 BAC OSJNBb0048A17 genomic sequence,
            complete sequence
          Length = 128017

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 42/46 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328  acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
            ||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 6672 acaaatccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 6627

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225  atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
            |||||||||||| || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 7150 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttga 7122

to top

>gb|AF296083.1|AF296083 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           5A-1 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 715

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 112/140 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 229 ttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagttta 288
           |||||||||||||| ||||| |||| ||| | ||| | || |||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 459 ttcccctcagcaaaaccatctttgacctgagccagaagagtatcatcagttgggagtctc 400

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |  ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| |  || |||||||| |||||||| || || 
Sbjct: 399 aagtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcaacagactcacaaagccatcctcagagata 340

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
           ||||| || ||||| |||||
Sbjct: 339 tcaataagttgataatcagt 320

to top

>dbj|AP008209.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 3, complete
          Length = 36192742

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 42/46 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328      acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
                ||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 31176554 acaaatccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 31176509

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 225      atccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
                |||||||||||| || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 31177032 atccttcccctcggcgaatccatccttga 31177004

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 237      agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 15302818 agcaaatccatccttgagct 15302799

to top

>dbj|AB004824.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation factor 5A3,
           complete cds
          Length = 733

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 6e-06
 Identities = 63/74 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 313 tcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacgg 372
           ||||||||||||   ||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||
Sbjct: 367 tcagtaagaagggagacaaaaccatcttcagagatgtcaatcagctgatagtcggtacgg 308

Query: 373 tctacatgtggcac 386
           |  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 307 ttgacatgtggcac 294

to top

>gb|DQ228346.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 148H01 eukaryotic initiation factor
           5A5-like protein mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 750

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 114/143 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||||||||| ||||| ||||| |||| ||| | ||| | || ||||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 453 tccttcccctcggcaaaaccatctttgacctgagccagaagagtatcatcagttgggagc 394

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
            | |  ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| |  || |||||||| |||||||| || 
Sbjct: 393 ctcaagtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcaacagactcacaaagccatcctcagag 334

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
           || ||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 333 atatcaataagctgataatcagt 311

to top

>gb|DQ222495.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 103C10 eukaryotic initiation factor
           5A5-like mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 757

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 114/143 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||||||||| ||||| ||||| |||| ||| | ||| | || ||||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 462 tccttcccctcggcaaaaccatctttgacctgagccagaagagtatcatcagttgggagc 403

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
            | |  ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| |  || |||||||| |||||||| || 
Sbjct: 402 ctcaagtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcaacagactcacaaagccatcctcagag 343

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
           || ||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 342 atatcaataagctgataatcagt 320

to top

>gb|AY961927.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A)
           mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 714

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 96/119 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 325 ctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggc 384
           ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| |||| | ||||| ||    |||||||| 
Sbjct: 575 ctcacaaatccatcctcggatatgtcaatcaactgaaaatcagtgcgagtaacatgtggg 516

Query: 385 acatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           || |  ||||| || || ||  | ||||| || ||||||||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 515 acgtcacagttatgagaagatgggacaatatcttcaagctttttaccattaaaaatatc 457

to top

>gb|DQ279897.1| Secale cereale translation initiation factor gene, partial cds
          Length = 1298

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 40/44 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 822 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 779

to top

>dbj|AB004825.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation factor 5A4,
           complete cds
          Length = 726

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 3e-05
 Identities = 111/139 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatact 364
           ||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||||| |
Sbjct: 371 taccattgtcagtgagcagactcacaaatccatcttcagagatgtcaataagctgataat 312

Query: 365 cagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagct 424
           | || || |  ||||| |||||||  || ||||| || ||  | ||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 311 ctgtgcgattaacatggggcacatcacaattgtgagaagaggggacaatatcctcaagct 252

Query: 425 ttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           | || ||| |||| |||||
Sbjct: 251 tctttccagtgaagatatc 233

to top

>gb|AY961929.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A hypusine
           3-like mRNA sequence
          Length = 771

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 1e-04
 Identities = 34/36 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 325 ctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctga 360
           ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 433 ctcacaaatccatcctcggatatgtcaatcaactga 398

to top

>gb|DQ279898.1| Psathyrostachys juncea translation initiation factor gene, partial
          Length = 1375

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 1e-04
 Identities = 42/47 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||||| ||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 906 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacaatatcctccagcttctttccattgaa 860

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.38
 Identities = 50/60 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 267  agcatcatcagttgggagtttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggct 326
            |||||||||||| || || || || |||||||||  ||| ||| ||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 1202 agcatcatcagtgggaagcttcaggtcatccttagtgctgccactctcagttagaaggct 1143

to top

>ref|NM_102425.2| Arabidopsis thaliana translation initiation factor AT1G26630 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 929

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 122/155 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 473 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 414

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 413 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 354

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 353 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 319

to top

>gb|AF492850.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative initiation factor 5A mRNA, complete
          Length = 726

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 122/155 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 418 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 359

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 358 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 299

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 298 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 264

to top

>gb|AY055789.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g26630/T24P13_1 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 480

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 122/155 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 341 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 282

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 281 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 222

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 221 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 187

to top

>gb|AY039588.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At1g26630/T24P13_1 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 765

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 122/155 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 424 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 365

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 364 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 305

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 304 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 270

to top

>gb|AF296084.1|AF296084 Lycopersicon esculentum eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           5A-2 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 779

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 62/74 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328 acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcaca 387
           ||||| ||||| || || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||  ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 347 acaaaaccatcttcagagatatcaatcagctgatagtcggtacggttaacatgtggcaca 288

Query: 388 tngcagttgtggga 401
           |  || ||||||||
Sbjct: 287 tcacaattgtggga 274

to top

>gb|AY084827.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 118823 mRNA, complete sequence
          Length = 781

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 4e-04
 Identities = 122/155 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatg 348
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||| |  || 
Sbjct: 472 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatcctcagtgata 413

Query: 349 tcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaanga 408
           ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  ||
Sbjct: 412 tcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgga 353

Query: 409 acaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           ||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 352 acaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 318

to top

>gb|DQ200358.1| Solanum tuberosum clone 053D09 eukaryotic initiation factor
           5A4-like protein mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 790

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 50/58 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 305 taccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgata 362
           ||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||| || || |||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 376 taccattgtcagtgagcagactcacaaatccatcttcagagatgtcaataagctgata 319

to top

>gb|AC007576.3| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome I BAC F7A19 genomic sequence, complete
          Length = 112126

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 38/42 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332   atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
             ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 17344 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 17303

to top

>gb|AC068197.4|AC068197 Genomic sequence for Arabidopsis thaliana BAC F16A14 from chromosome I,
             complete sequence
          Length = 99547

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 38/42 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 332   atccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggt 373
             ||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 49556 atccatcttcagaaatgtcaatcagctgataatcagtacggt 49515

to top

>gb|DQ167202.1| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A2 gene,
            complete cds
          Length = 1679

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391  cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
            ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 1079 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 1036

to top

>gb|DQ167201.1| Triticum aestivum eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A1 gene,
            complete cds
          Length = 1910

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391  cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
            ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 1315 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 1272

to top

>gb|DQ414518.1| Dasypyrum breviaristatum eukaryotic translation initiation factor
           eIF5A gene, partial cds
          Length = 1344

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 872 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 829

to top

>dbj|AP003874.5| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, BAC
          Length = 115815

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 46/53 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatg 380
             ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 42235 acaaatccatcttccgaaatgtcaatcagctggtaatcagtacgatcaacatg 42183

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 40/47 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391   cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             ||||||||||||||  | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 42083 cagttgtgggatgaggggacaatatcttcaagcttctttccattgaa 42037

to top

>dbj|AP005244.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, BAC
          Length = 126845

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 46/53 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatg 380
             ||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 23511 acaaatccatcttccgaaatgtcaatcagctggtaatcagtacgatcaacatg 23459

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 40/47 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391   cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
             ||||||||||||||  | ||||| || |||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 23359 cagttgtgggatgaggggacaatatcttcaagcttctttccattgaa 23313

to top

>gb|DQ279900.1| Haynaldia villosa translation initiation factor gene, partial cds
          Length = 1338

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 867 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 824

to top

>gb|DQ279896.1| Aegilops tauschii translation initiation factor gene, partial cds
          Length = 1282

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 811 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttcttcccatt 768

to top

>gb|DQ279895.1| Eremopyrum bonaepartis translation initiation factor gene, partial
          Length = 1334

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 876 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 833

to top

>gb|DQ279894.1| Lophopyrum elongatum translation initiation factor gene, partial
          Length = 1334

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| |||| || ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 859 cagttgtgggatgaaggaacgatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 816

to top

>gb|DQ279893.1| Pseudoroegneria spicata translation initiation factor gene, partial
          Length = 1358

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 cagttgtgggatgaangaacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccatt 434
           ||||||||||||||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 879 cagttgtgggatgaagggacaatatcctcaagcttctttccatt 836

to top

>dbj|AB004826.1| Solanum tuberosum mRNA for eukaryotic initiation factor 5A5,
           complete cds
          Length = 688

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.006
 Identities = 113/143 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 226 tccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttgagctgggtcaggatagcatcatcagttgggagt 285
           ||||||||||| ||||| ||||| |||| ||| | ||| | || ||||||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 470 tccttcccctcggcaaaaccatctttgacctgagccagaagagtatcatcagttgggagc 411

Query: 286 ttaagatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgat 345
            | |  ||||||||   | ||||||| ||||| |  |  |||||||| |||||||| || 
Sbjct: 410 ctcaagtcatccttggtgttaccattttcagtcaacaaactcacaaagccatcctcagag 351

Query: 346 atgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
           || ||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 350 atatcaataagctgataatcagt 328

to top

>dbj|AP004534.1| Lotus japonicus genomic DNA, chromosome 4, clone:LjT14P20, TM0087,
             complete sequence
          Length = 124300

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.097
 Identities = 41/47 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 325   ctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
             ||||||||||||||||| || || ||||| ||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 9986  ctcacaaatccatcctcagaaatatcaatgagctggtaatcagtacg 10032

to top

>gb|AY961931.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A 4 (eIF5A)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 676

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.38
 Identities = 34/38 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 316 gtaagaaggctcacaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaat 353
           ||||| |||||||| || ||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 478 gtaagcaggctcacgaagccatcctctgaaatgtcaat 441

to top

>ref|XM_848899.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to Tumor necrosis factor ligand
           superfamily member 18 (Glucocorticoid-induced
           TNF-related ligand) (hGITRL) (Activation-inducible
           TNF-related ligand) (AITRL) (LOC611257), mRNA
          Length = 1074

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.38
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 420 aagctttttaccattgaatata 441
Sbjct: 120 aagctttttaccattgaatata 141

to top

>gb|AY961932.1| Picea abies eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A 2 (eIF5A)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 835

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 329 caaatccatcctctgatatgtcaat 353
           |||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 501 caaatccatcttctgatatgtcaat 477

to top

>gb|AC163350.4| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-186B12 from chromosome 9, complete sequence
          Length = 203468

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 342    tgatatgtcaatcagctgatactca 366
              |||||||| ||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 116620 tgatatgtaaatcagctgatactca 116596

to top

>emb|X63543.1|NTNEIF5A3 N.tabacum NeIF-5A3 gene for initiation factor 5A(3)
          Length = 2443

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 77/96 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 158  tggggccgacgtccttgactgcgcagatctgttnctcccccatggccgacatgacagtca 217
            ||||||| ||||||||||   | || ||||| | ||| |||||||| ||||| || | ||
Sbjct: 2355 tggggccaacgtccttgataccacaaatctgctcctctcccatggcagacatcactgaca 2296

Query: 218  gcgccaaatccttcccctcagcaaatccatccttga 253
            |  |||  ||||||||||||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 2295 gaaccaggtccttcccctcagcaaaaccatctttga 2260

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 36/41 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328  acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
            |||||||||||||| || || ||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 1709 acaaatccatcctcagagatatcaataagctgatagtcagt 1669

to top

>gb|AC104361.3| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP11-950A3, complete sequence
          Length = 145172

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 421   agctttttaccattgaatata 441
Sbjct: 23464 agctttttaccattgaatata 23484

to top

>gb|AC073172.5| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP11-531H8, complete sequence
          Length = 168080

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 421    agctttttaccattgaatata 441
Sbjct: 136190 agctttttaccattgaatata 136210

to top

>gb|AC068135.5| Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-764E7 from 2, complete sequence
          Length = 164736

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 409    acaatgtcctcaagcttttta 429
Sbjct: 118861 acaatgtcctcaagcttttta 118841

to top

>emb|AJ422210.2|PVI422210 Plasmodium vivax eIF-5A gene for eukaryotic translation initiation
           factor 5A
          Length = 486

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.5
 Identities = 36/41 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328 acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagt 368
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||||||||||||  |||||||
Sbjct: 299 acaaaaccatcctctgtaatgtcaatcagctgcaactcagt 259

to top

>gb|AC103551.7| Oryza sativa chromosome 3 BAC OSJNBb0058G04 genomic sequence, complete
          Length = 137709

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 237   agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 29064 agcaaatccatccttgagct 29083

to top

>gb|AC122160.21| Medicago truncatula clone mth2-23d6, complete sequence
          Length = 125105

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 38/44 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
             ||||||||||| || || || ||||||| |||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 12933 acaaatccatcttcagagatatcaatcaactgataatcagtacg 12976

to top

>gb|AC152068.17| Medicago truncatula clone mth2-29p8, complete sequence
          Length = 118589

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 38/44 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328   acaaatccatcctctgatatgtcaatcagctgatactcagtacg 371
             ||||||||||| || || || ||||||| |||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 46364 acaaatccatcttcagagatatcaatcaactgataatcagtacg 46321

to top

>emb|BX814371.1|CNS0ABYU Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB70ZA04 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 689

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 122/156 (78%), Gaps = 1/156 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 289 agatcatccttanngctaccattctcagtaagaaggctcacaaatccat-cctctgatat 347
           |||||||||||   || |||| | ||||| ||||||||||| || |||| |||| |  ||
Sbjct: 393 agatcatccttggtgccaccactgtcagtgagaaggctcacgaagccatccctcagtgat 334

Query: 348 gtcaatcagctgatactcagtacggtctacatgtggcacatngcagttgtgggatgaang 407
            ||||||| ||| || |||  |||||  |||||||| ||||  || |||||||| ||  |
Sbjct: 333 atcaatcaactggtaatcaacacggttcacatgtggaacatcacaattgtgggaagatgg 274

Query: 408 aacaatgtcctcaagctttttaccattgaatatatc 443
           |||||| || |||||||| ||| || |||| |||||
Sbjct: 273 aacaatatcttcaagcttcttagcagtgaagatatc 238

to top

>gb|AC005904.19| Homo sapiens 12 PAC RP4-751H1 (Roswell Park Cancer Institute Human PAC
             Library) complete sequence
          Length = 65139

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 270   atcatcagttgggagtttaa 289
Sbjct: 16281 atcatcagttgggagtttaa 16262

to top

>gb|AC006560.8| Homo sapiens 12 BAC RPCI11-792F18 (Roswell Park Cancer Institute Human
             BAC Library) complete sequence
          Length = 202478

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 249   cttgagctgggtcaggatag 268
Sbjct: 82088 cttgagctgggtcaggatag 82107

to top

>gb|AC078962.30| Homo sapiens 12 BAC RP11-338E21 (Roswell Park Cancer Institute Human BAC
              Library) complete sequence
          Length = 162644

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 304    ctaccattctcagtaagaag 323
Sbjct: 112896 ctaccattctcagtaagaag 112877

to top

>gb|AC155286.8| Mus musculus 10 BAC RP23-213N17 (Roswell Park Cancer Institute (C57BL/6J
              Female) Mouse BAC Library) complete sequence
          Length = 219072

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 418    tcaagctttttaccattgaa 437
Sbjct: 117139 tcaagctttttaccattgaa 117120

to top

>dbj|AK105057.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-043-C07, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 2283

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 237 agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 335 agcaaatccatccttgagct 316

to top

>dbj|AK100539.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023102F06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 2472

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 237 agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 411 agcaaatccatccttgagct 392

to top

>dbj|AK099666.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J013067D14, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 2166

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 237 agcaaatccatccttgagct 256
Sbjct: 255 agcaaatccatccttgagct 236

to top

>emb|AL929563.15| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP23-68O14 on chromosome 2, complete
          Length = 113198

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 6.0
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 280    gggagtttaagatcatcctt 299
Sbjct: 102245 gggagtttaagatcatcctt 102264

  Database: nt
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:10 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,984,495,279
  Number of sequences in database:  917,343
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.01
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:16 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,988,174,986
  Number of sequences in database:  835,257
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.02
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:21 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,991,246,324
  Number of sequences in database:  771,481
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.03
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:27 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,990,718,311
  Number of sequences in database:  977,174
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.04
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:29 AM
  Number of letters in database: 1,278,410,368
  Number of sequences in database:  400,813
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Hits to DB: 2,971,804
Number of Sequences: 3902068
Number of extensions: 2971804
Number of successful extensions: 46244
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 136
Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 139
Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 1
Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 45860
Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 343
length of query: 444
length of database: 17,233,045,268
effective HSP length: 22
effective length of query: 422
effective length of database: 17,147,199,772
effective search space: 7236118303784
effective search space used: 7236118303784
T: 0
A: 0
X1: 6 (11.9 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 20 (40.1 bits)
to top