-Barley Genetic Resources Database-
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Clone Information

BLAST Search Result

Clone Name rbasd14f10
Clone Library Name barley_pub

No. Definition Score
1emb|X80266.1|HVGTIPP H.vulgare mRNA for gamma-TIP-like protein 1294 0.0
2gb|U86762.1|TAU86762 Triticum aestivum gamma-type tonoplast intr... 811 0.0
3gb|DP000009.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3 579 e-162
4gb|AC090485.3|AC090485 Genomic Sequence for Oryza sativa, Nippon... 579 e-162
5dbj|AP008209.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 579 e-162
6dbj|D25534.1|RICYK333 Oryza sativa yk333 mRNA for gamma-Tip, com... 579 e-162
7dbj|AK104123.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 579 e-162
8dbj|AK068986.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 579 e-162
9dbj|AK058322.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 579 e-162
10gb|AY243803.1| Zea mays tonoplast water channel (TIP1-1) mRNA, c... 577 e-161
11gb|BT016300.1| Zea mays clone Contig133 mRNA sequence 569 e-159
12ref|XM_470213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 561 e-156
13gb|AY104464.1| Zea mays PCO114899 mRNA sequence 561 e-156
14gb|AF037061.1|AF037061 Zea mays tonoplast intrinsic protein (ZmT... 561 e-156
15dbj|AK059438.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 474 e-130
16dbj|AK110727.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 432 e-118
17emb|AJ242805.1|SST242805 Sporobolus stapfianus mRNA for putative... 424 e-115
18gb|AY389618.1| Hyacinthus orientalis mitochondrial tonoplast int... 254 3e-64
19gb|AF326500.1|AF326500 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 246 8e-62
20dbj|AK060994.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 232 1e-57
21ref|NM_189497.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 220 5e-54
22dbj|AP008212.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 220 5e-54
23dbj|AP008207.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 220 5e-54
24dbj|AP003627.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 220 5e-54
25dbj|AP005449.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 220 5e-54
26dbj|AP004784.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 220 5e-54
27dbj|AK111768.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
28dbj|AK111747.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
29dbj|AB114829.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP1 mR... 220 5e-54
30dbj|AK104464.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
31dbj|AK104270.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
32dbj|AK100193.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
33dbj|AK099616.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
34dbj|AK099141.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
35dbj|AK099015.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
36dbj|AK073531.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 220 5e-54
37dbj|AK104377.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 212 1e-51
38gb|AY112388.1| Zea mays CL24208_1 mRNA sequence 212 1e-51
39gb|AY525641.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic prote... 202 1e-48
40gb|AY525640.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic prote... 202 1e-48
41gb|AY525639.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic prote... 202 1e-48
42gb|AF326502.1|AF326502 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 198 2e-47
43gb|AY243804.1| Zea mays tonoplast water channel mRNA, complete cds 186 6e-44
44gb|AF326503.1|AF326503 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 186 6e-44
45gb|U86763.1|TAU86763 Triticum aestivum delta-type tonoplast intr... 186 6e-44
46gb|AF057183.1|AF057183 Zea mays putative tonoplast aquaporin mRN... 186 6e-44
47gb|AF326501.1|AF326501 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 182 1e-42
48gb|AY105015.1| Zea mays PCO137646 mRNA sequence 182 1e-42
49gb|AY106931.1| Zea mays PCO140073 mRNA sequence 178 2e-41
50gb|AF254799.1|AF254799 Hordeum vulgare tonoplast intrinsic prote... 159 1e-35
51ref|XM_467137.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 155 2e-34
52dbj|AP008208.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 155 2e-34
53dbj|AP005006.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 155 2e-34
54dbj|AP005289.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 155 2e-34
55dbj|AB114830.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP2 mR... 155 2e-34
56dbj|AK064728.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 155 2e-34
57emb|AJ307662.1|OSA307662 Oryza sativa genomic DNA fragment, chro... 155 2e-34
58ref|XM_473424.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 119 1e-23
59emb|AL663000.4|OSJN00201 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4,... 119 1e-23
60dbj|AP008210.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 119 1e-23
61gb|U43291.1|MCU43291 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum tonoplast int... 119 1e-23
62emb|AJ005078.2|PAAJ5078 Picea abies mRNA for aquaporin-like protein 107 5e-20
63emb|BX824373.1|CNS0A6WG Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 103 7e-19
64emb|AJ314583.1|POC314583 Posidonia oceanica mRNA for putative to... 100 1e-17
65dbj|D84669.1| Raphanus sativus mRNA for VM23, complete sequence 98 4e-17
66ref|NM_113559.3| Arabidopsis thaliana TIP2 (TONOPLAST INTRINSIC ... 96 2e-16
67gb|AY079114.1| Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mRNA, comp... 96 2e-16
68gb|AF419613.1|AF419613 Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mR... 96 2e-16
69gb|AF428341.1|AF428341 Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mR... 96 2e-16
70gb|AF004393.1|AF004393 Arabidopsis thaliana salt-stress induced ... 96 2e-16
71emb|BX822807.1|CNS0A75T Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
72emb|BX822624.1|CNS0A742 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
73emb|BX824073.1|CNS0A6T2 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
74emb|BX822975.1|CNS0A733 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
75emb|BX824311.1|CNS0A6PE Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
76emb|BX823637.1|CNS0A6I3 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
77emb|BX823607.1|CNS0A6MK Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 96 2e-16
78dbj|AB028611.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 3, ... 96 2e-16
79gb|AF118381.1|AF118381 Brassica napus tonoplast intrinsic protei... 96 2e-16
80ref|NM_188624.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa822... 92 3e-15
81gb|AF326508.1|AF326508 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 92 3e-15
82dbj|AP001550.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 92 3e-15
83dbj|AK069192.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 92 3e-15
84dbj|AB206104.1| Mimosa pudica tip1;1 mRNA for tonoplast intrinsi... 90 1e-14
85emb|AJ289696.1|POC289696 Posidonia oceanica partial mRNA for put... 88 4e-14
86dbj|AB012272.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPF, partial cds 88 4e-14
87dbj|AB048248.1| Pyrus communis Py-gTIP mRNA for gamma tonoplast ... 86 2e-13
88gb|AF326505.1|AF326505 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 84 7e-13
89ref|XM_473251.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 82 3e-12
90emb|AL663019.2|OSJN00221 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4,... 82 3e-12
91gb|L12257.1|SOYNODA Glycine max nodulin-26 mRNA, complete cds 82 3e-12
92emb|X95650.1|TGTIP1GEN T.gesneriana mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic... 80 1e-11
93gb|U92651.2|BOU92651 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast i... 80 1e-11
94emb|BX822304.1|CNS0A7A0 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 80 1e-11
95emb|BX825064.1|CNS0A6TA Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 80 1e-11
96dbj|AB126924.1| Prunus persica Pr-gTIP1 mRNA for tonoplast intri... 78 4e-11
97dbj|AK108116.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 78 4e-11
98dbj|AB012270.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPD, partial cds 76 2e-10
99gb|DQ226889.1| Boechera divaricarpa isolate SLW-D-E07 mRNA sequence 74 7e-10
100emb|BX842211.1|CNS09YE1 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 74 7e-10
101emb|BX842138.1|CNS09YDN Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 74 7e-10
102emb|BX842163.1|CNS09YDT Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 72 3e-09
103gb|AF057137.1|AF057137 Arabidopsis thaliana gamma tonoplast intr... 72 3e-09
104emb|AJ133748.1|PAB133748 Picea abies mRNA for major intrinsic pr... 70 1e-08
105gb|AF326506.1|AF326506 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 68 4e-08
106emb|BX823744.1|CNS0A6NJ Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 68 4e-08
107dbj|AB012271.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPE, partial cds 68 4e-08
108gb|DQ237285.1| Panax ginseng tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP1) ... 66 2e-07
109gb|AF271662.1|AF271662 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putat... 64 6e-07
110gb|AY821911.1| Gossypium hirsutum putative tonoplast intrinsic p... 64 6e-07
111ref|NM_188626.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa822... 62 2e-06
112ref|NM_197137.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) putative... 62 2e-06
113ref|NM_189871.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 62 2e-06
114gb|AC023240.9| Oryza sativa chromosome 10 BAC OSJNBa0051D19 geno... 62 2e-06
115dbj|AP008216.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 62 2e-06
116dbj|AP008213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 62 2e-06
117gb|AF275315.1|AF275315 Lotus japonicus water-selective transport... 62 2e-06
118dbj|AP004380.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 62 2e-06
119dbj|AK111931.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 62 2e-06
120dbj|AB114828.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP3 mR... 62 2e-06
121dbj|AK106383.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 62 2e-06
122dbj|AK099190.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 62 2e-06
123dbj|AK069592.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 62 2e-06
124gb|AE016959.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 62 2e-06
125dbj|AP004479.1| Lotus japonicus genomic DNA, chromosome 1, clone... 62 2e-06
126dbj|AB010416.1| Raphanus sativus VIP3 mRNA for delta-VM23, compl... 60 1e-05
127ref|NM_124117.2| Arabidopsis thaliana AtTIP2;3; water channel AT... 58 4e-05
128ref|NM_188505.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa817... 58 4e-05
129gb|BT011663.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At5g47450 mRNA, complete cds 58 4e-05
130gb|BT011212.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At5g47450 gene, complete cds 58 4e-05
131gb|AF521135.1| Kandelia candel tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP)... 58 4e-05
132dbj|AP002094.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 58 4e-05
133gb|AF133531.1|AF133531 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum water chann... 58 4e-05
134dbj|AB025628.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 5, ... 58 4e-05
135emb|BX823560.1|CNS0A7QS Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 56 2e-04
136gb|BT016509.1| Zea mays clone Contig342 mRNA sequence 54 6e-04
137emb|X72581.1|ATGTIPMR A.thaliana mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic pr... 54 6e-04
138emb|AJ289866.2|VVI289866 Vitis vinifera mRNA for putative aquapo... 54 6e-04
139gb|AF271661.1|AF271661 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putat... 54 6e-04
140gb|AY130971.1| Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast intrins... 52 0.002
141gb|U92652.2|BOU92652 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast i... 52 0.002
142dbj|AB012268.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPB, partial cds 52 0.002
143gb|AF367456.1| Prunus persica clone gTip1 gamma-tonoplast intrin... 50 0.009
144dbj|AB012269.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPC, partial cds 50 0.009
145dbj|AB012267.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPA, partial cds 50 0.009
146ref|NM_112495.2| Arabidopsis thaliana DELTA-TIP; water channel A... 48 0.037
147ref|NM_112496.2| Arabidopsis thaliana electron carrier/ electron... 48 0.037
148emb|X95952.1|HAAP H.annuus mRNA for aquaporin 48 0.037
149gb|AY081622.1| Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast intrinsic pr... 48 0.037
150gb|AY065181.1| Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast intrinsic pr... 48 0.037
151gb|AF326509.1|AF326509 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 48 0.037
152emb|BX823177.1|CNS0A5ZD Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 48 0.037
153emb|BX823081.1|CNS0A5VY Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 48 0.037
154emb|BX823757.1|CNS0A5CX Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 48 0.037
155gb|AY085921.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 19689 mRNA, complete s... 48 0.037
156dbj|AB023046.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 3, ... 48 0.037
157gb|AE016825.1| Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472, complete ge... 48 0.037
158gb|U39485.1|ATU39485 Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast integr... 48 0.037
159emb|X53040.1|RNNIP26 R.norvegicus MIP-26 mRNA 46 0.15
160gb|AF521142.1| Kandelia candel tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA,... 46 0.15
161emb|X53052.1|RRMIP Rat partial mRNA for main intrinsic protein 46 0.15
162emb|X12514.1|RNMIP26R Rat mRNA fragment for main intrinsic prote... 46 0.15
163emb|AJ251652.1|MTR251652 Medicago truncatula mRNA for aquaporin ... 46 0.15
164emb|AJ243309.1|PSA243309 Pisum sativum mRNA for putative tonopla... 46 0.15
165gb|CP000250.1| Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2, complete genome 46 0.15
166emb|BX822968.1|CNS0A5UC Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 46 0.15
167gb|AC020922.9| Homo sapiens chromosome 19 clone CTD-2105E13, com... 46 0.15
168ref|XM_343137.2| PREDICTED: Rattus norvegicus major intrinsic pr... 46 0.15
169gb|AY207429.1| Homo sapiens interleukin 11 (IL11) gene, complete... 46 0.15
170emb|AJ605573.1| Ricinus communis mRNA for aquaporin (Tip1-1 gene... 46 0.15
171gb|AY112625.1| Zea mays CL46210_1 mRNA sequence 46 0.15
172gb|U39486.1|ATU39486 Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast integr... 46 0.15
173gb|AF000143.1|HSAF000143 Human putative alternative lens membran... 46 0.15
174gb|M81890.1|HUMIL11A Human interleukin 11 (IL11) gene, complete ... 46 0.15
175ref|XM_476227.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 44 0.58
176gb|AC145396.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 44 0.58
177emb|AL591787.1|SME591787 Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 complete ch... 44 0.58
178ref|XM_851400.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
179ref|XM_536333.2| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
180ref|XM_851314.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
181ref|XM_851274.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
182ref|XM_851189.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
183ref|XM_851152.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
184ref|XM_851023.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin,... 44 0.58
185dbj|AP008218.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 44 0.58
186dbj|AP008211.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 44 0.58
187ref|XM_343420.2| PREDICTED: Rattus norvegicus similar to RIKEN c... 44 0.58
188gb|AF133532.1|AF133532 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum water chann... 44 0.58
189dbj|AK072531.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 44 0.58
190emb|AL646053.1| Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000 megaplasmid compl... 44 0.58
191dbj|AK060193.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 44 0.58
192gb|DP000011.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 44 0.58
193emb|AL928775.2|CNS08CC5 Oryza sativa chromosome 12, . BAC OSJNBa... 44 0.58
194gb|AY839872.1| Vitis vinifera aquaporin (TIP1;1) mRNA, complete cds 42 2.3
195ref|XM_482690.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 42 2.3
196ref|XM_480293.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 42 2.3
197gb|AE017351.1| Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21 chr... 42 2.3
198gb|AC152063.5| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-204I16 from chromosom... 42 2.3
199gb|AC154709.2| Mus musculus BAC clone RP24-357I4 from chromosome... 42 2.3
200gb|AE017180.1| Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA, complete genome 42 2.3
201ref|XM_593064.2| PREDICTED: Bos taurus similar to tumor protein ... 42 2.3
202gb|AY581827.1| Cynodon dactylon NOD26-like membrane integral pro... 42 2.3
203ref|NM_002457.1| Homo sapiens mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-form... 42 2.3
204gb|AF183913.1| Azospirillum brasilense major outer membrane prot... 42 2.3
205ref|XM_856403.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to aquapori... 42 2.3
206ref|XM_845359.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to aquapori... 42 2.3
207emb|CT025679.5| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP24-296K22 on chr... 42 2.3
208ref|XM_567655.1| Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21 h... 42 2.3
209gb|AC123532.4| Mus musculus chromosome 14 clone RP23-84B6, compl... 42 2.3
210gb|AC098877.3| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-2C24 from 14, complet... 42 2.3
211gb|AC104099.5| Mus musculus BAC clone RP24-372J8 from 3, complet... 42 2.3
212gb|BC012214.1| Mus musculus Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, a su... 42 2.3
213gb|AY258323.1| Rubella virus strain BRD-II, complete genome 42 2.3
214ref|XM_503667.1| Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122, YALI0E07557g predi... 42 2.3
215ref|NM_019519.1| Mus musculus Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, a ... 42 2.3
216ref|XM_961391.1| PREDICTED: Tribolium castaneum similar to CG310... 42 2.3
217gb|CP000089.1| Dechloromonas aromatica RCB, complete genome 42 2.3
218emb|BX640442.1| Bordetella bronchiseptica strain RB50, complete ... 42 2.3
219emb|BX640430.1| Bordetella parapertussis strain 12822, complete ... 42 2.3
220emb|AL390091.1|NCB12F1 Neurospora crassa DNA linkage group II BA... 42 2.3
221emb|AJ489613.1|CAR489613 Cicer arietinum partial mRNA for tonopl... 42 2.3
222gb|AC139749.4| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP13-870H17, co... 42 2.3
223emb|BX470185.18| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-222D3 i... 42 2.3
224ref|NM_184109.1| Mus musculus retrotransposon-like 1 (Rtl1), mRNA 42 2.3
225gb|AC183494.1| Brassica oleracea Contig C, complete sequence 42 2.3
226dbj|AK146917.1| Mus musculus 17 days embryo kidney cDNA, RIKEN f... 42 2.3
227gb|AF271660.1|AF271660 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putat... 42 2.3
228ref|XM_926004.1| PREDICTED: Homo sapiens similar to Mucin-2 prec... 42 2.3
229gb|U62778.1|GHU62778 Gossypium hirsutum delta-tonoplast intrinsi... 42 2.3
230tpg|BK001261.1| TPA: TPA_exp: Mus musculus RTl1 (Rtl1) mRNA, com... 42 2.3
231dbj|AP008214.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 42 2.3
232gb|AF342810.1|AF342810 Zea mays NOD26-like membrane integral pro... 42 2.3
233gb|AF326507.1|AF326507 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 42 2.3
234gb|AF326485.1|AF326485 Zea mays NOD26-like membrane integral pro... 42 2.3
235emb|BX822791.1|CNS0A7SC Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 42 2.3
236gb|AC135495.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 42 2.3
237ref|NM_214226.1| Sus scrofa inositol(1,3,4,5)tetrakisphosphate r... 42 2.3
238gb|AE004658.1| Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, section 219 of 529 o... 42 2.3
239dbj|AP005606.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 42 2.3
240gb|AF127662.1|AF127662 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB ge... 42 2.3
241gb|AF127661.1|AF127661 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB ge... 42 2.3
242gb|AF127660.1|AF127660 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylg... 42 2.3
243gb|AF127659.1|AF127659 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB ge... 42 2.3
244gb|AF127658.1|AF127658 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylg... 42 2.3
245gb|AF127657.1|AF127657 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB ge... 42 2.3
246gb|AF127656.1|AF127656 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylg... 42 2.3
247gb|AF127655.1|AF127655 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB ge... 42 2.3
248gb|AF127654.1|AF127654 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylg... 42 2.3
249dbj|AP004558.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 42 2.3
250dbj|AP003798.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 42 2.3
251dbj|AP005501.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 42 2.3
252dbj|AK071278.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 42 2.3
253gb|AY596297.1| Haloarcula marismortui ATCC 43049 chromosome I, c... 42 2.3
254emb|AL646052.1| Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000 chromosome comple... 42 2.3
255gb|AF466200.2| Sorghum bicolor putative protein kinase gene, par... 42 2.3
256emb|AL845372.6| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone DKEYP-113C1 in... 42 2.3
257gb|AY109651.1| Zea mays CL6730_1 mRNA sequence 42 2.3
258gb|AF009567.1|AF009567 Gossypium hirsutum delta-TIP homolog (MIP... 42 2.3
259emb|CR381567.9| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone DKEY-115O4 in ... 42 2.3
260gb|AF026470.1|AF026470 Pseudomonas aeruginosa gluconate represso... 42 2.3
261gb|AC159324.2| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-9D1 from chromosome 1... 42 2.3
262gb|CP000085.1| Burkholderia thailandensis E264 chromosome II, co... 42 2.3
263emb|CR974568.14| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP23-39N20 on chr... 42 2.3
264emb|CR388420.19| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone DKEY-37H18 in... 42 2.3
265gb|L21998.1|HUMMUC2X Homo sapiens intestinal mucin (MUC2) mRNA, ... 42 2.3
266emb|CR382131.1| Yarrowia lipolytica chromosome E of strain CLIB ... 42 2.3
267gb|U88368.1|SSU88368 Sus scrofa inositol(1,3,4,5)tetrakisphospha... 42 2.3
268gb|M94132.1|HUMIMUCB Human mucin 2 (MUC2) mRNA sequence 42 2.3
269gb|L07320.1|HS5E1A Murine cytomegalovirus e1 protein gene, compl... 42 2.3
270ref|NM_129238.2| Arabidopsis thaliana GAMMA-TIP; water channel A... 40 9.1
271gb|AC164878.2| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-364G24 from chromosom... 40 9.1
272gb|AC162034.6| Mus musculus chromosome 7, clone RP23-285B12, com... 40 9.1
273gb|CP000096.1| Pelodictyon luteolum DSM 273, complete genome 40 9.1
274gb|DQ215783.1| Taeniopygia guttata clone 0058P0012B09 proteasome... 40 9.1
275ref|XM_465012.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), mRNA 40 9.1
276gb|CP000152.1| Burkholderia sp. 383 chromosome 2, complete sequence 40 9.1
277ref|XM_472326.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), predic... 40 9.1
278gb|AF474373.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare BAC 259I16, comple... 40 9.1
279ref|NM_001025266.1| Homo sapiens hypothetical gene supported by ... 40 9.1
280gb|CP000143.1| Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 chromosome 1, compl... 40 9.1
281gb|AC145321.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 40 9.1
282gb|CP000010.1| Burkholderia mallei ATCC 23344 chromosome 1, comp... 40 9.1
283ref|XM_366929.1| Magnaporthe grisea 70-15 chromosome VII hypothe... 40 9.1
284ref|XM_414866.1| PREDICTED: Gallus gallus similar to Aquaporin 8... 40 9.1
285ref|XM_426181.1| PREDICTED: Gallus gallus similar to Brix domain... 40 9.1
286gb|CP000285.1| Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043, complete ge... 40 9.1
287gb|CP000124.1| Burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b chromosome I, com... 40 9.1
288gb|DQ356948.1| Crocodilepox virus, complete genome 40 9.1
289ref|NM_014755.1| Homo sapiens SERTA domain containing 2 (SERTAD2... 40 9.1
290gb|AY502065.1| Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase gene, c... 40 9.1
291gb|AF531437.1| Streptomyces mobaraensis IFO13819 transglutaminas... 40 9.1
292emb|AL591789.1|SME591789 Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 complete ch... 40 9.1
293ref|XM_855673.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to Ankyrin ... 40 9.1
294ref|XM_548420.2| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to Ankyrin ... 40 9.1
295emb|CR847515.10| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone DKEYP-60A7 in... 40 9.1
296gb|AC012596.4| Homo sapiens BAC clone CTD-2523K17 from 7, comple... 40 9.1
297gb|AY225468.1| Mus musculus interleukin 11 gene, promoter region... 40 9.1
298gb|AC123519.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 40 9.1
299emb|AL161740.16| Human DNA sequence from clone RP6-239D12 on chr... 40 9.1
300gb|AC123518.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 40 9.1
301emb|X63277.1|ZMYPTM1 Z.mays yptm1 cDNA 40 9.1
302emb|X63552.1|ATGTIPARA A.thaliana gene for tonoplast intrinsic p... 40 9.1
303gb|AY059134.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative aquaporin (At2g3683... 40 9.1
304gb|AF370172.1| Arabidopsis thaliana putative tonoplast intrinsic... 40 9.1
305gb|AF486513.1| Hordeum vulgare cultivar Yon M Kei GBSSI gene, pr... 40 9.1
306gb|AF486512.1| Hordeum vulgare cultivar CDC Alamo GBSSI gene, pr... 40 9.1
307gb|AF486508.1| Hordeum vulgare cultivar Oderbrucker GBSSI gene, ... 40 9.1
308emb|BX571965.1| Burkholderia pseudomallei strain K96243, chromos... 40 9.1
309emb|AL606611.3|OSJN00044 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4,... 40 9.1
310emb|AL117431.1|HSM800940 Homo sapiens genomic DNA; cDNA DKFZp434... 40 9.1
311emb|BX897736.7| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-181B15 i... 40 9.1
312emb|CR857936.1| Pongo pygmaeus mRNA; cDNA DKFZp469G0211 (from cl... 40 9.1
313gb|CP000301.1| Rhodopseudomonas palustris BisB18, complete genome 40 9.1
314gb|AE005901.1| Caulobacter crescentus CB15 section 227 of 359 of... 40 9.1
315gb|AC023310.4| Homo sapiens chromosome 15, clone RP11-336L20, co... 40 9.1
316dbj|AK091454.1| Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ34135 fis, clone FCBBF3010695 40 9.1
317tpg|BK001890.1| TPA: TPA_inf: Drosophila melanogaster HDC08154 (... 40 9.1
318gb|AE012138.1| Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. ATCC 3... 40 9.1
319gb|CP000133.1| Rhizobium etli CFN 42, complete genome 40 9.1
320gb|CP000136.1| Rhizobium etli CFN 42 plasmid p42c, complete sequ... 40 9.1
321dbj|AP007255.1| Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 DNA, complete ... 40 9.1
322gb|AC006922.7| Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 2 clone T1J8 map ... 40 9.1
323dbj|AB118808.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum GBSSI gene for... 40 9.1
324dbj|AB089162.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare GBSSI gene for gr... 40 9.1
325dbj|AB088761.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare GBSSI gene for gr... 40 9.1
326gb|AC100757.2| Homo sapiens chromosome 15, clone RP11-566K19, co... 40 9.1
327gb|AC107487.1| Drosophila melanogaster 3L BAC RP98-10D20 (Roswel... 40 9.1
328gb|DQ317109.1| Drosophila pseudoobscura Dscam gene, exons 3 thro... 40 9.1
329emb|BX548249.13| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-93A2 in... 40 9.1
330emb|BX119977.10| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-198A3 i... 40 9.1
331gb|CP000050.1| Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. 8004, ... 40 9.1
332gb|AC018843.4|AC018843 Homo sapiens chromosome 3 clone RP11-900O... 40 9.1
333dbj|AP008217.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 40 9.1
334dbj|AP008215.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 40 9.1
335gb|AF326504.1|AF326504 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral prot... 40 9.1
336emb|AL662997.3|OSJN00205 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4,... 40 9.1
337emb|BX819301.1|CNS0AA93 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
338emb|BX819122.1|CNS0AA8S Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
339emb|BX819066.1|CNS0AA99 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
340emb|BX818765.1|CNS0AA8G Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
341emb|BX819619.1|CNS0A8TV Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
342emb|BX819585.1|CNS0A8ZS Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
343emb|BX819242.1|CNS0A8YI Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
344emb|BX818836.1|CNS0A8V6 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
345emb|BX818785.1|CNS0A8WQ Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
346emb|BX820166.1|CNS0A8IR Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Co... 40 9.1
347gb|AY779624.1| Myxococcus xanthus strain DK1622 rod locus, compl... 40 9.1
348gb|AC007365.3| Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-451M22 from 2, comple... 40 9.1
349gb|AC009496.3| Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-500G18 from 2, comple... 40 9.1
350gb|AE004695.1| Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, section 256 of 529 o... 40 9.1
351gb|AY087558.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 36633 mRNA, complete s... 40 9.1
352gb|CP000157.1| Erythrobacter litoralis HTCC2594, complete genome 40 9.1
353gb|AC136687.6| Homo sapiens chromosome 15, clone RP11-439M15, co... 40 9.1
354gb|AC134393.6| Homo sapiens chromosome 15, clone CTC-803A3, comp... 40 9.1
355gb|AC131280.9| Homo sapiens chromosome 15, clone RP11-467L19, co... 40 9.1
356dbj|BA000040.2| Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 DNA, complete ... 40 9.1
357dbj|AP006618.1| Nocardia farcinica IFM 10152 DNA, complete genome 40 9.1
358dbj|AP006149.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 40 9.1
359dbj|AP003712.4| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 40 9.1
360gb|AC011599.8|AC011599 Homo sapiens 3 BAC RP11-606C6 (Roswell Pa... 40 9.1
361dbj|AB154356.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum GBSSI gene for... 40 9.1
362dbj|AP004168.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 40 9.1
363dbj|AB118809.1| Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum GBSSI gene for... 40 9.1
364dbj|D50917.1| Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0127 gene, partial cds 40 9.1
365dbj|AK112006.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 9.1
366dbj|AK111927.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 9.1
367emb|X07932.1|HVWAXYR Barley mRNA pcwx27 for waxy locus 40 9.1
368emb|X07931.1|HVWAXYG Barley DNA for waxy locus encoding starch s... 40 9.1
369dbj|AK109762.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 9.1
370gb|AC007934.7|AC007934 Homo sapiens, clone RP11-29A1, complete s... 40 9.1
371dbj|AK100873.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 9.1
372dbj|AK069688.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clon... 40 9.1
373emb|AL929340.4| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-248N16 i... 40 9.1
374emb|AL442007.3| Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4, BAC clon... 40 9.1
375gb|AC006947.2|AC006947 Homo sapiens chromosome 17, clone hRPK.11... 40 9.1
376gb|AE003476.3| Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3L, section 10... 40 9.1
377gb|U68299.1|MCU68299 Mouse cytomegalovirus 1 complete genomic se... 40 9.1
378emb|CR388150.14| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone DKEY-115A2 in... 40 9.1
379gb|DP000010.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 40 9.1
380gb|AY885250.2| Dermacentor variabilis vitellogenin (Vg) mRNA, co... 40 9.1
381emb|AL929067.8| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP24-69A20 on chro... 40 9.1
382gb|DQ202710.1| Olea europaea tonoplast intrinsic protein (tip) m... 40 9.1
383gb|AC034198.7| Homo sapiens chromosome 3 clone RP11-767C1 map 3p... 40 9.1
384gb|AC018836.5| Homo sapiens chromosome 3 clone RP11-588P9 map 3p... 40 9.1
385gb|AF317103.1| Dumontia alaskana specimen-voucher GWS000917 (UNB... 40 9.1
386gb|AF317102.1| Dumontia alaskana specimen-voucher GWS000916 (UNB... 40 9.1
387gb|AF317101.1| Dumontia alaskana specimen-voucher G0221 (UNB) sm... 40 9.1
388gb|M84344.1|ATHGTIP Arabidopsis thaliana tonoplast intrinsic pro... 40 9.1
389dbj|AB054056.1| Hordeum vulgare waxy gene, partial sequence, cul... 40 9.1
390dbj|AB054055.2| Hordeum vulgare waxy gene, partial sequence, cul... 40 9.1
391emb|AL772162.4| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP23-175J8 on chro... 40 9.1

>emb|X80266.1|HVGTIPP H.vulgare mRNA for gamma-TIP-like protein
          Length = 1020

 Score = 1294 bits (653), Expect = 0.0
 Identities = 663/665 (99%), Gaps = 1/665 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1    gttttacacaagcaaattgacagggtcgatcgtcacaggtttcacagcaccacaaactga 60
Sbjct: 1010 gttttacacaagcaaattgacagggtcgatcgtcacaggtttcacagcaccacaaactga 951

Query: 61   tggaccgatcgaccctgggaatgggatggattcattcattcaaagcaaacttaaacgact 120
Sbjct: 950  tggaccgatcgaccctgggaatgggatggattcattcattcaaagcaaacttaaacgact 891

Query: 121  catgactggaagcaaggggagacgcgatcgaccacacggacggacgggcgggcggggggc 180
Sbjct: 890  catgactggaagcaaggggagacgcgatcgaccacacggacggacgggcgggcggggggc 831

Query: 181  aggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaag 240
Sbjct: 830  aggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaag 771

Query: 241  agcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacc 300
Sbjct: 770  agcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacc 711

Query: 301  cactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatg 360
Sbjct: 710  cactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatg 651

Query: 361  gacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcg 420
Sbjct: 650  gacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcg 591

Query: 421  atgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtg 480
Sbjct: 590  atgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtg 531

Query: 481  tacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccg 540
Sbjct: 530  tacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccg 471

Query: 541  gtgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcg 600
Sbjct: 470  gtgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcg 411

Query: 601  gcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgtt 660
            |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||| |||||||
Sbjct: 410  gcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaag-agggtgatgtt 352

Query: 661  gccgc 665
Sbjct: 351  gccgc 347

to top

>gb|U86762.1|TAU86762 Triticum aestivum gamma-type tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1133

 Score =  811 bits (409), Expect = 0.0
 Identities = 455/469 (97%), Gaps = 1/469 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
Sbjct: 845 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 786

Query: 257 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccact 316
Sbjct: 785 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccact 726

Query: 317 cccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaagg 376
Sbjct: 725 cccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaagg 666

Query: 377 cgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgc 436
           ||||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 665 cgccgcccaccaggatgttggcgcccacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgc 606

Query: 437 ccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaagg 496
           |||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 605 ccaggctgcccttcttggggtccacggccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaagg 546

Query: 497 tcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggtgc 556
           |||| ||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||  | |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 545 tcatcacgatctccagcaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccactcagcccgaaggtgc 486

Query: 557 cggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagca 616
Sbjct: 485 cggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagca 426

Query: 617 gctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           ||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||| ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 425 gctgcgcgatccagtagagcaggccgcggaag-agggtgatgttgccgc 378

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 103 aagcaaacttaaacgactcatg 124
Sbjct: 977 aagcaaacttaaacgactcatg 956

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 26/28 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 1    gttttacacaagcaaattgacagggtcg 28
            |||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 1054 gttttacagaagcaaattgacagtgtcg 1027

to top

>gb|DP000009.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3
          Length = 36102668

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 182     ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
               ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544716 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 2544775

Query: 242     gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
               | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544776 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 2544835

Query: 302     actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
               ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544836 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 2544895

Query: 362     acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
               | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544896 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 2544955

Query: 422     tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
               |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 2544956 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 2545015

Query: 482     acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
               | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 2545016 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 2545075

Query: 542     tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
               | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 2545076 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 2545135

Query: 602     cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
               ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 2545136 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 2545194

Query: 662     ccgc 665
Sbjct: 2545195 ccgc 2545198

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156     acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 8319519 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 8319499

to top

>gb|AC090485.3|AC090485 Genomic Sequence for Oryza sativa, Nipponbare strain, clone
              OSJNBa0067N01, from chromosome 3, complete sequence
          Length = 159636

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182    ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
              ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 125378 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 125319

Query: 242    gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
              | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 125318 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 125259

Query: 302    actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
              ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 125258 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 125199

Query: 362    acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
              | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 125198 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 125139

Query: 422    tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
              |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 125138 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 125079

Query: 482    acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
              | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 125078 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 125019

Query: 542    tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
              | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 125018 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 124959

Query: 602    cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
              ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 124958 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 124900

Query: 662    ccgc 665
Sbjct: 124899 ccgc 124896

to top

>dbj|AP008209.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 3, complete
          Length = 36192742

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 182     ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
               ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544826 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 2544885

Query: 242     gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
               | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544886 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 2544945

Query: 302     actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
               ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 2544946 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 2545005

Query: 362     acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
               | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2545006 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 2545065

Query: 422     tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
               |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 2545066 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 2545125

Query: 482     acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
               | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 2545126 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 2545185

Query: 542     tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
               | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 2545186 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 2545245

Query: 602     cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
               ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 2545246 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 2545304

Query: 662     ccgc 665
Sbjct: 2545305 ccgc 2545308

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156     acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 8317354 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 8317334

to top

>dbj|D25534.1|RICYK333 Oryza sativa yk333 mRNA for gamma-Tip, complete cds
          Length = 1080

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 844 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 785

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 784 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 725

Query: 302 actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
           ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 724 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 665

Query: 362 acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
           | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 664 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 605

Query: 422 tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
           |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 604 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 545

Query: 482 acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
           | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 544 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 485

Query: 542 tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
           | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 484 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 425

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
           ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 424 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 366

Query: 662 ccgc 665
Sbjct: 365 ccgc 362

to top

>dbj|AK104123.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:006-203-C12, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1034

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 853 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 794

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 793 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 734

Query: 302 actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
           ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 733 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 674

Query: 362 acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
           | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 673 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 614

Query: 422 tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
           |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 613 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 554

Query: 482 acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
           | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 553 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 494

Query: 542 tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
           | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 493 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 434

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
           ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 433 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 375

Query: 662 ccgc 665
Sbjct: 374 ccgc 371

to top

>dbj|AK068986.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023003E16, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1082

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 855 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 796

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 795 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 736

Query: 302 actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
           ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 735 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 676

Query: 362 acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
           | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 675 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 616

Query: 422 tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
           |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 615 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 556

Query: 482 acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
           | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 555 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 496

Query: 542 tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
           | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 495 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 436

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
           ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 435 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 377

Query: 662 ccgc 665
Sbjct: 376 ccgc 373

to top

>dbj|AK058322.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-014-B06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1055

 Score =  579 bits (292), Expect = e-162
 Identities = 437/484 (90%), Gaps = 1/484 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 851 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 792

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 791 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 732

Query: 302 actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
           ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 731 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 672

Query: 362 acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
           | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 671 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 612

Query: 422 tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
           |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 611 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 552

Query: 482 acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
           | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 551 agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 492

Query: 542 tgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcgg 601
           | || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  
Sbjct: 491 tcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgcca 432

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttg 661
           ||||||||||||| ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 431 cggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttg 373

Query: 662 ccgc 665
Sbjct: 372 ccgc 369

to top

>gb|AY243803.1| Zea mays tonoplast water channel (TIP1-1) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1039

 Score =  577 bits (291), Expect = e-161
 Identities = 427/471 (90%), Gaps = 1/471 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 754 ttagtagtcggtggaggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 695

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtaccccca 314
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 694 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtagcccca 635

Query: 315 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaa 374
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 634 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggacacggcggggttcatggacgcgccgtcgaa 575

Query: 375 ggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||| || ||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 574 ggcgccgcccaccaggatgttggcccccacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggt 515

Query: 435 gcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 494
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 514 gcccaggctgcccttcttcgggtccaccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 455

Query: 495 ggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggt 554
           |||||| ||||||||||| |||| |||||||||| |    | ||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 454 ggtcatcacgatctccagcaccagcgcctcccacaccgacacgcccgtcagcccgaaggt 395

Query: 555 gccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccag 614
           ||| ||||   ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||| ||  ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 394 gcccgtggcctgcccgcccgtcgagaagcggagcaggaagcacgccacggtggaccccag 335

Query: 615 cagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           |||||||||||||||||| || || || |||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 334 cagctgcgccacccagtacaggagcccccggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 285

to top

>gb|BT016300.1| Zea mays clone Contig133 mRNA sequence
          Length = 1112

 Score =  569 bits (287), Expect = e-159
 Identities = 426/471 (90%), Gaps = 1/471 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 850 ttagtagtcggtggaggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 791

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtaccccca 314
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 790 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgaggggcccgacccagtacacccactggtagcccca 731

Query: 315 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaa 374
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 730 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggacacggcggggttcatggacgcgccgtcgaa 671

Query: 375 ggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 670 ggcgccgcccaccaggatgttggcgcccacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggt 611

Query: 435 gcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 494
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 610 gcccaggctgcccttcttcgggtccaccgccgtcgcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 551

Query: 495 ggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggt 554
           |||||| ||||||||||| |||| |||||||||| |    | ||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 550 ggtcatcacgatctccagcaccagcgcctcccacaccgacacgcccgtcagcccgaaggt 491

Query: 555 gccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccag 614
           ||| ||||   ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||| ||  ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 490 gcccgtggcctgcccgcccgtcgagaagcggagcaggaagcacgccacggtggaccccag 431

Query: 615 cagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           |||||||||||||||||| || || || |||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 430 cagctgcgccacccagtacaggagcccccggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 381

to top

>ref|XM_470213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  predicted mRNA
          Length = 753

 Score =  561 bits (283), Expect = e-156
 Identities = 425/471 (90%), Gaps = 1/471 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| | |||||||||
Sbjct: 753 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagaggacctcgtagat 694

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtaccccca 314
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||||||| || ||||
Sbjct: 693 gacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacacccactgggactccca 634

Query: 315 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaa 374
              ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||||  |||
Sbjct: 633 ggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaa 574

Query: 375 ggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
            |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 573 cgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggt 514

Query: 435 gcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 494
           ||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||
Sbjct: 513 gccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaa 454

Query: 495 ggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggt 554
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 453 ggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccggtcaggccgaaggt 394

Query: 555 gccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccag 614
           |||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 393 gccggtggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgccacggtggagcccag 334

Query: 615 cagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
            ||||| || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 333 gagctgggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 284

to top

>gb|AY104464.1| Zea mays PCO114899 mRNA sequence
          Length = 1167

 Score =  561 bits (283), Expect = e-156
 Identities = 425/471 (90%), Gaps = 1/471 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 849 ttagtagtcggtggaggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 790

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtaccccca 314
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 789 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtagcccca 730

Query: 315 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaa 374
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 729 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggacacggcggggttcatggacgcgccgtcgaa 670

Query: 375 ggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||| || ||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 669 ggcgccgcccaccaggatgttggcccccacgatgaagccgatggcaatgggggcgatggt 610

Query: 435 gcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 494
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 609 gcccaggctgcccttcttcgggtccaccgccgtcgcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 550

Query: 495 ggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggt 554
           |||||| ||||||||||| |||| |||||||||| |    | ||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 549 ggtcatcacgatctccagcaccagcgcctcccacaccgacacgcccgtcagcccgaaggt 490

Query: 555 gccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccag 614
           ||| ||||   ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||| ||  ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 489 gcccgtggcctgcccgcccgtcgagaagcggagcaggaagcacgccacggtggaccccag 430

Query: 615 cagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           |||||||||||||||||| || || || |||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 429 cagctgcgccacccagtacaggagccctcggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 380

to top

>gb|AF037061.1|AF037061 Zea mays tonoplast intrinsic protein (ZmTIP1) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1097

 Score =  561 bits (283), Expect = e-156
 Identities = 425/471 (90%), Gaps = 1/471 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 846 ttagtagtcggtggaggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 787

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtaccccca 314
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 786 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgaggggcccgacccagtacacccactggtagcccca 727

Query: 315 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaa 374
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 726 ctcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggacacggcggggttcatggacgcgccgtcgaa 667

Query: 375 ggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||| || ||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 666 ggcgccgcccaccaggatgttggcccccacgatgaagccgatggcaatgggggcgatggt 607

Query: 435 gcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 494
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 606 gcccaggctgcccttcttcgggtccaccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaa 547

Query: 495 ggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggt 554
           |||||| ||||||||||| |||| |||||||||| |    | ||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 546 ggtcatcacgatctccagcaccagcgcctcccacaccgacacgcccgtcagcccgaaggt 487

Query: 555 gccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccag 614
           ||| ||||   ||||||| || ||||||||||| |||||||| ||  ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 486 gcccgtggcctgcccgcccgtcgagaagcggagcaggaagcacgccacggtggaccccag 427

Query: 615 cagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           |||||||||||||||||| || || || |||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 426 cagctgcgccacccagtacaggagcccccggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 377

to top

>dbj|AK059438.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-027-G11, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 551

 Score =  474 bits (239), Expect = e-130
 Identities = 344/379 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 379 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 320

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccc 301
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 319 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagtgggccaacccagtacaccc 260

Query: 302 actggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgg 361
           ||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 259 actgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgggccgaaggagacggccgggttcatgg 200

Query: 362 acgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
           | ||||||  ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 199 aggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgttcgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 140

Query: 422 tgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgt 481
           |||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 139 tgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgt 80

Query: 482 acaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccgg 541
           | || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||
Sbjct: 79  agacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccgg 20

Query: 542 tgagcccgaaggtgccggt 560
           | || ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 19  tcaggccgaaggtgccggt 1

to top

>dbj|AK110727.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:002-170-E06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1024

 Score =  432 bits (218), Expect = e-118
 Identities = 348/390 (89%), Gaps = 1/390 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 276 gatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggg 335
           |||||| ||||| |||||||||||||||||| || ||||   ||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 219 gatgagtgggccaacccagtacacccactgggactcccaggaccagctgacgagggccgg 278

Query: 336 gccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgtt 395
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| ||||||  ||| ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 279 gccgaaggagacggccgggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaacgcgccgccgacgaggatgtt 338

Query: 396 ggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggg 455
            ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 339 cgcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggtgccgaggctgcccttcttggg 398

Query: 456 gtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggac 515
           ||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 399 gtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatgacgatctccagcac 458

Query: 516 caccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggt 575
           ||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||| || |||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 459 cagggcctcccacacggagacgccggtcaggccgaaggtgccggtggcgagcccgccggt 518

Query: 576 ggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagag 635
           ||||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||||||| ||||| || | |||||||||
Sbjct: 519 ggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgccacggtggagcccaggagctgggcgatccagtagag 578

Query: 636 caggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
            |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 579 gaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 607

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 4e-17
 Identities = 55/57 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatga 238
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 167 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatga 223

to top

>emb|AJ242805.1|SST242805 Sporobolus stapfianus mRNA for putative gamma tonoplast intrinsic
           protein (TIP)
          Length = 1146

 Score =  424 bits (214), Expect = e-115
 Identities = 412/476 (86%), Gaps = 4/476 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 193 gcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggag---atgaagagcagctcg 249
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||   ||||||||||  |||
Sbjct: 837 gcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggaggagatgaagagcatgtcg 778

Query: 250 tagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtac 309
           || || |   | |||||  |  | |||||||  |||||||||||||||||||| ||||  
Sbjct: 777 tatataagtgcagcgagtgcagcaccgatgaacgggccgacccagtacacccagtggttg 718

Query: 310 ccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccg 369
             |||   |||||||||||| | |||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 717 ttccaggaccagctgacgagcgaggggccgaaggacacggcggggttcatggacgcgccg 658

Query: 370 gagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcg 429
             |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 657 tcgaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgcccacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcg 598

Query: 430 atggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagc 489
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 597 atggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgaccgcggtggcgtacacagtgtacaccaga 538

Query: 490 ccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccg 549
           ||||||||||| |||||||| || ||||  ||||||||| ||  ||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 537 ccgaaggtcatcacgatctcgagcaccagggcctcccacacggagatgccggtcaggccg 478

Query: 550 aaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggag 609
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||| ||| ||  || | |||
Sbjct: 477 aaggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtgacgaagcggaggaggaggcacgccacgatcgag 418

Query: 610 cccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
           |||||||||||||| | |||||| || | || ||||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 417 cccagcagctgcgcgatccagtacaggatgctgcggaa-caggctgatgttgccgc 363

to top

>gb|AY389618.1| Hyacinthus orientalis mitochondrial tonoplast intrinsic protein
           (TIP1) mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 662

 Score =  254 bits (128), Expect = 3e-64
 Identities = 286/338 (84%), Gaps = 3/338 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 312 ccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccgga 371
           |||||||||||| || || |  || |||||||| || || |||||||| ||||| |||  
Sbjct: 632 ccactcccagctcaccagcggcggcccgaaggacaccgccgggttcatcgacgccccgtc 573

Query: 372 gaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgat 431
           |||||| |||||| | ||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 572 gaaggccccgccggccaggatgttggcccccacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgat 513

Query: 432 ggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagccc 491
            || |||||||| |||||||| ||||| | ||||||||||||||| ||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 512 cgtccccaggctccccttcttcgggtcaatggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagccc 453

Query: 492 gaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaa 551
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||||| ||| | |||  ||| ||  |||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 452 gaaggtcatgacgatctcgaggaccagcgcgttccagacgctgaccccggagagcccgaa 393

Query: 552 ggtgccggtggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcc 611
           | |||||||      | |||| |||||||| |||||||||| ||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 392 gctgccggt---ctcctcgccagtggagaaccggaggaggaggcacgcggcggtggagcc 336

Query: 612 cagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaaga 649
           ||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 335 caggagctgcgccacccagtagaggaggccgcggaaga 298

to top

>gb|AF326500.1|AF326500 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP1-2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1021

 Score =  246 bits (124), Expect = 8e-62
 Identities = 208/236 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 283 gggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaag 342
           |||||||||||||||||||| |||| | ||||  | | | |||||| ||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 682 gggccgacccagtacacccagtggttctcccagacgccggtgacgacggccgggccgaag 623

Query: 343 gagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccg 402
           |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  ||||||||| ||  | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 622 gagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccccccgccaggatgttggcgccg 563

Query: 403 acgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacg 462
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||| |||  ||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 562 acgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatgacgccgaggtcgcccttcttggggtccacg 503

Query: 463 gcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccac 518
           || |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 502 gccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacacgaggccgaaggtcatgaccatctccagcaccac 447

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 48/55 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 585 gaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcagg 639
           |||||||| ||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 377 gaggaggaggcaggcgacgacggagcccaggagctgggccacccagtagaccagg 323

to top

>dbj|AK060994.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:006-203-E02, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 870

 Score =  232 bits (117), Expect = 1e-57
 Identities = 199/225 (88%), Gaps = 1/225 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 592 gctgcccttcttggggtcaacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcat 533

Query: 501 gacgatctccaggaccaccgcctcccacgcgccgatgccggtgagcccgaaggtgccggt 560
           |||||||||||| ||||  ||||||||| ||  || |||||| || ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 532 gacgatctccagcaccagggcctcccacacggagacgccggtcaggccgaaggtgccggt 473

Query: 561 ggggagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctg 620
           || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 472 ggcgagcccgccggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcacgccacggtggagcccaggagctg 413

Query: 621 cgccacccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaaggttgatgttgccgc 665
            || | ||||||||| |||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 412 ggcgatccagtagaggaggccgcggaa-cagggtgatgttgccgc 369

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 93/98 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 182 ggcggcggtgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaaga 241
           ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 689 ggcggcgatgagcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaaga 630

Query: 242 gcagctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatg 279
           | | |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 629 ggacctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatg 592

to top

>ref|NM_189497.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  predicted mRNA
          Length = 759

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 323 tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
           |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 628 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 569

Query: 383 cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
           || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 568 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 509

Query: 443 tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
            |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 508 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 449

Query: 503 cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 448 cgatctc 442

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 610 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 338 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 316

to top

>dbj|AP008212.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 6, complete
          Length = 30731886

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321      gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
                |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 13251010 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 13250951

Query: 381      gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
                | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 13250950 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 13250891

Query: 441      gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
                    ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 13250890 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 13250831

Query: 501      gacgatctcca 511
                || ||||||||
Sbjct: 13250830 gatgatctcca 13250820

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249      gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
                ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 13251082 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 13251035

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 399      gccgacgatgaagccgatggcgat 422
                ||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 26574317 gccgaggatgaagccgatggcgat 26574294

to top

>dbj|AP008207.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1, complete
          Length = 43261740

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 323      tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
                |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 43108799 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 43108858

Query: 383      cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
                || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 43108859 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 43108918

Query: 443      tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
                 |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 43108919 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 43108978

Query: 503      cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 43108979 cgatctc 43108985

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 3e-15
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 326     cgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccga 385
               ||||||| ||||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||| ||||||||| |||  |||||| 
Sbjct: 7297479 cgagggccgggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggaggcgccggagtagggcccgccgg 7297420

Query: 386     cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccga 415
               ||||||||||||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 7297419 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgacgaggccga 7297390

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352     gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
               ||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||| | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 7302352 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgagcgcgccgccggcgacggtgttggcgccgacga 7302298

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259     ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
               |||||||||||| ||||||||| ||| |||| |||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 6644922 ccggcgaggccggcgccgatgaagggaccgagccagtacacccagtggt 6644970

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 610      cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 43109089 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 43109111

to top

>dbj|AP003627.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1, PAC
          Length = 142475

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 323    tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
              |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 105828 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 105887

Query: 383    cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
              || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 105888 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 105947

Query: 443    tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
               |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 105948 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 106007

Query: 503    cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 106008 cgatctc 106014

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 610    cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 106118 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 106140

to top

>dbj|AP005449.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 6, PAC
          Length = 146395

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321   gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
             |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 12820 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 12761

Query: 381   gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
             | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 12760 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 12701

Query: 441   gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
                 ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 12700 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 12641

Query: 501   gacgatctcca 511
             || ||||||||
Sbjct: 12640 gatgatctcca 12630

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249   gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
             ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 12892 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 12845

to top

>dbj|AP004784.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 6, BAC
          Length = 168629

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321    gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
              |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 168198 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 168139

Query: 381    gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
              | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 168138 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 168079

Query: 441    gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
                  ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 168078 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 168019

Query: 501    gacgatctcca 511
              || ||||||||
Sbjct: 168018 gatgatctcca 168008

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249    gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
              ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 168270 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 168223

to top

>dbj|AK111768.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023066H10, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1346

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 323 tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
           |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 652 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 593

Query: 383 cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
           || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 592 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 533

Query: 443 tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
            |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 532 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 473

Query: 503 cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 472 cgatctc 466

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 610 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 362 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 340

to top

>dbj|AK111747.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023050B20, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1149

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 323 tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
           |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 701 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 642

Query: 383 cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
           || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 641 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 582

Query: 443 tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
            |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 581 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 522

Query: 503 cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 521 cgatctc 515

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 610 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 411 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 389

to top

>dbj|AB114829.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP1 mRNA for tonoplast
           intrinsic protein, complete cds
          Length = 970

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 168/187 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 323 tgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgc 382
           |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 638 tgacgacggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgccgc 579

Query: 383 cgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggc 442
           || |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||   || ||| 
Sbjct: 578 cggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatgacaccgaggt 519

Query: 443 tgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatga 502
            |||||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || || |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 518 cgcccttcttgggatccaccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgaggccgaaggtcatga 459

Query: 503 cgatctc 509
Sbjct: 458 cgatctc 452

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 610 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 632
Sbjct: 348 cccagcagctgcgccacccagta 326

to top

>dbj|AK104464.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:006-301-C06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1194

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 710 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 651

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 650 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 591

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 590 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 531

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 530 gatgatctcca 520

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 782 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 735

to top

>dbj|AK104270.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:006-311-F03, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1214

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 712 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 653

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 652 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 593

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 592 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 533

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 532 gatgatctcca 522

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 784 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 737

to top

>dbj|AK100193.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023036J06, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1074

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 590 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 531

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 530 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 471

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 470 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 411

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 410 gatgatctcca 400

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 662 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 615

to top

>dbj|AK099616.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J013050J20, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1197

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 713 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 654

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 653 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 594

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 593 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 534

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 533 gatgatctcca 523

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 785 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 738

to top

>dbj|AK099141.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023055A02, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1195

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 711 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 652

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 651 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 592

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 591 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 532

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 531 gatgatctcca 521

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 783 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 736

to top

>dbj|AK099015.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J013116H02, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1202

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 713 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 654

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 653 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 594

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 593 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 534

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 533 gatgatctcca 523

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 785 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 738

to top

>dbj|AK073531.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J033044F19, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1220

 Score =  220 bits (111), Expect = 5e-54
 Identities = 171/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 711 gctggcgacggcggggccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 652

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 651 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 592

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 591 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 532

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 531 gatgatctcca 521

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 783 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 736

to top

>dbj|AK104377.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-035-G09, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1196

 Score =  212 bits (107), Expect = 1e-51
 Identities = 170/191 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgcc 380
           |||| ||| |||||| |||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 712 gctggcgacggcgggaccgaaggagcgcgccgggttcatggagccgccggagaaggggcc 653

Query: 381 gccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccag 440
           | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||
Sbjct: 652 ggcgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgag 593

Query: 441 gctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcat 500
               ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| | 
Sbjct: 592 cgaccccttcttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcccgaaggtgac 533

Query: 501 gacgatctcca 511
           || ||||||||
Sbjct: 532 gatgatctcca 522

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 45/48 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 784 gtagacgaggccggcgaggccgccgccgacgagggggccgacccagta 737

to top

>gb|AY112388.1| Zea mays CL24208_1 mRNA sequence
          Length = 833

 Score =  212 bits (107), Expect = 1e-51
 Identities = 202/236 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 283 gggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaag 342
           |||||||||||||||||||| |||| | ||||  | | | ||||||  || |||||||||
Sbjct: 329 gggccgacccagtacacccagtggttctcccagacgccggtgacgacagccgggccgaag 388

Query: 343 gagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccg 402
           |||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||  |||||||       | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 389 gagacggcggngttcatggaggcgccgtcgaaggcgnnnnnngccaggatgttggcgccg 448

Query: 403 acgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacg 462
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||| |||  ||||||||||||||| |||
Sbjct: 449 acgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatgacgccgaggtcgcccttcttggggtccacg 508

Query: 463 gcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccac 518
           || |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 509 gccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacacgaggccgaaggtcatgaccatctccagcaccac 564

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 48/55 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 585 gaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtagagcagg 639
           |||||||| ||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||||| |||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 634 gaggaggaggcaggcgacgacggagcccaggagctgggccagccagtagagcagg 688

to top

>gb|AY525641.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic protein TIP2;3 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 829

 Score =  202 bits (102), Expect = 1e-48
 Identities = 162/182 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||| |||||||
Sbjct: 663 ggcggggccgaaggagcgtgcagggttcatggacccgccggagaaggggccggcgacgag 604

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 603 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgattggagcgatggtgccgagggacccctt 544

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||||||||| | || ||||||
Sbjct: 543 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtgacgatgatctc 484

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 483 ca 482

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 44/48 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 744 gtagacgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagcgggccggcccagta 697

to top

>gb|AY525640.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic protein TIP2;2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 853

 Score =  202 bits (102), Expect = 1e-48
 Identities = 162/182 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||| | |||||
Sbjct: 666 ggcggggccgaaggagcgtgcagggttcatggacccgccggagaaggggccggcaacgag 607

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 606 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggtgccgagggaaccctt 547

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||||||||| | || ||||||
Sbjct: 546 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtgacgatgatctc 487

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 486 ca 485

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 44/48 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||| ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 747 gtagacgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagcgggccggcccagta 700

to top

>gb|AY525639.1| Triticum aestivum delta tonoplast intrinsic protein TIP2;1 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 817

 Score =  202 bits (102), Expect = 1e-48
 Identities = 162/182 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||| | |||||
Sbjct: 667 ggcggggccgaaggagcgtgcagggttcatggacccgccggagaaggggccggccacgag 608

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 607 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggtgccgagggatccctt 548

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||||||||| | || ||||||
Sbjct: 547 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtgacgatgatctc 488

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 487 ca 486

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 4e-08
 Identities = 49/54 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 249 gtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||| ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 748 gtagacgacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagcgggccggcccagtagaccca 695

to top

>gb|AF326502.1|AF326502 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP2-2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1073

 Score =  198 bits (100), Expect = 2e-47
 Identities = 160/180 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||  |||||  |||||  ||  || ||||
Sbjct: 682 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggcggggttcatggagccgccgctgaagggccccgcggcgag 623

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||  ||||||
Sbjct: 622 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagggagccctt 563

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||| ||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 562 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcgcgaaggtgatgacgatctc 503

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 248 cgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||| || ||| ||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 764 cgtagacgaggccagcgagtccgccgccgatgagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 710

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 609 gcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 400 gcccagcagctgggccacccagtaga 375

to top

>gb|AY243804.1| Zea mays tonoplast water channel mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 968

 Score =  186 bits (94), Expect = 6e-44
 Identities = 160/182 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||  |||||  ||||| |||| || | ||
Sbjct: 615 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggagccgccgctgaaggggccggcggccag 556

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||   |||||
Sbjct: 555 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgatggtgcccagggacccctt 496

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||| | |||||||||||||| |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 495 cttcgggtcggccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcgcgaaggtgatcacgatctc 436

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 435 ca 434

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 36/38 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 680 aggccaccgccgacgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 643

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttca 358
           |||| ||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 276 ggcgaggccgaaggtgacggcggggttca 248

to top

>gb|AF326503.1|AF326503 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP2-3 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1042

 Score =  186 bits (94), Expect = 6e-44
 Identities = 160/182 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||  |||||  ||||| |||| || | ||
Sbjct: 683 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggagccgccgctgaaggggccggcggccag 624

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||   |||||
Sbjct: 623 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgatggtgcccagggacccctt 564

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||| | |||||||||||||| |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 563 cttcgggtcggccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcgcgaaggtgatcacgatctc 504

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 503 ca 502

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 36/38 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 748 aggccaccgccgacgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 711

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttca 358
           |||| ||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 344 ggcgaggccgaaggtgacggcggggttca 316

to top

>gb|U86763.1|TAU86763 Triticum aestivum delta-type tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1067

 Score =  186 bits (94), Expect = 6e-44
 Identities = 160/182 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||| ||||||| |||| |||| | |||||
Sbjct: 669 ggcggggccgaaggagcgtgcagggttcatggacccgccggaaaaggggccggccacgag 610

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||   |||||
Sbjct: 609 gatgttggcgccgacaatgaagccgatggcgatgggggcgatggtgccgagggatccctt 550

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||||||||||| | || ||||||
Sbjct: 549 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtgacgatgatctc 490

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 489 ca 488

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 44/48 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||||| ||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 744 gacgccggcgaggccaccgccgatgagcgggccggcccagtaaaccca 697

to top

>gb|AF057183.1|AF057183 Zea mays putative tonoplast aquaporin mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1060

 Score =  186 bits (94), Expect = 6e-44
 Identities = 160/182 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||  |||||  ||||| |||| || | ||
Sbjct: 674 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggagccgccgctgaaggggccggcggccag 615

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||   |||||
Sbjct: 614 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgatggtgcccagggacccctt 555

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||| | |||||||||||||| |||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 554 cttcgggtcggccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagcgcgaaggtgatcacgatctc 495

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 494 ca 493

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 36/38 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 739 aggccaccgccgacgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 702

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttca 358
           |||| ||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 335 ggcgaggccgaaggtgacggcggggttca 307

to top

>gb|AF326501.1|AF326501 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP2-1 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1110

 Score =  182 bits (92), Expect = 1e-42
 Identities = 155/176 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||  |||||  |||||  ||  || ||||
Sbjct: 839 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggcggggttcatggagccgccgctgaagggccccgcggcgag 780

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||   ||||||
Sbjct: 779 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgagccctt 720

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||| ||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 719 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcgcgaaggtgatgacga 664

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 248 cgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||| || ||| |||||||||||||||| ||| |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 921 cgtagacgaggccagcgaggccgccgccgacgagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 867

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 31/33 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 567 cggtggcgcccagcagctgggccacccagtaga 535

to top

>gb|AY105015.1| Zea mays PCO137646 mRNA sequence
          Length = 1238

 Score =  182 bits (92), Expect = 1e-42
 Identities = 155/176 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||||||  |||||  |||||  ||  || ||||
Sbjct: 838 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggcggggttcatggagccgccgctgaagggccccgcggcgag 779

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||   ||||||
Sbjct: 778 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgagccctt 719

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           |||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ||||| || ||| ||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 718 cttggggtcggcggcggtggcgtacacggtgtagacgagcgcgaaggtgatgacga 663

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 248 cgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||| || ||| |||||||||||||||| ||| |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 920 cgtagacgaggccagcgaggccgccgccgacgagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 866

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 31/33 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 602 cggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 566 cggtggcgcccagcagctgggccacccagtaga 534

to top

>gb|AY106931.1| Zea mays PCO140073 mRNA sequence
          Length = 1069

 Score =  178 bits (90), Expect = 2e-41
 Identities = 159/182 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||  |||||  ||||| |||| || | ||
Sbjct: 692 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggagccgccgctgaaggggccggcggccag 633

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||   |||||
Sbjct: 632 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgatggtgcccagggacccctt 573

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||| | |||||||||||||| |||||||||||  ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 572 cttcgggtcggccgcggtggcgtacacggtgtacaccagagcgaaggtgatcacgatctc 513

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 512 ca 511

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 36/38 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 757 aggccaccgccgacgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 720

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttca 358
           |||| ||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 353 ggcgaggccgaaggtgacggcggggttca 325

to top

>gb|AF254799.1|AF254799 Hordeum vulgare tonoplast intrinsic protein 1 (TIP1), tonoplast
             intrinsic protein 2 (TIP2), and Rar1 (Rar1) genes,
             complete cds
          Length = 65979

 Score =  159 bits (80), Expect = 1e-35
 Identities = 140/160 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352   gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
             |||||||||||  |||||  |||||  ||| || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 44819 gggttcatggagccgccgctgaagggcccggcggcgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 44760

Query: 412   ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
             ||||| || ||||||||||||||||| |||  |||||||||||||||| | || || |||
Sbjct: 44759 ccgatcgccatgggcgcgatggtgccgagggagcccttcttggggtcggccgccgtcgcg 44700

Query: 472   tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
             |||||||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||||
Sbjct: 44699 tacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaaggtgatcacgatctcca 44660

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 2e-04
 Identities = 40/44 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259   ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
             |||||||||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 44912 ccggcgaggccgccaccaatgagtggcccgacccagtacaccca 44869

to top

>ref|XM_467137.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 747

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 612 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 553

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 552 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 493

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 492 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 433

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 432 ca 431

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 683 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 640

to top

>dbj|AP008208.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 2, complete
          Length = 35954743

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 330      ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
                ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 26627254 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 26627313

Query: 390      gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
                ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 26627314 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 26627373

Query: 450      cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
                ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 26627374 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 26627433

Query: 510      ca 511
Sbjct: 26627434 ca 26627435

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259      ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
                |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 26627183 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 26627226

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 588      gaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 607
Sbjct: 10918389 gaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 10918370

to top

>dbj|AP005006.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 2, PAC
          Length = 170634

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 330    ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
              ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 169635 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 169694

Query: 390    gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
              ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 169695 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 169754

Query: 450    cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
              ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 169755 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 169814

Query: 510    ca 511
Sbjct: 169815 ca 169816

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259    ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
              |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 169564 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 169607

to top

>dbj|AP005289.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 2, BAC
          Length = 139371

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 330   ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
             ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 61415 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 61474

Query: 390   gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
             ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 61475 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 61534

Query: 450   cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
             ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 61535 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 61594

Query: 510   ca 511
Sbjct: 61595 ca 61596

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259   ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
             |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 61344 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 61387

to top

>dbj|AB114830.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP2 mRNA for tonoplast
           intrinsic protein, complete cds
          Length = 1013

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 685 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 626

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 625 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 566

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 565 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 506

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 505 ca 504

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 756 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 713

to top

>dbj|AK064728.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:002-120-A10, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 873

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 487 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 428

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 427 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 368

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 367 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 308

Query: 510 ca 511
Sbjct: 307 ca 306

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 558 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 515

to top

>emb|AJ307662.1|OSA307662 Oryza sativa genomic DNA fragment, chromosome 2
          Length = 339972

 Score =  155 bits (78), Expect = 2e-34
 Identities = 156/182 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330    ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
              ||||||||||||||||   || |||||||||||  |||||  ||| | |||| || ||||
Sbjct: 250580 ggcggggccgaaggagcgcgctgggttcatggagccgccgctgaacgggccggcggcgag 250521

Query: 390    gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
              ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |||||
Sbjct: 250520 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatccctt 250461

Query: 450    cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
              ||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 250460 cttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacgatctc 250401

Query: 510    ca 511
Sbjct: 250400 ca 250399

 Score =  139 bits (70), Expect = 1e-29
 Identities = 112/126 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 386    cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgc 445
              ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||    |
Sbjct: 332124 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatcgcgatgggcgcgatggtgccgagcgatc 332183

Query: 446    ccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
              ||||||| |||||  | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 332184 ccttcttcgggtccgccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatgacga 332243

Query: 506    tctcca 511
Sbjct: 332244 tctcca 332249

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 41/44 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259    ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
              |||||||||||||||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 250651 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatcagcgggccgacccagtagaccca 250608

to top

>ref|XM_473424.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  predicted mRNA
          Length = 2307

 Score =  119 bits (60), Expect = 1e-23
 Identities = 108/124 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 388 aggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccc 447
           ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||| |||   |||
Sbjct: 557 aggatgttggcaccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgacggtgccgagggaaccc 498

Query: 448 ttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatc 507
           ||||| |||||| | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || || || |||
Sbjct: 497 ttcttcgggtcggccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatcacaatc 438

Query: 508 tcca 511
Sbjct: 437 tcca 434

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| ||||| || ||||| || ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 686 ccggccaggccaccaccgatcagtgggccgacccagtacaccca 643

to top

>emb|AL663000.4|OSJN00201 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4, BAC clone: OSJNBb0034G17,
             complete sequence
          Length = 127259

 Score =  119 bits (60), Expect = 1e-23
 Identities = 108/124 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 388   aggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccc 447
             ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||| |||   |||
Sbjct: 92622 aggatgttggcaccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgacggtgccgagggaaccc 92681

Query: 448   ttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatc 507
             ||||| |||||| | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || || || |||
Sbjct: 92682 ttcttcgggtcggccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatcacaatc 92741

Query: 508   tcca 511
Sbjct: 92742 tcca 92745

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259   ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
             ||||| ||||| || ||||| || ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 92493 ccggccaggccaccaccgatcagtgggccgacccagtacaccca 92536

to top

>dbj|AP008210.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 4, complete
          Length = 35498469

 Score =  119 bits (60), Expect = 1e-23
 Identities = 108/124 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 388      aggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccc 447
                ||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||| |||||| |||   |||
Sbjct: 27568646 aggatgttggcaccgacgatgaagccgatggccatgggcgcgacggtgccgagggaaccc 27568705

Query: 448      ttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatc 507
                ||||| |||||| | || |||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| || || || |||
Sbjct: 27568706 ttcttcgggtcggccgccgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcgcgaacgtgatcacaatc 27568765

Query: 508      tcca 511
Sbjct: 27568766 tcca 27568769

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 3e-12
 Identities = 189/235 (80%), Gaps = 5/235 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 272      cgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgaggg 331
                |||||||||| || |||| |||||| ||||| ||||  | ||| | ||||| |||||| |
Sbjct: 26354830 cgccgatgagcggcccgagccagtaaacccagtggtggcgccagttccagccgacgagcg 26354771

Query: 332      cggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgagga 391
                | |||||||| | |   || |||||||||| |||||||  ||| | ||| ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 26354770 ccgggccgaacgcgcgcgccgggttcatggccgcgccgtcgaacgggcccccggcgagga 26354711

Query: 392      tgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcc-cttc 450
                |||| |||||  |||  ||||||||||||| |||||| |||  |||   || ||| ||||
Sbjct: 26354710 tgttcgcgcccgcgaccaagccgatggcgaggggcgcaatgtcgcc---gccgccgcttc 26354654

Query: 451      ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
                |  || |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 26354653 tccgg-tcgacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacacgagcccgaacgtcatgacga 26354600

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259      ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
                ||||| ||||| || ||||| || ||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 27568517 ccggccaggccaccaccgatcagtgggccgacccagtacaccca 27568560

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 26/28 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 255      gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagg 282
                ||||||| ||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 19492802 gacgccgacgaggccgccgccgaggagg 19492775

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 574     gtggagaagcggaggaggaa 593
Sbjct: 9345783 gtggagaagcggaggaggaa 9345764

to top

>gb|U43291.1|MCU43291 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1235

 Score =  119 bits (60), Expect = 1e-23
 Identities = 210/260 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 250 tagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtac 309
           |||||||| |||||||| || || |||||||| |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||  
Sbjct: 752 tagatgactccggcgagccctcctccgatgagtgggccgacccagtagacccagtggttg 693

Query: 310 ccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccg 369
             |||   ||| ||||| ||||| || ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 692 ttccaggtccaactgactagggctggaccgaatgacacggccgggttcatggatgcaccg 633

Query: 370 gagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcg 429
           | |||||| || ||||| | ||||||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || 
Sbjct: 632 gtgaaggctcctccgaccaagatgttggctccaacgatgaaaccaatggcaattggggca 573

Query: 430 atggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagc 489
           ||| | || ||| ||||  ||||| |||||| ||| ||||||||||| ||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 572 atgattccgaggttgcctctcttgtggtcgatggccgtggcgtacacggtgtagaccagg 513

Query: 490 ccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 512 ccgaaggtcatcacaatctc 493

to top

>emb|AJ005078.2|PAAJ5078 Picea abies mRNA for aquaporin-like protein
          Length = 1007

 Score =  107 bits (54), Expect = 5e-20
 Identities = 144/174 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 338 cgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttgg 397
           ||||||||  |||||||||||||||  |||| ||||||| |||  || | | ||||||||
Sbjct: 684 cgaaggagcgggcggggttcatggagccgccagagaaggggcccgcggccaagatgttgg 625

Query: 398 cgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggt 457
           |||| ||||||||||| || || ||||| |||||||||||||||  ||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 624 cgcccacgatgaagccaatagcaatgggagcgatggtgcccaggtcgcccttcttcgggt 565

Query: 458 cgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || | ||||||||||| || ||||| |  ||| |||| || || ||||||||||
Sbjct: 564 cggctgcggtggcgtagacggtgtagatgagcgcgaatgtgataacgatctcca 511

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 42/44 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||| |||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 763 ccggcaaggccgcctccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 720

to top

>emb|BX824373.1|CNS0A6WG Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH44ZA10 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 887

 Score =  103 bits (52), Expect = 7e-19
 Identities = 136/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| ||||||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 488 acggctgggttcatggaagcgccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttcgctccaacg 429

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || ||  |||| ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 428 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagagtgccgttcttggggtcaacggct 369

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 368 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 325

to top

>emb|AJ314583.1|POC314583 Posidonia oceanica mRNA for putative tonoplast intrinsic protein
           (tip1 gene)
          Length = 1112

 Score = 99.6 bits (50), Expect = 1e-17
 Identities = 250/314 (79%), Gaps = 2/314 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
           ||||||| ||||| |||||||| || |||||| ||  |||||| | ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 830 agtagtcagtggttgggagctgttcatgggtgtggttgatgaataacagctggtagacga 771

Query: 257 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccact 316
            |||||||| | |  | ||||  || |||||||||||||| | ||| ||||   |||| |
Sbjct: 770 tgccggcgatggctgcaccgactagtgggccgacccagtagatccagtggttaacccagt 711

Query: 317 cccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaagg 376
            |||||| || | ||| || || ||||  ||||| ||||||||||| || |||| |||| 
Sbjct: 710 tccagctcaccaaggcaggtccaaaggccacggcagggttcatggatgcaccggtgaaga 651

Query: 377 cgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgc 436
           | || ||||||| |||||||||  | || || | ||||||||||| ||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 650 ctcctccgacgaagatgttggcagcaacaataaggccgatggcgaggggagcgatagtgc 591

Query: 437 cca-ggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaag 495
           | | |||| || ||||||||||||| |||||||||||| || ||||| || || ||||||
Sbjct: 590 cgatggct-cctttcttggggtcgatggcggtggcgtagacggtgtagactagtccgaag 532

Query: 496 gtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 531 gtcatcacgatctc 518

to top

>dbj|D84669.1| Raphanus sativus mRNA for VM23, complete sequence
          Length = 1054

 Score = 97.6 bits (49), Expect = 4e-17
 Identities = 136/165 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 345 gacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgac 404
           |||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || ||
Sbjct: 679 gacggctgggttcatggaggctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaac 620

Query: 405 gatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggc 464
           |||||| || ||||| || || ||||| || || || || || |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 619 gatgaaacctatggcaattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcgacggc 560

Query: 465 ggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
            |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 559 tgtggcgtaaacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 515

to top

>ref|NM_113559.3| Arabidopsis thaliana TIP2 (TONOPLAST INTRINSIC PROTEIN 2); water
           channel AT3G26520 (TIP2) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1201

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 720 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 661

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 660 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 601

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 600 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 557

to top

>gb|AY079114.1| Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 762

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 608 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 549

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 548 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 489

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 488 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 445

to top

>gb|AF419613.1|AF419613 Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1061

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 670 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 611

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 610 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 551

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 550 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 507

to top

>gb|AF428341.1|AF428341 Arabidopsis thaliana AT3g26520/MFE16_3 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1066

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 675 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 616

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 615 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 556

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 555 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 512

to top

>gb|AF004393.1|AF004393 Arabidopsis thaliana salt-stress induced tonoplast intrinsic
           protein mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1072

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 682 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 623

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 622 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 563

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 562 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 519

to top

>emb|BX822807.1|CNS0A75T Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB65ZD08 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1010

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 658 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 599

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 598 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 539

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 538 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 495

to top

>emb|BX822624.1|CNS0A742 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB53ZH08 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1020

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 656 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 597

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 596 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 537

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 536 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 493

to top

>emb|BX824073.1|CNS0A6T2 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH1ZE06 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1008

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 656 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 597

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 596 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 537

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 536 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 493

to top

>emb|BX822975.1|CNS0A733 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB78ZD01 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1054

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 647 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 588

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 587 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 528

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 527 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 484

to top

>emb|BX824311.1|CNS0A6PE Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH38ZH05 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 995

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 665 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 606

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 605 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 546

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 545 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 502

to top

>emb|BX823637.1|CNS0A6I3 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS5ZE05 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 960

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 479 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 420

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 419 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 360

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 359 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 316

to top

>emb|BX823607.1|CNS0A6MK Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS56ZB09 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1012

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 656 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 597

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 596 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 537

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 536 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 493

to top

>dbj|AB028611.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 3, P1 clone:MFE16
          Length = 82646

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 346   acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
             ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 15518 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 15577

Query: 406   atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
             ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 15578 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 15637

Query: 466   gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
             |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 15638 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 15681

to top

>gb|AF118381.1|AF118381 Brassica napus tonoplast intrinsic protein (gamma-TIP2) mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1020

 Score = 95.6 bits (48), Expect = 2e-16
 Identities = 135/164 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 617 acggctgggttcatggaggctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 558

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 557 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggct 498

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 497 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 454

to top

>ref|NM_188624.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa8227 predicted mRNA
          Length = 756

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 3e-15
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 326 cgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccga 385
           ||||||| ||||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||| ||||||||| |||  |||||| 
Sbjct: 616 cgagggccgggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggaggcgccggagtagggcccgccgg 557

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccga 415
           ||||||||||||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 556 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgacgaggccga 527

to top

>gb|AF326508.1|AF326508 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP4-4 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 955

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 3e-15
 Identities = 73/82 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 325 acgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccg 384
           ||||| |||||||||||||||   ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  ||||||
Sbjct: 714 acgagcgcggggccgaaggagcgcgcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaagggcccgccg 655

Query: 385 acgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
            |||| | ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 654 gcgagcacgttggcgccgacga 633

to top

>dbj|AP001550.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1, PAC
          Length = 143209

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 3e-15
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 326   cgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccga 385
             ||||||| ||||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||| ||||||||| |||  |||||| 
Sbjct: 98909 cgagggccgggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggaggcgccggagtagggcccgccgg 98850

Query: 386   cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccga 415
             ||||||||||||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 98849 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgacgaggccga 98820

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352    gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
              ||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||| | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 103782 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgagcgcgccgccggcgacggtgttggcgccgacga 103728

to top

>dbj|AK069192.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023007E01, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1112

 Score = 91.7 bits (46), Expect = 3e-15
 Identities = 79/90 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 326 cgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccga 385
           ||||||| ||||||||||||  ||| ||||||||||| ||||||||| |||  |||||| 
Sbjct: 619 cgagggccgggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatggaggcgccggagtagggcccgccgg 560

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccga 415
           ||||||||||||||||||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 559 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgacgaggccga 530

to top

>dbj|AB206104.1| Mimosa pudica tip1;1 mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic protein 1;1,
           complete cds
          Length = 1067

 Score = 89.7 bits (45), Expect = 1e-14
 Identities = 96/113 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagat 254
           |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||  |  || |||||
Sbjct: 826 ttagtaatcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgtgggagatgaagataacttcatagat 767

Query: 255 gacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||| || || ||||| || || || || |||||||||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 766 gaccccagcaaggccacctccaataagtgggccgacccagtagacccagtggt 714

to top

>emb|AJ289696.1|POC289696 Posidonia oceanica partial mRNA for putative aquaporin (aq1 gene)
          Length = 428

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 4e-14
 Identities = 181/224 (80%), Gaps = 2/224 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 287 cgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggaga 346
           |||||||||| ||||||||||   |||| | |||||| || | ||| || || ||||  |
Sbjct: 428 cgacccagtaaacccactggttaacccagttccagctcaccaaggcaggtccaaaggcca 369

Query: 347 cggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
           |||| ||||||||||| || |||| |||| | || ||| ||| |||||||||  | || |
Sbjct: 368 cggcagggttcatggatgcaccggtgaagactcctccgtcgaagatgttggcagcaacaa 309

Query: 407 tgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccca-ggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           | | ||||||||||| ||| ||||| ||||| | |||| || ||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 308 taaggccgatggcgaggggagcgatagtgccgatggct-cctttcttggggtcgatggcg 250

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || || ||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 249 gtggcgtagacggtgtagactagtccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 206

to top

>dbj|AB012272.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPF, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 87.7 bits (44), Expect = 4e-14
 Identities = 101/120 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| || || || || || ||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 321 gatgttggcgccgacgataaagccgatggcaattggtgcaattgttcccagacttccctt 262

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||||||||| |  ||||| ||||| || |||||||| |||||||| ||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 261 cttggggtcaattgcggttgcgtagactgtgtacacaagcccgaacgtcattacaatctc 202

to top

>dbj|AB048248.1| Pyrus communis Py-gTIP mRNA for gamma tonoplast intrinsic protein,
           complete cds
          Length = 1122

 Score = 85.7 bits (43), Expect = 2e-13
 Identities = 100/119 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 atgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttc 450
           ||||||||||| |||||||| || || |||||||||||||| || |||| ||| || |||
Sbjct: 631 atgttggcgccaacgatgaaaccaatcgcgatgggcgcgattgtccccacgctcccattc 572

Query: 451 ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           || ||||| | ||| || ||||| |||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 571 ttcgggtcaatggcagtcgcgtagaccgtgtagaccagtccgaacgtcatcacgatctc 513

to top

>gb|AF326505.1|AF326505 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP4-1 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1125

 Score = 83.8 bits (42), Expect = 7e-13
 Identities = 72/82 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 328 agggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacg 387
           ||||| ||||||||||||   || ||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||| ||
Sbjct: 768 agggccgggccgaaggagcgtgccgggttcatggacgcgccggtgaagttgccgccggcg 709

Query: 388 aggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
           ||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 708 aggctgttggcgccgacgatga 687

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 39/42 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 579 gaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctg 620
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||| |||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 517 gaagcggaggaggacgcaggcggcggaggaggccagcagctg 476

to top

>ref|XM_473251.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  predicted mRNA
          Length = 798

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 3e-12
 Identities = 189/235 (80%), Gaps = 5/235 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 272 cgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgaggg 331
           |||||||||| || |||| |||||| ||||| ||||  | ||| | ||||| |||||| |
Sbjct: 697 cgccgatgagcggcccgagccagtaaacccagtggtggcgccagttccagccgacgagcg 638

Query: 332 cggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgagga 391
           | |||||||| | |   || |||||||||| |||||||  ||| | ||| ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 637 ccgggccgaacgcgcgcgccgggttcatggccgcgccgtcgaacgggcccccggcgagga 578

Query: 392 tgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcc-cttc 450
           |||| |||||  |||  ||||||||||||| |||||| |||  |||   || ||| ||||
Sbjct: 577 tgttcgcgcccgcgaccaagccgatggcgaggggcgcaatgtcgcc---gccgccgcttc 521

Query: 451 ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           |  || |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 520 tccgg-tcgacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacacgagcccgaacgtcatgacga 467

to top

>emb|AL663019.2|OSJN00221 Oryza sativa genomic DNA, chromosome 4, BAC clone: OSJNBa0038O10,
              complete sequence
          Length = 141545

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 3e-12
 Identities = 189/235 (80%), Gaps = 5/235 (2%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 272    cgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgaggg 331
              |||||||||| || |||| |||||| ||||| ||||  | ||| | ||||| |||||| |
Sbjct: 131407 cgccgatgagcggcccgagccagtaaacccagtggtggcgccagttccagccgacgagcg 131348

Query: 332    cggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgagga 391
              | |||||||| | |   || |||||||||| |||||||  ||| | ||| ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 131347 ccgggccgaacgcgcgcgccgggttcatggccgcgccgtcgaacgggcccccggcgagga 131288

Query: 392    tgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcc-cttc 450
              |||| |||||  |||  ||||||||||||| |||||| |||  |||   || ||| ||||
Sbjct: 131287 tgttcgcgcccgcgaccaagccgatggcgaggggcgcaatgtcgcc---gccgccgcttc 131231

Query: 451    ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
              |  || |||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 131230 tccgg-tcgacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacacgagcccgaacgtcatgacga 131177

to top

>gb|L12257.1|SOYNODA Glycine max nodulin-26 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1047

 Score = 81.8 bits (41), Expect = 3e-12
 Identities = 101/121 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 atgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttc 450
           ||||| ||||| || ||||| || ||||||||||| || ||  | ||||   ||||||||
Sbjct: 665 atgttagcgccaacaatgaaaccaatggcgatgggagcaataattcccaaattgcccttc 606

Query: 451 ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcc 510
           |||||||| ||||| |||||||| || ||||||||||  ||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 605 ttggggtcaacggcagtggcgtagactgtgtacaccaaaccgaaggtcatcacgatctcc 546

Query: 511 a 511
Sbjct: 545 a 545

to top

>emb|X95650.1|TGTIP1GEN T.gesneriana mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic protein
          Length = 992

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 1e-11
 Identities = 133/164 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 348 ggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgat 407
           |||||||||||| ||||| |||| ||| || || || || || |||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 623 ggcggggttcatcgacgcaccggtgaacgccccaccaaccagaatgttggcaccgacgat 564

Query: 408 gaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggt 467
           ||| ||||| || ||||| |||||||| || |     ||||||||||| ||||| || ||
Sbjct: 563 gaatccgatcgcaatgggagcgatggttccaatatcccccttcttgggatcgacagcagt 504

Query: 468 ggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
            |||||||| ||||| || |||||| | ||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 503 agcgtacacagtgtagacgagcccgcacgtcatcacgatctcca 460

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 30/32 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 271 ccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacaccca 302
           ||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 703 ccgccgatgagcgggccaacccagtacaccca 672

to top

>gb|U92651.2|BOU92651 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast intrinsic protein
           bobTIP26-1 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 942

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 1e-11
 Identities = 100/120 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||| || || ||||| ||||| |||||||| || || || || || || || ||
Sbjct: 597 gatgttggcaccaacaatgaaaccgatagcgatgggagctattgttccaagacttccgtt 538

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 537 cttgggatcaacggcggtggcgtagactgtgtaaactagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 478

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 30/32 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtg 228
           ||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 790 agtagtcggcggtggggagctgttcgtgggtg 759

to top

>emb|BX822304.1|CNS0A7A0 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB27ZF06 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 628

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 1e-11
 Identities = 103/124 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgc 445
           |||||||||| || || |||||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || |
Sbjct: 182 cgaggatgttagctccaacgatgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactac 123

Query: 446 ccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           | ||||||||||| ||||  |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 122 cgttcttggggtctacggttgtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcattacga 63

Query: 506 tctc 509
Sbjct: 62  tctc 59

to top

>emb|BX825064.1|CNS0A6TA Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH92ZF07 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 931

 Score = 79.8 bits (40), Expect = 1e-11
 Identities = 133/164 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| |||||   ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 644 acggctgggttcatggaagcgcccctgaacgctccaccggcgaggatgttcgctccaacg 585

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| |  |||||||| || |||||  |||| ||  | || ||||||||||| ||||| 
Sbjct: 584 atgaaacttatggcgattggtgcgattttgccgagaataccgttcttggggtcaacggct 525

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 524 gtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 481

to top

>dbj|AB126924.1| Prunus persica Pr-gTIP1 mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic protein,
           complete cds
          Length = 1143

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 4e-11
 Identities = 99/119 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 391 atgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttc 450
           ||||| ||||| || | ||| ||||| ||||| |||||||| || |||| ||||||  ||
Sbjct: 660 atgttcgcgccaactacgaaaccgatcgcgatcggcgcgattgttcccacgctgcctctc 601

Query: 451 ttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           || ||||| | ||| |||||||||||||||||||||| ||| || ||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 600 ttcgggtcaatggctgtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccaacccaaacgtcatcacgatctc 542

to top

>dbj|AK108116.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:002-139-C05, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 912

 Score = 77.8 bits (39), Expect = 4e-11
 Identities = 48/51 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 455 ggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           |||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 583 ggtcgacggcggtggcgtacacggtgtacacgagcccgaacgtcatgacga 533

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 125/157 (79%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 272 cgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcccagctgacgaggg 331
           |||||||||| || |||| |||||| ||||| ||||  | ||| | ||||| |||||| |
Sbjct: 763 cgccgatgagcggcccgagccagtaaacccagtggtggcgccagttccagccgacgagcg 704

Query: 332 cggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgagga 391
           | |||||||| | |   || |||||||||| |||||||  ||| | ||| ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 703 ccgggccgaacgcgcgcgccgggttcatggccgcgccgtcgaacgggcccccggcgagga 644

Query: 392 tgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgc 428
           |||| |||||  |||  ||||||||||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 643 tgttcgcgcccgcgaccaagccgatggcgaggggcgc 607

to top

>dbj|AB012270.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPD, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 75.8 bits (38), Expect = 2e-10
 Identities = 83/98 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||| || || |||| |   |||||
Sbjct: 321 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcaatgggcgcaattgtccccacgtcaccctt 262

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacacca 487
           ||| |||||    |||||| ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 261 ctttgggtcacatgcggtgccgtacactgtgtacacca 224

to top

>gb|DQ226889.1| Boechera divaricarpa isolate SLW-D-E07 mRNA sequence
          Length = 980

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 7e-10
 Identities = 244/313 (77%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
           ||||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||||  |   |||||||  | |||||||||||
Sbjct: 767 agtagtcggtggttgggagctgttcgtgggtggtgttaatgaagaaaacctcgtagatga 708

Query: 257 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccact 316
             |||||||  || ||||||| ||| || ||| ||||||| ||||| ||||    |||| 
Sbjct: 707 gtccggcgattccaccgccgacgagaggtccggcccagtagacccagtggttggtccacg 648

Query: 317 cccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaagg 376
            |||||| || |  || || ||||| |  |||||||| |||||||| || |||||||| |
Sbjct: 647 tccagctcacaaccgctggtccgaaagccacggcgggattcatggaggctccggagaatg 588

Query: 377 cgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgc 436
           | || ||  | |  |||||||| ||||| ||||| || || ||||| || ||||| || |
Sbjct: 587 ctcctccagctaatatgttggctccgactatgaaaccaatagcgattggagcgattgttc 528

Query: 437 ccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaagg 496
           | || || || || |||||||| | |||||||||||| || ||||| || |||||||| |
Sbjct: 527 cgagactcccgtttttggggtcaatggcggtggcgtagacagtgtaaacaagcccgaatg 468

Query: 497 tcatgacgatctc 509
           |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 467 tcatcacgatctc 455

to top

>emb|BX842211.1|CNS09YE1 Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTSIL65ZH05 of Silique of strain col-0 of Arabidopsis
           thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1014

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 7e-10
 Identities = 88/105 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 405 gatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggc 464
           |||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 589 gatgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacggc 530

Query: 465 ggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
            |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 529 tgtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 485

to top

>emb|BX842138.1|CNS09YDN Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS54ZD02 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 1062

 Score = 73.8 bits (37), Expect = 7e-10
 Identities = 100/121 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 389 ggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccct 448
           ||||||| || || |||||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || |
Sbjct: 613 ggatgttagctccaacgatgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgt 554

Query: 449 tcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatct 508
           |||||||||| ||||| |||||||| || ||| | || |||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 553 tcttggggtcaacggctgtggcgtagacggtgcagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatct 494

Query: 509 c 509
Sbjct: 493 c 493

to top

>emb|BX842163.1|CNS09YDT Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTPGH74ZE01 of Hormone Treated Callus of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 921

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 103/124 (83%), Gaps = 1/124 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgc 445
           |||||||||| || || |||||||| || |||||||| |  ||||| || || || || |
Sbjct: 615 cgaggatgttagctccaacgatgaaacctatggcgattgt-gcgattgttccgagactac 557

Query: 446 ccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           | ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 556 cgttcttggggtcaacggctgtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacga 497

Query: 506 tctc 509
Sbjct: 496 tctc 493

to top

>gb|AF057137.1|AF057137 Arabidopsis thaliana gamma tonoplast intrinsic protein 2 (TIP2)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1035

 Score = 71.9 bits (36), Expect = 3e-09
 Identities = 102/124 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgc 445
           |||||||||| || || |||||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || ||  
Sbjct: 621 cgaggatgttagctccaacgatgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactag 562

Query: 446 ccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           | |||||||| || ||||| |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 561 cgttcttgggatcaacggctgtggcgtagacggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacga 502

Query: 506 tctc 509
Sbjct: 501 tctc 498

to top

>emb|AJ133748.1|PAB133748 Picea abies mRNA for major intrinsic protein
          Length = 1168

 Score = 69.9 bits (35), Expect = 1e-08
 Identities = 134/167 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           ||||||||||| || |||  |||||| |||||| | || || ||||| || || ||||| 
Sbjct: 708 gggttcatggaagccccgtcgaaggcaccgccggccagaatattggcacccactatgaaa 649

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           ||||| || | ||| || ||||| |||||||| ||| | || |  |||| ||| ||||||
Sbjct: 648 ccgatcgcaaggggggctatggttcccaggctcccccttttagcatcgatggccgtggcg 589

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctccaggaccac 518
           || || ||||| ||||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 588 tatacagtgtaaaccagcccgaacgtcatcacgatctccagcaccac 542

to top

>gb|AF326506.1|AF326506 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP4-2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1255

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 4e-08
 Identities = 52/58 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
           ||||||||||||||||||| ||||  ||||||| ||||| ||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 743 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgaagttgccgccggcgaggctgttggcgccgactatga 686

to top

>emb|BX823744.1|CNS0A6NJ Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS71ZE09 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 573

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 4e-08
 Identities = 135/166 (81%), Gaps = 2/166 (1%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 183 acggctgggttcatggaagctccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 124

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgac-ggc 464
           ||||| || |||||||| || ||||| || || || || || ||||||||||| || |||
Sbjct: 123 atgaaacctatggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagactaccgttcttggggtcaacgggc 64

Query: 465 ggtggcgtacac-cgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
            |||||||| ||  ||||| || |||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 63  tgtggcgtagacgggtgtagacgagcccgaaggtcatcacgatctc 18

to top

>dbj|AB012271.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPE, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 67.9 bits (34), Expect = 4e-08
 Identities = 82/98 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| || || || |||||||     |||||
Sbjct: 321 gatgttggcgccgacgataaagccgatggcgatcggtgcaattgtgcccaatgcaccctt 262

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacacca 487
           |||||||||    ||||||||||| || ||||||||||
Sbjct: 261 cttggggtcacatgcggtggcgtaaacggtgtacacca 224

to top

>gb|DQ237285.1| Panax ginseng tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP1) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 940

 Score = 65.9 bits (33), Expect = 2e-07
 Identities = 57/65 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           |||||||| ||||||| |||||| ||||| || ||||| |||||||| ||||||||||| 
Sbjct: 561 cccttctttgggtcgatggcggttgcgtaaacggtgtaaaccagcccaaaggtcatgaca 502

Query: 505 atctc 509
Sbjct: 501 atctc 497

to top

>gb|AF271662.1|AF271662 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putative aquaporin TIP2 (TIP2)
           mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 304

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 98/120 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||| || |||||||| || || || ||||| || ||| |||| | | |||||||
Sbjct: 274 gatgttggcacccacgatgaaaccaattgcaatgggtgcaatgatgccgatgttgccctt 215

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           ||| ||||| | ||| || ||||| || ||||| ||||| |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 214 cttcgggtcaatggctgttgcgtatacagtgtaaaccaggccgaaggtcatgacaatctc 155

to top

>gb|AY821911.1| Gossypium hirsutum putative tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA,
           partial cds
          Length = 529

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 86/104 (82%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 193 gcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtag 252
           ||||| || |||||||| ||||||||||||||||||  |  ||||||||  | |||||||
Sbjct: 417 gcttaataatcggtggttgggagctgctcgtgggtgttgctgatgaagatgaactcgtag 358

Query: 253 atgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagta 296
           ||||  || ||||| || || ||||| ||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 357 atgagaccagcgagcccaccaccgataaggggtccgacccagta 314

 Score = 63.9 bits (32), Expect = 6e-07
 Identities = 68/80 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 427 gcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacacc 486
           ||||| || |||| ||| ||||| ||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 183 gcgattgttcccaagcttccctttttgggatcaacggctgtggcgtacactgtgtacacc 124

Query: 487 agcccgaaggtcatgacgat 506
           |  ||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 123 aatccgaaggtcatcacgat 104

to top

>ref|NM_188626.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa8229 predicted mRNA
          Length = 756

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
           ||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||| | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 590 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgagcgcgccgccggcgacggtgttggcgccgacga 536

to top

>ref|NM_197137.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) putative beta-tonoplast
           intrinsic protein (OSJNBa0051D19.19), mRNA
          Length = 1186

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
           |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 855 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 796

Query: 319 cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
           |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 795 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 773

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 728 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 680

to top

>ref|NM_189871.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 576

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 61/71 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
           |||||||||||| | ||||||| |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || ||| | |
Sbjct: 512 ccggcgaggccggcaccgatgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagtgc 453

Query: 319 cagctgacgag 329
           |||| ||||||
Sbjct: 452 cagccgacgag 442

to top

>gb|AC023240.9| Oryza sativa chromosome 10 BAC OSJNBa0051D19 genomic sequence, complete
          Length = 131984

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259   ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
             |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 26108 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 26167

Query: 319   cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
             |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 26168 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 26190

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 386   cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
             |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 26235 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 26283

to top

>dbj|AP008216.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 10, complete
          Length = 22685906

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259      ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
                |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 18187020 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 18186961

Query: 319      cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
                |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 18186960 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 18186938

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386      cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
                |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 18186893 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 18186845

to top

>dbj|AP008213.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, complete
          Length = 29644043

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 61/71 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259      ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
                |||||||||||| | ||||||| |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || ||| | |
Sbjct: 25641777 ccggcgaggccggcaccgatgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagtgc 25641836

Query: 319      cagctgacgag 329
                |||| ||||||
Sbjct: 25641837 cagccgacgag 25641847

to top

>gb|AF275315.1|AF275315 Lotus japonicus water-selective transport intrinsic membrane
           protein 1 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1162

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 58/67 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           ||||||||||| || ||||| |||||||| || ||||||||||  || |||||||| |||
Sbjct: 562 cccttcttgggatcaacggctgtggcgtaaactgtgtacaccaatccaaaggtcatcacg 503

Query: 505 atctcca 511
Sbjct: 502 atctcca 496

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 39/45 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 318 ccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgga 362
           |||||| |||| ||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 689 ccagctcacgacggctggtccgaatgacacggcggggttcatgga 645

to top

>dbj|AP004380.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 7, PAC
          Length = 143200

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 61/71 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259   ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
             |||||||||||| | ||||||| |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || ||| | |
Sbjct: 95750 ccggcgaggccggcaccgatgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagtgc 95809

Query: 319   cagctgacgag 329
             |||| ||||||
Sbjct: 95810 cagccgacgag 95820

to top

>dbj|AK111931.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-016-C03, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1200

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
           |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 864 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 805

Query: 319 cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
           |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 804 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 782

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 737 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 689

to top

>dbj|AB114828.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) OsTIP3 mRNA for tonoplast
           intrinsic protein, complete cds
          Length = 1178

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
           |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 847 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 788

Query: 319 cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
           |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 787 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 765

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 720 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 672

to top

>dbj|AK106383.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:002-102-E03, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1787

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
           |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 139 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 198

Query: 319 cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
           |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 199 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 221

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 266 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 314

to top

>dbj|AK099190.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023108H12, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1055

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
           ||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||| | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 636 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgagcgcgccgccggcgacggtgttggcgccgacga 582

to top

>dbj|AK069592.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023019I12, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1059

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 49/55 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacga 406
           ||||||||||||||||||| ||  ||||||||| ||| | |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 639 gggttcatggacgcgccggtgagcgcgccgccggcgacggtgttggcgccgacga 585

to top

>gb|AE016959.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 10, complete sequence
          Length = 22698374

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 70/83 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259      ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggtacccccactcc 318
                |||||||||||| |||||| || |||||||| |||||||||||| |||| || |||   |
Sbjct: 18196273 ccggcgaggccggcgccgacgaaggggccgagccagtacacccagtggtgcctccagcgc 18196214

Query: 319      cagctgacgagggcggggccgaa 341
                |||| |||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 18196213 cagccgacgagcgccgggccgaa 18196191

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 43/49 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386      cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
                |||| ||||||||||||| || |||||||| |||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 18196146 cgagcatgttggcgccgaggaggaagccgacggcgagcggcgcgatggt 18196098

to top

>dbj|AP004479.1| Lotus japonicus genomic DNA, chromosome 1, clone:LjT03H13, TM0012b,
             complete sequence
          Length = 41820

 Score = 61.9 bits (31), Expect = 2e-06
 Identities = 58/67 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 445   cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
             ||||||||||| || ||||| |||||||| || ||||||||||  || |||||||| |||
Sbjct: 10234 cccttcttgggatcaacggctgtggcgtaaactgtgtacaccaatccaaaggtcatcacg 10293

Query: 505   atctcca 511
Sbjct: 10294 atctcca 10300

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 39/45 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 318   ccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgga 362
             |||||| |||| ||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 10107 ccagctcacgacggctggtccgaatgacacggcggggttcatgga 10151

to top

>dbj|AB010416.1| Raphanus sativus VIP3 mRNA for delta-VM23, complete cds
          Length = 911

 Score = 60.0 bits (30), Expect = 1e-05
 Identities = 42/46 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 589 aggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| |||||||||||||| || ||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 394 aggaagcaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagccacccagtaga 349

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 41/47 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 388 aggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||||| ||||||||||  || ||||||| ||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 598 aggatgttggcaccgacgatgagaccaatggcgaggggagcgatggt 552

to top

>ref|NM_124117.2| Arabidopsis thaliana AtTIP2;3; water channel AT5G47450 (AtTIP2;3)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1051

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 597 cgaggatgttggcaccaactatgaagccgatggcgattggagcgatggt 549

to top

>ref|NM_188505.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group), Ozsa8174 predicted mRNA
          Length = 969

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           |||||||||||| ||||||||| ||| |||| |||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 881 ccggcgaggccggcgccgatgaagggaccgagccagtacacccagtggt 833

to top

>gb|BT011663.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At5g47450 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 753

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 559 cgaggatgttggcaccaactatgaagccgatggcgattggagcgatggt 511

to top

>gb|BT011212.1| Arabidopsis thaliana At5g47450 gene, complete cds
          Length = 853

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 587 cgaggatgttggcaccaactatgaagccgatggcgattggagcgatggt 539

to top

>gb|AF521135.1| Kandelia candel tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) mRNA, complete
          Length = 1099

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 35/37 (94%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 193 gcttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgc 229
           ||||||||||| | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 859 gcttagtagtcagcggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgc 823

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 2e-04
 Identities = 86/104 (82%), Gaps = 1/104 (0%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcg 465
           ||||| ||||||||||||| |||||| |||||||   | ||||||||||| || |  || 
Sbjct: 642 atgaaaccgatggcgatgg-cgcgattgtgcccaaatttcccttcttgggatcaatagcc 584

Query: 466 gtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctc 509
           || ||||| || |||||||| || |||||||||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 583 gtcgcgtagactgtgtacacgaggccgaaggtcatgactatctc 540

to top

>dbj|AP002094.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 1, PAC
          Length = 148985

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259    ccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
              |||||||||||| ||||||||| ||| |||| |||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 125093 ccggcgaggccggcgccgatgaagggaccgagccagtacacccagtggt 125141

to top

>gb|AF133531.1|AF133531 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum water channel protein MipI (MipI)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1035

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 56/65 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           |||||||||||||| || || |||||||| || ||||| || |||||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 576 cccttcttggggtcaacagcagtggcgtagacggtgtagacaagcccgaaggtcatcaca 517

Query: 505 atctc 509
Sbjct: 516 atctc 512

to top

>dbj|AB025628.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 5, P1 clone:MNJ7
          Length = 80117

 Score = 58.0 bits (29), Expect = 4e-05
 Identities = 44/49 (89%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 386  cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
            ||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 8647 cgaggatgttggcaccaactatgaagccgatggcgattggagcgatggt 8695

to top

>emb|BX823560.1|CNS0A7QS Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS51ZB01 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 676

 Score = 56.0 bits (28), Expect = 2e-04
 Identities = 100/124 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386 cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgc 445
           |||||||||| || || |||||||| || | |||||| || ||||| || || || |  |
Sbjct: 237 cgaggatgttcgctccaacgatgaaacccaaggcgattggtgcgattgttccgagacgac 178

Query: 446 ccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacga 505
           | ||||||||||| ||||| |||||||  || ||||| || ||||||| |||||| ||||
Sbjct: 177 cgttcttggggtcaacggctgtggcgtcgacggtgtagacgagcccgagggtcatcacga 118

Query: 506 tctc 509
Sbjct: 117 tctc 114

to top

>gb|BT016509.1| Zea mays clone Contig342 mRNA sequence
          Length = 1237

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 54/63 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 245 gctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccact 304
           ||||||||| |||||||| ||||||| ||||||  | ||| || |||||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 880 gctcgtagacgacgccggagaggccggcgccgaccatgggccccacccagtacacccatt 821

Query: 305 ggt 307
Sbjct: 820 ggt 818

to top

>emb|X72581.1|ATGTIPMR A.thaliana mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic protein gamma (gamma-TIP)
          Length = 933

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 90/111 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
           ||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||  |  ||||||||  |  ||||||||||
Sbjct: 787 agtagtcggtggttgggagctgctcgtgtgtggtgttgatgaagaaaacttcgtagatga 728

Query: 257 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
             || ||||  || ||||||| ||| || ||| ||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 727 gtccagcgattccaccgccgacgagaggtccggcccagtacacccagtggt 677

to top

>emb|AJ289866.2|VVI289866 Vitis vinifera mRNA for putative aquaporin (delta-TIP gene)
          Length = 1017

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 36/39 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcat 359
           |||||||| ||||||||||||||||  ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 624 gctgacgacggcggggccgaaggagcgggcggggttcat 586

to top

>gb|AF271661.1|AF271661 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putative aquaporin TIP1 (TIP1)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1057

 Score = 54.0 bits (27), Expect = 6e-04
 Identities = 36/39 (92%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcat 359
           |||||||| ||||||||||||||||  ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 666 gctgacgacggcggggccgaaggagcgggcggggttcat 628

to top

>gb|AY130971.1| Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast intrinsic protein
           bobTIP26-2 gene, complete cds
          Length = 1442

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 53/62 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 448 ttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatc 507
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || ||||| || ||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 996 ttcttgggatcaacggcggtggcgtagactgtgtaaactagcccaaatgtcattacgatc 937

Query: 508 tc 509
Sbjct: 936 tc 935

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 89/111 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197  agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
            |||||||||||||||||||||| || || |||  |  ||||||||  | |||||||||||
Sbjct: 1247 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgttcatgtgtggtgttgatgaagaaaacctcgtagatga 1188

Query: 257  cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
              |||||||  || |||||||| || || ||  ||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 1187 gtccggcgactccaccgccgataagaggtccagcccagtagacccagtggt 1137

to top

>gb|U92652.2|BOU92652 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis tonoplast intrinsic protein
           bobTIP26-2 mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 599

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 53/62 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 448 ttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatc 507
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || ||||| || ||||| ||||||
Sbjct: 275 ttcttgggatcaacggcggtggcgtagactgtgtaaactagcccaaatgtcattacgatc 216

Query: 508 tc 509
Sbjct: 215 tc 214

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 89/111 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 197 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagagcagctcgtagatga 256
           |||||||||||||||||||||| || || |||  |  ||||||||  | |||||||||||
Sbjct: 526 agtagtcggtggtggggagctgttcatgtgtggtgttgatgaagaaaacctcgtagatga 467

Query: 257 cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
             |||||||  || |||||||| || || ||  ||||||| ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 466 gtccggcgactccaccgccgataagaggtccagcccagtagacccagtggt 416

to top

>dbj|AB012268.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPB, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 52.0 bits (26), Expect = 0.002
 Identities = 29/30 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggc 419
           |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 321 gatgttggcgccgacgataaagccgatggc 292

to top

>gb|AF367456.1| Prunus persica clone gTip1 gamma-tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA,
           partial cds
          Length = 408

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 40/45 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 318 ccagctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgga 362
           |||||||||||  ||||| ||||||||||| || |||||||||||
Sbjct: 393 ccagctgacgacagcgggtccgaaggagactgccgggttcatgga 349

to top

>dbj|AB012269.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPC, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 25/25 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 397 gcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 421
Sbjct: 314 gcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcga 290

to top

>dbj|AB012267.1| Aster tripolium mRNA for SAMIPA, partial cds
          Length = 321

 Score = 50.1 bits (25), Expect = 0.009
 Identities = 28/29 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 394 ttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgat 422
           |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 317 ttggcgccgacgataaagccgatggcgat 289

to top

>ref|NM_112495.2| Arabidopsis thaliana DELTA-TIP; water channel AT3G16240 (DELTA-TIP)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1125

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 703 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 644

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 643 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 584

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 583 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 544

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 466 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 418

to top

>ref|NM_112496.2| Arabidopsis thaliana electron carrier/ electron transporter/ iron ion
            binding AT3G16250 mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1538

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 352  gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
            |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 1172 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 1231

Query: 412  ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
            || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 1232 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 1291

Query: 472  tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
            || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 1292 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 1331

to top

>emb|X95952.1|HAAP H.annuus mRNA for aquaporin
          Length = 931

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 39/44 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 444 gcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacacca 487
           ||||||||||||||| || ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||
Sbjct: 553 gcccttcttggggtcaactgcggtggcgtaaacgttgtacacca 510

to top

>gb|AY081622.1| Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast intrinsic protein (At3g16230)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 853

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 593 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 534

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 533 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 474

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 473 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 434

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 356 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 308

to top

>gb|AY065181.1| Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast intrinsic protein (At3g16230;
           MYA6.5) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 929

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 664 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 605

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 604 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 545

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 544 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 505

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 427 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 379

to top

>gb|AF326509.1|AF326509 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP5-1 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1021

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 42/48 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 321 gctgacgagggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgcc 368
           |||||||| ||| |||||||| |||  ||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 709 gctgacgacggccgggccgaacgagcgggccgggttcatggacgcgcc 662

to top

>emb|BX823177.1|CNS0A5ZD Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB95ZE06 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 903

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 641 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 582

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 581 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 522

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 521 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 482

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 404 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 356

to top

>emb|BX823081.1|CNS0A5VY Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB88ZH07 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 957

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 646 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 587

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 586 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 527

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 526 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 487

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 409 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 361

to top

>emb|BX823757.1|CNS0A5CX Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTLS72ZD10 of Adult vegetative tissue of strain col-0
           of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 945

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 643 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 584

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 583 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 524

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 523 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 484

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 406 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 358

to top

>gb|AY085921.1| Arabidopsis thaliana clone 19689 mRNA, complete sequence
          Length = 978

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 665 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 606

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 605 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 546

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 545 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 506

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 428 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 380

to top

>dbj|AB023046.1| Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA, chromosome 3, P1 clone: MYA6
          Length = 75289

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352   gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
             |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 19492 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 19433

Query: 412   ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
             || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 19432 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 19373

Query: 472   tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
             || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 19372 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 19333

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586   aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
             |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 18856 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 18808

to top

>gb|AE016825.1| Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472, complete genome
          Length = 4751080

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 33/36 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 395     tggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcga 430
               |||||||||||||||||||| || ||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 3239016 tggcgccgacgatgaagccggtgacgatgggggcga 3238981

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 397     gcgccgacgatgaagccgatg 417
Sbjct: 3655270 gcgccgacgatgaagccgatg 3655250

to top

>gb|U39485.1|ATU39485 Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast integral protein mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 939

 Score = 48.1 bits (24), Expect = 0.037
 Identities = 126/160 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaag 411
           |||||||||||  | |||||||| |  ||| || ||||||||||||| || ||||| |  
Sbjct: 610 gggttcatggatccaccggagaatggaccggcggcgaggatgttggcaccaacgataaga 551

Query: 412 ccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcg 471
           || |||||||  || |||||||| || ||    ||||||||||| ||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 550 ccaatggcgagaggagcgatggttccgagagaacccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcg 491

Query: 472 tacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 490 tagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatgatctcca 451

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 373 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 325

to top

>emb|X53040.1|RNNIP26 R.norvegicus MIP-26 mRNA
          Length = 336

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 38/43 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 301 aggcccccgccgatgattgggcccacccagtacacccagtggt 259

to top

>gb|AF521142.1| Kandelia candel tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 175

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 41/47 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 393 gttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgccca 439
           |||||| || || ||||| ||||||||||| |||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 62  gttggcacccacaatgaaaccgatggcgattggcgcgattgtgccca 16

to top

>emb|X53052.1|RRMIP Rat partial mRNA for main intrinsic protein
          Length = 936

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 38/43 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 635 aggcccccgccgatgattgggcccacccagtacacccagtggt 593

to top

>emb|X12514.1|RNMIP26R Rat mRNA fragment for main intrinsic protein 26 (MIP26)
          Length = 543

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 38/43 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 242 aggcccccgccgatgattgggcccacccagtacacccagtggt 200

to top

>emb|AJ251652.1|MTR251652 Medicago truncatula mRNA for aquaporin (aqp1 gene)
          Length = 1120

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 41/47 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 196 tagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgcgggagatgaagag 242
           |||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||||| |  |||||||||
Sbjct: 837 tagtagtcagtagttgggagctgctcgtgggtgctgttgatgaagag 791

to top

>emb|AJ243309.1|PSA243309 Pisum sativum mRNA for putative tonoplast intrinsic protein (gene
          Length = 1104

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 137/175 (78%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 337 ccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttg 396
           ||||| || ||||||||||||||||| || |||| |||||| || || || |  ||||| 
Sbjct: 686 ccgaatgacacggcggggttcatggatgctccggtgaaggctccaccaaccaaaatgtta 627

Query: 397 gcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgcccttcttgggg 456
           || || |||||||| || || || || || |||||  | || |   | |||||||| |||
Sbjct: 626 gcaccaacgatgaaaccaatagcaataggtgcgataattccaatattacccttctttggg 567

Query: 457 tcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacgatctcca 511
           || ||||| || |||||||| ||||||||||  ||||| ||||| || |||||||
Sbjct: 566 tcaacggctgtagcgtacacagtgtacaccaaaccgaaagtcatcacaatctcca 512

to top

>gb|CP000250.1| Rhodopseudomonas palustris HaA2, complete genome
          Length = 5331656

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 258     gccggcgaggccgccgccgatga 280
Sbjct: 3111631 gccggcgaggccgccgccgatga 3111609

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 257    cgccggcgaggccgccgccgatga 280
              ||||||||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 505314 cgccggcgaggccaccgccgatga 505291

to top

>emb|BX822968.1|CNS0A5UC Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB77ZF06 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 945

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 56/67 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           ||||||||||| ||  ||||||||||||| || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| |
Sbjct: 555 cccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcgtagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatg 496

Query: 505 atctcca 511
Sbjct: 495 atctcca 489

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586 aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
           |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 411 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 363

to top

>gb|AC020922.9| Homo sapiens chromosome 19 clone CTD-2105E13, complete sequence
          Length = 134793

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 165   cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 187
Sbjct: 78789 cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 78811

to top

>ref|XM_343137.2| PREDICTED: Rattus norvegicus major intrinsic protein of eye lens
           fiber (Mip), mRNA
          Length = 2075

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 38/43 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 685 aggcccccgccgatgattgggcccacccagtacacccagtggt 643

to top

>gb|AY207429.1| Homo sapiens interleukin 11 (IL11) gene, complete cds
          Length = 9803

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 165  cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 187
Sbjct: 1449 cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 1427

to top

>emb|AJ605573.1| Ricinus communis mRNA for aquaporin (Tip1-1 gene), clone pT4L
          Length = 1057

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 32/35 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 195 ttagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtgc 229
           ||||||||| ||||| ||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 804 ttagtagtcagtggtagggagctgctcatgggtgc 770

to top

>gb|AY112625.1| Zea mays CL46210_1 mRNA sequence
          Length = 479

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 53/63 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 245 gctcgtagatgacgccggcgaggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccact 304
           ||||| ||| |||||||| ||||||| ||||||  | ||| || |||||||||||||| |
Sbjct: 279 gctcgaagacgacgccggagaggccggcgccgaccatgggccccacccagtacacccatt 338

Query: 305 ggt 307
Sbjct: 339 ggt 341

to top

>gb|U39486.1|ATU39486 Arabidopsis thaliana delta tonoplast integral protein gene, partial
          Length = 2235

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 56/67 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445  cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
            ||||||||||| ||  ||||||||||||| || ||||| ||||   ||||||| |||| |
Sbjct: 2150 cccttcttgggatcagcggcggtggcgtagacagtgtagaccaaagcgaaggtgatgatg 2091

Query: 505  atctcca 511
Sbjct: 2090 atctcca 2084

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 586  aggaggaagcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagctgcgccacccagtaga 634
            |||||||| || |||||||||||||| || ||||| || | ||||||||
Sbjct: 1608 aggaggaaacaagcggcggtggagccgagaagctgagcgatccagtaga 1560

to top

>gb|AF000143.1|HSAF000143 Human putative alternative lens membrane intrinsic protein (PALM)
           mRNA, partial cds
          Length = 789

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 38/43 (88%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 265 aggccgccgccgatgagggggccgacccagtacacccactggt 307
           ||||| ||||||||||  ||||| |||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 641 aggcccccgccgatgattgggcccacccagtacacccagtggt 599

to top

>gb|M81890.1|HUMIL11A Human interleukin 11 (IL11) gene, complete mRNA
          Length = 6870

 Score = 46.1 bits (23), Expect = 0.15
 Identities = 23/23 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 165 cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 187
Sbjct: 688 cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggc 666

to top

>ref|XM_476227.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  predicted mRNA
          Length = 756

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 49/58 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
           |||||||| |||||||||||||||  ||| ||  ||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 596 gggttcattgacgcgccggagaagttgccaccagcgatggtgttggcaccgacgatga 539

to top

>gb|AC145396.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 5 clone
             OSJNBa0042F15, complete sequence
          Length = 162959

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 49/58 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352   gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
             |||||||| |||||||||||||||  ||| ||  ||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 86935 gggttcattgacgcgccggagaagttgccaccagcgatggtgttggcaccgacgatga 86878

to top

>emb|AL591787.1|SME591787 Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 complete chromosome; segment 6/12
          Length = 329100

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 259    ccggcgaggccgccgccgatga 280
Sbjct: 213784 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatga 213805

to top

>ref|XM_851400.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 11 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4681

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_536333.2| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 1 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4681

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_851314.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 10 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4663

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_851274.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 9 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4438

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_851189.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 7 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4777

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_851152.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 6 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4696

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>ref|XM_851023.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to actinin, alpha 2, transcript
           variant 3 (LOC479191), mRNA
          Length = 4681

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 31/34 (91%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
           |||||||||||||| ||||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 124 acggacggacgggccggcggggcgcgggcggcgg 91

to top

>dbj|AP008218.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 12, complete
          Length = 27566993

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330     ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 8473737 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 8473716

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330     ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 8461221 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 8461200

to top

>dbj|AP008211.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 5, complete
          Length = 29737217

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 49/58 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352     gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
               |||||||| |||||||||||||||  ||| ||  ||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 7902160 gggttcattgacgcgccggagaagttgccaccagcgatggtgttggcaccgacgatga 7902103

to top

>ref|XM_343420.2| PREDICTED: Rattus norvegicus similar to RIKEN cDNA B230380D07
           (predicted) (LOC363089), mRNA
          Length = 2497

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 593 agcaggcggcggtggagcccagcagc 618
           |||||||||||| |||||||||||||
Sbjct: 474 agcaggcggcggaggagcccagcagc 499

to top

>gb|AF133532.1|AF133532 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum water channel protein MipK (MipK)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1076

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 79/98 (80%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggtgcccaggctgccctt 449
           ||||||||| || || ||||| || || || ||||| || ||||||||||    |||| |
Sbjct: 637 gatgttggctccaacaatgaacccaatagcaatgggggcaatggtgcccactgagcccct 578

Query: 450 cttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacacca 487
           ||||||||| || ||||||||||| || ||||| ||||
Sbjct: 577 cttggggtcaactgcggtggcgtagacggtgtagacca 540

to top

>dbj|AK072531.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:J023131O04, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1252

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 49/58 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
           |||||||| |||||||||||||||  ||| ||  ||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 787 gggttcattgacgcgccggagaagttgccaccagcgatggtgttggcaccgacgatga 730

to top

>emb|AL646053.1| Ralstonia solanacearum GMI1000 megaplasmid complete sequence
          Length = 2094509

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 25/26 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 402     gacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcg 427
               ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 1047164 gacgatgtagccgatggcgatgggcg 1047139

to top

>dbj|AK060193.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) cDNA clone:001-001-E07, full
           insert sequence
          Length = 1100

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 49/58 (84%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 352 gggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacgatga 409
           |||||||| |||||||||||||||  ||| ||  ||| | ||||||| ||||||||||
Sbjct: 786 gggttcattgacgcgccggagaagttgccaccagcgatggtgttggcaccgacgatga 729

to top

>gb|DP000011.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 12, complete sequence
          Length = 27492551

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330     ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 8473620 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 8473599

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330     ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 8461104 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 8461083

to top

>emb|AL928775.2|CNS08CC5 Oryza sativa chromosome 12, . BAC OSJNBa0030N06 of library OSJNBa from
             chromosome 12 of cultivar Nipponbare of ssp. japonica of
             Oryza sativa (rice), complete sequence
          Length = 146444

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330   ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 80400 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 80379

 Score = 44.1 bits (22), Expect = 0.58
 Identities = 22/22 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330   ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 351
Sbjct: 67884 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcg 67863

to top

>gb|AY839872.1| Vitis vinifera aquaporin (TIP1;1) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 993

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 54/65 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           |||||||| || || || || ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 553 cccttctttggatccactgctgtggcatacactgtgtaaaccaggccgaaggtcatcaca 494

Query: 505 atctc 509
Sbjct: 493 atctc 489

to top

>ref|XM_482690.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 2139

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 573 ggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggt 605
           ||||| || |||||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 234 ggtggtgatgcggaggaggaagcagtcggcggt 202

to top

>ref|XM_480293.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group),  mRNA
          Length = 1455

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 587 ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 607
Sbjct: 100 ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 80

to top

>gb|AE017351.1| Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21 chromosome 11, complete
          Length = 1019846

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 302    actggtacccccactcccagc 322
Sbjct: 290624 actggtacccccactcccagc 290604

to top

>gb|AC152063.5| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-204I16 from chromosome 12, complete
          Length = 209416

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 627   ccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaag 651
             ||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 98571 ccagtagagcaggccacggaagaag 98547

to top

>gb|AC154709.2| Mus musculus BAC clone RP24-357I4 from chromosome 12, complete sequence
          Length = 136354

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 94084 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 94104

to top

>gb|AE017180.1| Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA, complete genome
          Length = 3814139

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390     gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccg 414
               ||||||| |||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2949085 gatgttgtcgccgacgatgaagccg 2949061

to top

>ref|XM_593064.2| PREDICTED: Bos taurus similar to tumor protein p73 (LOC515105),
          Length = 2606

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 267 gccgccgccgatgagggggcc 287
Sbjct: 22  gccgccgccgatgagggggcc 42

to top

>gb|AY581827.1| Cynodon dactylon NOD26-like membrane integral protein-like mRNA,
           partial sequence
          Length = 555

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 345 gacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggaga 373
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 425 gacggcggggttcatgtgcgcgccggaga 397

to top

>ref|NM_002457.1| Homo sapiens mucin 2, oligomeric mucus/gel-forming (MUC2), mRNA
          Length = 15720

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 551   aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 571
Sbjct: 15523 aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 15503

to top

>gb|AF183913.1| Azospirillum brasilense major outer membrane protein OmaA precursor
           (omaA) gene, complete cds
          Length = 1435

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 259 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatg 279
Sbjct: 698 ccggcgaggccgccgccgatg 678

to top

>ref|XM_856403.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to aquaporin 6, transcript
           variant 2 (LOC607978), mRNA
          Length = 1082

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgga 362
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 588 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatgga 556

to top

>ref|XM_845359.1| PREDICTED: Canis familiaris similar to aquaporin 6, transcript
           variant 1 (LOC607978), mRNA
          Length = 1067

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatgga 362
           ||||||||||||||||  ||| |||||||||||
Sbjct: 573 ggcggggccgaaggagcgggccgggttcatgga 541

to top

>emb|CT025679.5| Mouse DNA sequence from clone RP24-296K22 on chromosome 14, complete
          Length = 160805

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156    acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 155955 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 155935

to top

>ref|XM_567655.1| Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans JEC21 hypothetical protein
            (CNK00920) partial mRNA
          Length = 2340

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 302  actggtacccccactcccagc 322
Sbjct: 2133 actggtacccccactcccagc 2113

to top

>gb|AC123532.4| Mus musculus chromosome 14 clone RP23-84B6, complete sequence
          Length = 166421

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 7846 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 7826

to top

>gb|AC098877.3| Mus musculus BAC clone RP23-2C24 from 14, complete sequence
          Length = 240151

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 37973 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 37953

to top

>gb|AC104099.5| Mus musculus BAC clone RP24-372J8 from 3, complete sequence
          Length = 148259

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 37509 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 37489

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 153   cacacggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
             ||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 37516 cacacggacggacggacgggcggg 37493

to top

>gb|BC012214.1| Mus musculus Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, a subunit, mRNA (cDNA
           clone MGC:19255 IMAGE:3967218), complete cds
          Length = 2176

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 23  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 43

to top

>gb|AY258323.1| Rubella virus strain BRD-II, complete genome
          Length = 9778

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 165  cgggcgggcggggggcaggcggcgg 189
            ||||||||| |||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 2327 cgggcgggctgggggcaggcggcgg 2303

to top

>ref|XM_503667.1| Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122, YALI0E07557g predicted mRNA
          Length = 2157

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 434  tgcccaggctgcccttcttgg 454
Sbjct: 1060 tgcccaggctgcccttcttgg 1040

to top

>ref|NM_019519.1| Mus musculus Rab geranylgeranyl transferase, a subunit (Rabggta),
          Length = 2547

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>ref|XM_961391.1| PREDICTED: Tribolium castaneum similar to CG31000-PC, isoform C
            (LOC654951), mRNA
          Length = 3244

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 257  cgccggcgaggccgccgccga 277
Sbjct: 1642 cgccggcgaggccgccgccga 1622

to top

>gb|CP000089.1| Dechloromonas aromatica RCB, complete genome
          Length = 4501104

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 261     ggcgaggccgccgccgatgag 281
Sbjct: 1201038 ggcgaggccgccgccgatgag 1201058

to top

>emb|BX640442.1| Bordetella bronchiseptica strain RB50, complete genome; segment 6/16
          Length = 349876

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 390    gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccg 414
              ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 151437 gatgtcggcgccgacgatgaagccg 151461

to top

>emb|BX640430.1| Bordetella parapertussis strain 12822, complete genome; segment 8/14
          Length = 348014

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 390   gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccg 414
             ||||| |||||||||||||||||||
Sbjct: 62418 gatgtcggcgccgacgatgaagccg 62442

to top

>emb|AL390091.1|NCB12F1 Neurospora crassa DNA linkage group II BAC clone B12F1
          Length = 68478

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 42894 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 42914

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 23/24 (95%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 153   cacacggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
             ||||||||||||||| ||||||||
Sbjct: 42887 cacacggacggacggacgggcggg 42910

to top

>emb|AJ489613.1|CAR489613 Cicer arietinum partial mRNA for tonoplast intrinsic protein (tip
          Length = 716

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 196 tagtagtcggtggtggggagctgctcgtgggtg 228
           |||||||| ||||| ||||| ||||||||||||
Sbjct: 428 tagtagtcagtggtagggagttgctcgtgggtg 396

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 9.1
 Identities = 38/44 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 334 gggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggc 377
           |||||||| || ||||| ||||||||||| || |||| ||||||
Sbjct: 290 gggccgaatgacacggctgggttcatggatgctccggtgaaggc 247

to top

>gb|AC139749.4| Homo sapiens chromosome 11, clone RP13-870H17, complete sequence
          Length = 131676

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 551   aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 571
Sbjct: 40001 aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 40021

to top

>emb|BX470185.18| Zebrafish DNA sequence from clone CH211-222D3 in linkage group 3,
             complete sequence
          Length = 198900

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 27616 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 27596

to top

>ref|NM_184109.1| Mus musculus retrotransposon-like 1 (Rtl1), mRNA
          Length = 5235

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 627  ccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaag 651
            ||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 4440 ccagtagagcaggccacggaagaag 4416

to top

>gb|AC183494.1| Brassica oleracea Contig C, complete sequence
          Length = 285752

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 42/49 (85%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 386    cgaggatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
              ||||||||||||| || |||||||| || || ||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 123743 cgaggatgttggcaccaacgatgaaaccaatagcgattggtgcgatggt 123695

to top

>dbj|AK146917.1| Mus musculus 17 days embryo kidney cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched
           library, clone:I920074L06 product:Rab geranylgeranyl
           transferase, a subunit, full insert sequence
          Length = 2422

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 41  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 61

to top

>gb|AF271660.1|AF271660 Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris putative aquaporin TIP3 (TIP3)
           mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 1133

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 54/65 (83%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 445 cccttcttggggtcgacggcggtggcgtacaccgtgtacaccagcccgaaggtcatgacg 504
           |||||||| || || || || ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||||||||| || 
Sbjct: 573 cccttctttggatccactgctgtggcatacactgtgtaaaccaggccgaaggtcatcaca 514

Query: 505 atctc 509
Sbjct: 513 atctc 509

to top

>ref|XM_926004.1| PREDICTED: Homo sapiens similar to Mucin-2 precursor (Intestinal
            mucin 2) (LOC642507), mRNA
          Length = 8604

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 551  aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 571
Sbjct: 8410 aggtgccggtggggagcccgc 8390

to top

>gb|U62778.1|GHU62778 Gossypium hirsutum delta-tonoplast intrinsic protein mRNA, complete
          Length = 997

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 39/45 (86%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacgatgaagccgatggcgatgggcgcgatggt 434
           ||||||||| || || |||||||||||||| ||||| || |||||
Sbjct: 592 gatgttggcaccaacaatgaagccgatggcaatgggtgcaatggt 548

to top

>tpg|BK001261.1| TPA: TPA_exp: Mus musculus RTl1 (Rtl1) mRNA, complete cds
          Length = 5235

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 627  ccagtagagcaggccgcggaagaag 651
            ||||||||||||||| |||||||||
Sbjct: 4440 ccagtagagcaggccacggaagaag 4416

to top

>dbj|AP008214.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 8, complete
          Length = 28434780

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 573      ggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggt 605
                ||||| || |||||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 21930666 ggtggtgatgcggaggaggaagcagtcggcggt 21930698

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 587     ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 607
Sbjct: 4166018 ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 4165998

to top

>gb|AF342810.1|AF342810 Zea mays NOD26-like membrane integral protein ZmNIP2-3 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1300

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 345 gacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggaga 373
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 442 gacggcggggttcatgtgcgcgccggaga 414

to top

>gb|AF326507.1|AF326507 Zea mays tonoplast membrane integral protein ZmTIP4-3 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1045

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 63/77 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 330 ggcggggccgaaggagacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgag 389
           |||||| ||||||||   ||| ||||||||||| |||||||| | |||| ||||| ||| 
Sbjct: 714 ggcgggcccgaaggacctggccgggttcatggaggcgccggacagggcggcgccggcgac 655

Query: 390 gatgttggcgccgacga 406
           |  |||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 654 ggagttggccccgacga 638

to top

>gb|AF326485.1|AF326485 Zea mays NOD26-like membrane integral protein ZmNIP2-2 mRNA,
           complete cds
          Length = 1387

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 27/29 (93%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 345 gacggcggggttcatggacgcgccggaga 373
           ||||||||||||||||  |||||||||||
Sbjct: 452 gacggcggggttcatgtgcgcgccggaga 424

to top

>emb|BX822791.1|CNS0A7SC Arabidopsis thaliana Full-length cDNA Complete sequence from clone
           GSLTFB64ZD05 of Flowers and buds of strain col-0 of
           Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)
          Length = 503

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 63/77 (81%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 346 acggcggggttcatggacgcgccggagaaggcgccgccgacgaggatgttggcgccgacg 405
           ||||| ||||||||||| || |||  ||| || || ||| |||||||||| || || |||
Sbjct: 95  acggctgggttcatggaagcaccgctgaaagctccaccggcgaggatgttagctccaacg 36

Query: 406 atgaagccgatggcgat 422
           ||||| || ||||||||
Sbjct: 35  atgaaacctatggcgat 19

to top

>gb|AC135495.2| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 3 clone OJ1664B11,
             complete sequence
          Length = 126040

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 156   acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 56775 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 56755

to top

>ref|NM_214226.1| Sus scrofa inositol(1,3,4,5)tetrakisphosphate receptor (CENTA1),
          Length = 1544

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 24/25 (96%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 157 cggacggacgggcgggcggggggca 181
           |||||||||||||||||||| ||||
Sbjct: 56  cggacggacgggcgggcgggcggca 80

to top

>gb|AE004658.1| Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, section 219 of 529 of the complete
          Length = 11864

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 257  cgccggcgaggccgccgccga 277
Sbjct: 2650 cgccggcgaggccgccgccga 2630

to top

>dbj|AP005606.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 8, BAC
          Length = 148205

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 587   ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 607
Sbjct: 65641 ggaggaagcaggcggcggtgg 65621

to top

>gb|AF127662.1|AF127662 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB geranylgeranyl transferase
           alpha subunit (Rabggta) mRNA, complete cds,
           alternatively spliced
          Length = 2466

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127661.1|AF127661 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB geranylgeranyl transferase
           alpha subunit (Rabggta) pseudogene, complete sequence
          Length = 2435

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127660.1|AF127660 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylgeranyl transferase alpha
           subunit (Rabggta) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively
          Length = 2492

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127659.1|AF127659 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB geranylgeranyl transferase
           alpha subunit (Rabggta) mRNA, complete cds,
           alternatively spliced
          Length = 2547

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127658.1|AF127658 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylgeranyl transferase alpha
           subunit (Rabggta) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively
          Length = 2547

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127657.1|AF127657 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB geranylgeranyl transferase
           alpha subunit (Rabggta) pseudogene, complete sequence
          Length = 2338

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127656.1|AF127656 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylgeranyl transferase alpha
           subunit (Rabggta) mRNA, complete cds, alternatively
          Length = 2395

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127655.1|AF127655 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J-gm/gm RAB geranylgeranyl transferase
           alpha subunit (Rabggta) gene, complete cds,
           alternatively spliced
          Length = 2685

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>gb|AF127654.1|AF127654 Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J RAB geranylgeranyl transferase alpha
           subunit (Rabggta) gene, complete cds, alternatively
          Length = 2685

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 156 acggacggacgggcgggcggg 176
Sbjct: 18  acggacggacgggcgggcggg 38

to top

>dbj|AP004558.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 8, PAC
          Length = 146663

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 573    ggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggt 605
              ||||| || |||||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 131335 ggtggtgatgcggaggaggaagcagtcggcggt 131367

to top

>dbj|AP003798.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 8, BAC
          Length = 128124

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 2.3
 Identities = 30/33 (90%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 573   ggtggagaagcggaggaggaagcaggcggcggt 605
             ||||| || |||||||||||||||| |||||||
Sbjct: 16415 ggtggtgatgcggaggaggaagcagtcggcggt 16447

  Database: nt
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:10 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,984,495,279
  Number of sequences in database:  917,343
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.01
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:16 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,988,174,986
  Number of sequences in database:  835,257
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.02
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:21 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,991,246,324
  Number of sequences in database:  771,481
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.03
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:27 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,990,718,311
  Number of sequences in database:  977,174
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.04
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:29 AM
  Number of letters in database: 1,278,410,368
  Number of sequences in database:  400,813
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Hits to DB: 5,997,411
Number of Sequences: 3902068
Number of extensions: 5997411
Number of successful extensions: 150367
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 391
Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 400
Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 1
Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 143492
Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 6821
length of query: 665
length of database: 17,233,045,268
effective HSP length: 23
effective length of query: 642
effective length of database: 17,143,297,704
effective search space: 11005997125968
effective search space used: 11005997125968
T: 0
A: 0
X1: 6 (11.9 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 20 (40.1 bits)
to top