-Barley Genetic Resources Database-
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Clone Information

BLAST Search Result

Clone Name rbasd13m07
Clone Library Name barley_pub

No. Definition Score
1ref|NM_197138.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) unknown ... 129 6e-27
2gb|AC023240.9| Oryza sativa chromosome 10 BAC OSJNBa0051D19 geno... 129 6e-27
3dbj|AP008216.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic D... 129 6e-27
4gb|AE016959.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome... 129 6e-27
5emb|Z68008.1|CER08B4 Caenorhabditis elegans Cosmid R08B4, comple... 42 1.2
6gb|AC154045.1| Drosophila melanogaster clone BACR34K23, complete... 40 4.6
7gb|AY316747.1| Rhizobium sp. NGR234 megaplasmid 2 contig 1, comp... 40 4.6
8emb|AL583862.35| Human DNA sequence from clone RP11-506B15 on ch... 40 4.6
9emb|AL354854.8| Human DNA sequence from clone RP11-572H4 on chro... 40 4.6
10dbj|AK149040.1| Mus musculus 2 days neonate sympathetic ganglion... 40 4.6
11gb|AC099555.4| Papio anubis clone RP41-390O6, complete sequence 40 4.6
12gb|AE002665.5| Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3L, section 83... 40 4.6
13gb|U20734.1|HSU20734 Human transcription factor junB (junB) gene... 40 4.6

>ref|NM_197138.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) unknown protein
            (OSJNBa0051D19.4), mRNA
          Length = 1501

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 6e-27
 Identities = 113/129 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 189  agggggtccgtagtactttgaaaaatatttggcaacccacggcgcaagctgagtgttctc 248
            |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 1215 agggggtcagtagtacttggaaaaatatttggcaacccatggagcgagctgagtattctc 1156

Query: 249  aggctcccttctgttctggttgtaatagtcagaccatatagccgggtatatctcagggtt 308
             || ||||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||| ||| || ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 1155 tggttcccttctgttcttgttgtagtagtcagaccatagagctggatatatttcaggatt 1096

Query: 309  gaagccatc 317
            ||| |||||
Sbjct: 1095 gaaaccatc 1087

to top

>gb|AC023240.9| Oryza sativa chromosome 10 BAC OSJNBa0051D19 genomic sequence, complete
          Length = 131984

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 6e-27
 Identities = 113/129 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 189   agggggtccgtagtactttgaaaaatatttggcaacccacggcgcaagctgagtgttctc 248
             |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 24854 agggggtcagtagtacttggaaaaatatttggcaacccatggagcgagctgagtattctc 24795

Query: 249   aggctcccttctgttctggttgtaatagtcagaccatatagccgggtatatctcagggtt 308
              || ||||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||| ||| || ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 24794 tggttcccttctgttcttgttgtagtagtcagaccatagagctggatatatttcaggatt 24735

Query: 309   gaagccatc 317
             ||| |||||
Sbjct: 24734 gaaaccatc 24726

to top

>dbj|AP008216.1| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) genomic DNA, chromosome 10, complete
          Length = 22685906

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 6e-27
 Identities = 113/129 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 189      agggggtccgtagtactttgaaaaatatttggcaacccacggcgcaagctgagtgttctc 248
                |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 18188274 agggggtcagtagtacttggaaaaatatttggcaacccatggagcgagctgagtattctc 18188333

Query: 249      aggctcccttctgttctggttgtaatagtcagaccatatagccgggtatatctcagggtt 308
                 || ||||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||| ||| || ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 18188334 tggttcccttctgttcttgttgtagtagtcagaccatagagctggatatatttcaggatt 18188393

Query: 309      gaagccatc 317
                ||| |||||
Sbjct: 18188394 gaaaccatc 18188402

to top

>gb|AE016959.3| Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group) chromosome 10, complete sequence
          Length = 22698374

 Score =  129 bits (65), Expect = 6e-27
 Identities = 113/129 (87%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 189      agggggtccgtagtactttgaaaaatatttggcaacccacggcgcaagctgagtgttctc 248
                |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||| || || |||||||| |||||
Sbjct: 18197527 agggggtcagtagtacttggaaaaatatttggcaacccatggagcgagctgagtattctc 18197586

Query: 249      aggctcccttctgttctggttgtaatagtcagaccatatagccgggtatatctcagggtt 308
                 || ||||||||||||| |||||| ||||||||||||| ||| || ||||| ||||| ||
Sbjct: 18197587 tggttcccttctgttcttgttgtagtagtcagaccatagagctggatatatttcaggatt 18197646

Query: 309      gaagccatc 317
                ||| |||||
Sbjct: 18197647 gaaaccatc 18197655

to top

>emb|Z68008.1|CER08B4 Caenorhabditis elegans Cosmid R08B4, complete sequence
          Length = 25495

 Score = 42.1 bits (21), Expect = 1.2
 Identities = 21/21 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 203   actttgaaaaatatttggcaa 223
Sbjct: 20268 actttgaaaaatatttggcaa 20248

to top

>gb|AC154045.1| Drosophila melanogaster clone BACR34K23, complete sequence
          Length = 163868

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 321    atatacacaaaacggcaacc 340
Sbjct: 156072 atatacacaaaacggcaacc 156091

to top

>gb|AY316747.1| Rhizobium sp. NGR234 megaplasmid 2 contig 1, complete sequence
          Length = 357655

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 320    gatatacacaaaacggcaac 339
Sbjct: 190244 gatatacacaaaacggcaac 190263

to top

>emb|AL583862.35| Human DNA sequence from clone RP11-506B15 on chromosome 1 Contains the 3'
              end of the gene for a novel protein (LOC149469), three
              novel genes (FLJ00408), gene KIAA0467 (FLJ45025, FLJ23425),
              the gene for a novel protein (HT036) (FLJ38925), the 5' end
              of the PTPRF gene for protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor
              type F and a CpG island, complete sequence
          Length = 167444

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 236    gctgagtgttctcaggctcc 255
Sbjct: 149464 gctgagtgttctcaggctcc 149483

to top

>emb|AL354854.8| Human DNA sequence from clone RP11-572H4 on chromosome 9 Contains
              pseudogene similar to part of a novel gene (KIAA1688), a
              solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine
              nucleotide translocator), member 6 (SLC25A6) (ANT3)
              pseudogene and a CpG island, complete sequence
          Length = 169550

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 299    tctcagggttgaagccatca 318
Sbjct: 122078 tctcagggttgaagccatca 122097

to top

>dbj|AK149040.1| Mus musculus 2 days neonate sympathetic ganglion cDNA, RIKEN
           full-length enriched library, clone:7120478H08
           product:vesicle-associated membrane protein, associated
           protein A, full insert sequence
          Length = 2980

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 255 ccttctgttctggttgtaat 274
Sbjct: 549 ccttctgttctggttgtaat 568

to top

>gb|AC099555.4| Papio anubis clone RP41-390O6, complete sequence
          Length = 180643

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 203    actttgaaaaatatttggca 222
Sbjct: 154012 actttgaaaaatatttggca 153993

to top

>gb|AE002665.5| Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3L, section 83 of 83 of the complete
          Length = 491220

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Plus

Query: 321   atatacacaaaacggcaacc 340
Sbjct: 92270 atatacacaaaacggcaacc 92289

to top

>gb|U20734.1|HSU20734 Human transcription factor junB (junB) gene, 5' region and complete
          Length = 8628

 Score = 40.1 bits (20), Expect = 4.6
 Identities = 20/20 (100%)
 Strand = Plus / Minus

Query: 177  tttggcaaacacagggggtc 196
Sbjct: 2057 tttggcaaacacagggggtc 2038

  Database: nt
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:10 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,984,495,279
  Number of sequences in database:  917,343
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.01
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:16 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,988,174,986
  Number of sequences in database:  835,257
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.02
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:21 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,991,246,324
  Number of sequences in database:  771,481
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.03
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:27 AM
  Number of letters in database: 3,990,718,311
  Number of sequences in database:  977,174
  Database: /shigen/export/home/twatanab/db/nt/nt.04
    Posted date:  May 29, 2006 11:29 AM
  Number of letters in database: 1,278,410,368
  Number of sequences in database:  400,813
Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Lambda     K      H
    1.37    0.711     1.31 

Matrix: blastn matrix:1 -3
Gap Penalties: Existence: 5, Extension: 2
Number of Hits to DB: 2,846,672
Number of Sequences: 3902068
Number of extensions: 2846672
Number of successful extensions: 75564
Number of sequences better than 10.0: 13
Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 13
Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0
Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 75523
Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 41
length of query: 349
length of database: 17,233,045,268
effective HSP length: 22
effective length of query: 327
effective length of database: 17,147,199,772
effective search space: 5607134325444
effective search space used: 5607134325444
T: 0
A: 0
X1: 6 (11.9 bits)
X2: 15 (29.7 bits)
S1: 12 (24.3 bits)
S2: 20 (40.1 bits)
to top